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6 Ergebnisse
Frontmatter -- Preface -- Table of Contents -- List of Abbreviations/Siglenverzeichnis -- Editors' Introduction. The Owl's Flight. Hegel's Legacy in a Different Voice -- Introduction -- Hegel's Theory of Absolute Spirit as Aesthetic Theory -- Section 1 The Night of Reason -- The Dark Side of Thought. The Body, the Unconscious and Madness in Hegel's Philosophy -- The Feminine in Hegel. Between Tragedy and Magic -- A Plastic Anthropology? Dialectics and Neuroscience in Catherine Malabou's Thought -- Maternal Consciousness and Recognition in the Anthropology of Hegel -- The Rise of Human Freedom in Hegel's Anthropology -- Seele, Verrücktheit, Intersubjektivität. Einige Überlegungen zu Hegels Anthropologie -- Die Behandlung der psychischen Störung. Hegel und Pinel gegen die De-Humanisierung der Geisteskranken -- Verrücktheit und Idealisierung. Wachen, Schlaf, Traum in Hegels Philosophie des Geistes -- Im wachen Zustand träumen. Der Einfluss der Gefühle auf die Entstehung psychischer Krankheiten -- Dialectics of Madness: Foucault, Hegel, and the Opening of the Speculative -- Section 2 Women for and against Hegel -- Hegel's Master and Servant Dialectics in the Feminist Debate -- Giving an Account of Precarious Life and Vulnerability. Antigone's Wisdom after Hegel -- "Men and women are wonderfully alike after all". The Practical Adaption of Hegel by Anna C. Brackett (1836–1911) -- Simone de Beauvoir Reading Hegel. The Master-Slave Dialectic -- Irigaray as a Reader of Hegel. The Feminine as a Marginal Presence -- Domination and Exploitation. Feminist Views on the Relational Subject -- Subversion without Subject? Criticism of the Dissolution of Nature and I-Identity in Performativity -- Considerations on the Female Body between Political Theory and Feminism. The Rehabilitation of Hegel? -- Reading Hegel on Women and Laughing. Hegel against or with Women/Other? -- Section 3 Female Characters in Hegel's Philosophy -- Hegel's Constellation of the Feminine between Philosophy and Life. A Tribute to Dieter Henrich's Konstellationsforschung -- Von Antigone zur anständigen Frau. Hegels Frauenbild im Spannungsfeld zwischen der Phänomenologie des Geistes und der Rechtsphilosophie von 1820 -- "Der Stand der Frau − Hausfrau". Hegels Affirmation der bürgerlichen Geschlechterverhältnisse -- Antigone and the Phenomenology of Spirit. Between Literary Source (vv. 925–928) and Philosophical Reading -- The Feminist Potential of Hegel's Tragic Heroines -- Welches Recht ist gerecht? 'Sittlichkeit' und 'Gerechtigkeit' in Hegels Deutung der Antigone -- Antigone's Guilt. Reading Antigone with Hegel and Butler -- Die Tochter der Nacht: "Nemesis" im Maß. Das Maßlose und die absolute Indifferenz in Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik -- Die mütterliche Seite der Dreieinigkeit an einer Stelle der Phänomenologie des Geistes -- The Sphinx and Hegel's Philosophy of History. On the Philosophical Riddle -- Section 4 The Twentieth Century and Hegel: Subversion or Conciliation? -- Subversion or Conciliation? The Challenges of Hegel's Legacy -- Hegels Relevanz für den heutigen Diskurs zu "Gemeinschaft/Community" -- The Work of Man and the End-of-History. Hegel Transfigured by Kojève's Thought -- Subjects of Desire and Law Hypothesis on Kojève's Hegel -- Der Andere in der Begierde. Kojèves Hegelianismus und dessen Einfluss auf die französische Philosophie -- Kreis und Ellipse Adornos Kritik an Hegel -- The Hegelian Influence in Adorno's Construction of the Idea of Nature -- Difference and Affirmation. Deleuze against Hegel -- WO-MAN DIFFÉRANCE (I): Figuras indecidibles. Sexual Difference and Gender (Hegel read by Heidegger, read by Derrida, read by Cixous, read by Butler … et ainsi de suite) -- The Logic of Remains in Derrida -- With Portia in the Passage towards Philosophy. The Place of Translation in Hegel's System -- Reading Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. A Feminist Issue -- Section 5 Re-thinking the Absolute Spirit -- Suggestions on a Re-interpretation of Hegel's Philosophy of Absolute Spirit -- Friendship and Religion. Some Missing Elements in Hegel's Conception of "Lordship and Bondage" -- "Das Lob der Frauen". Hegel und das ästhetische Ideal Schillers -- The Reins of the Inconceivable. Contemporary Echoes of Hegel's Theory on Symbolic Art: Interpreting Kapoor's Art between Danto, Mitchell and Gadamer -- Philosophy and the End of Art. Hegel in Danto's View -- Judaism as the Other of Greek-Christian Civilization. Samuel Hirsch, Franz Rosenzweig, and Ernst Cassirer on Hegel's Religionsphilosophie -- Von Homer bis Hegel. Die Konzeption der Geschichte in Homer und der 'Traum des Hades' als vorstrukturierte Lesart der Hegelschen spekulativen Philosophie -- Hegel's Thought in Egypt. The "East", Islam, and the Course of History -- The "Feminine". A Breach in the Absolute Levinasian Anti-idealism -- Conclusion -- Critique, Refutation, Appropriation: Strategies of Hegel's Dialectic -- List of Contributors -- Editors -- Invited Contributors -- Selected Papers -- Index
In: Mimesis Verlag
In: Philosophie Nr. 1