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75 Ergebnisse
In: Collection Sécurité Nucléaire de L'AIEA Series v.9-G (Rev. 1)
In: IAEA Human Health Reports v.17
In: IAEA Safety Standards Series
In: IAEA TECDOC Series v.1990
Intro -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- 1.1. BACKGROUND -- 1.2. OBJECTIVE -- 1.3. SCOPE -- 1.4. STRUCTURE -- 2. EVOLUtION of SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERACTION ANALYSIS, Design Considerations and Country PracticeS -- 2.1. EVOLUTION OF SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERACTION ANALYSIS -- 2.2. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS -- 2.3. NATIONAL PRACTICES -- 2.3.1. United States of America -- 2.3.2. France -- 2.3.3. Canada -- 2.3.4. Japan -- 2.3.5. Russian Federation -- 2.3.6. European Utility Requirements -- 2.4. REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION IN IAEA SAFETY STANDARDS -- 2.5. SIMPLE, SIMPLIFIED AND DETAILED METHODS, MODELS AND PARAMETERS -- 3. ELEMENTS OF SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERACTION ANALYSIS -- 3.1. FREE FIELD GROUND MOTION -- 3.2. MODELLING SOIL, STRUCTURES AND FOUNDATIONS -- 3.2.1. Soil for design basis and beyond design basis earthquakes -- 3.2.2. Structures and soil-structure interaction models -- 3.2.3. Decisions to be made in modelling soil, structures and foundations -- 3.3. UNCERTAINTIES -- 3.3.1. Aleatory uncertainties and epistemic uncertainties -- 3.3.2. Avoiding double counting of uncertainties -- 3.3.3. Treating uncertainties in the soil-structure interaction analyses: explicit inclusion and sensitivity studies -- 4. SITE CONFIGURATION AND SOIL PROPERTIES -- 4.1. SITE CONFIGURATION AND CHARACTERIZATION -- 4.2. SOIL BEHAVIOUR -- 4.3. EXPERIMENTAL DESCRIPTION OF SOIL BEHAVIOUR -- 4.3.1. Linear viscoelastic model -- 4.3.2. Nonlinear one-dimensional model -- 4.3.3. Nonlinear two and three-dimensional models -- 4.4. ITERATIVE LINEAR MODEL AND ITS LIMITATIONS -- 4.5. PHYSICAL PARAMETERS -- 4.6. FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND LABORATORY MEASUREMENTS -- 4.6.1. Site instrumentation -- 4.6.2. Field investigations -- 4.6.3. Laboratory measurements -- 4.6.4. Comparison of field and laboratory tests -- 4.6.5. Summary of parameters and measurement techniques -- 4.7. CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION.
In: IAEA TECDOC Series v.1941
In: IAEA Safety Standards Ser. v.SSG-67
Intro -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- Background -- Objective -- Scope -- Structure -- 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR SEISMIC DESIGN AND GENERAL SEISMIC DESIGN ASPECTS -- External hazards -- Engineering design rules -- Design extension conditions -- Heat transfer to an ultimate heat sink -- Control room -- Other seismic design aspects -- 3. INPUT FOR SEISMIC DESIGN -- General concepts of seismic design -- Design basis earthquake -- Required input from the site evaluation process -- Final site response analysis for the seismic hazard assessment -- Determination of the design basis earthquake -- Beyond design basis earthquake -- Seismic categorization for structures, systems and components -- Selection of seismic design and qualification standards -- 4. SEISMIC DESIGN OF STRUCTURES, SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS -- Layout of the installation -- Buildings and civil structures -- Engineered earth structures and buried structures -- Seismically isolated structures -- Mechanical equipment -- Storage tanks -- Piping -- Buried pipes -- Electrical equipment, control and instrumentation -- Cable trays and conduits -- Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning ducts -- Seismic capacity -- 5. SEISMIC ANALYSIS -- Site response analysis -- Structural response -- Dynamic soil-structure interaction -- Direct methods -- Substructuring methods -- Structure-soil-structure interaction -- Combination of earthquake loads with other loads -- 6. SEISMIC QUALIFICATION -- Qualification methods -- Qualification by analysis -- Qualification by testing -- Types of test and typical application fields -- Planning -- Qualification by a combination of analysis and testing -- Qualification by indirect methods -- 7. SEISMIC MARGIN TO BE ACHIEVED BY THE DESIGN -- Concept of seismic margin -- Adequate seismic margin -- Procedures to assess the seismic margin.
In: IAEA TECDOC Series v.1940
In: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series
Intro -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- 1.1. Background -- 1.2. Objective -- 1.3. Scope -- 1.4. Structure -- 2. KEY CONCEPTS FOR COMPUTER SECURITY FOR NPP I& -- C SYSTEMS -- 2.1. Safety concepts in overall I& -- C architecture -- 2.2. Safety concepts and DiD -- 2.3. Computer security concepts -- 2.4. Computer security levels -- 2.5. Defensive computer security architecture specification -- 2.5.1. Trust models -- 2.5.2. DCSA requirements for computer security DiD -- 2.6. DCSA implementation -- 2.6.1. Computer security DiD -- 2.6.2. Computer security zones -- 2.7. Information technology and I& -- C computer systems -- 2.8. Types of computer security measures -- 2.9. Security of design artefacts -- 2.10. Interface between safety and security -- 2.11. Opportunities to enhance computer security -- 2.12. Supply chain considerations -- 3. RISK INFORMED APPROACH TO COMPUTER SECURITY -- 3.1. Modelling -- 3.1.1. Attack surface modelling -- 3.1.2. Threat modelling -- 3.1.3. Facility and system security modelling -- 3.2. Example scenario analysis -- 3.3. Common mechanism issues -- 3.4. Common cause access -- 3.5. Scenario analysis for common mechanism risk -- 4. COMPUTER SECURITY IN THE I& -- C SYSTEM LIFE CYCLE -- 4.1. General guidance for computer security -- 4.2. Secure development environment -- 4.3. Contingency plans -- 4.4. I& -- C vendors, contractors and suppliers -- 4.5. Computer security training -- 4.6. Common elements of all life cycle phases -- 4.6.1. Management systems -- 4.6.2. Computer security reviews and audits -- 4.6.3. Configuration management for computer security -- 4.6.4. Verification and validation, testing -- 4.6.5. Computer security assessments -- 4.6.6. Documentation -- 4.6.7. Design basis -- 4.6.8. Access control -- 4.6.9. Protection of the confidentiality of information -- 4.6.10. Security monitoring.
In: IAEA International Law Series
In: Non-Serial Publications
Intro -- SUMMARY -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- 1.1. Background -- 1.2. Objective -- 1.3. Scope -- 1.4. Structure -- 2. CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENERGY -- 2.1. Trends, targets and challenges for mitigation -- 2.1.1. Energy accounts for most emissions, with electricity driving growth -- 2.1.2. Rapid decarbonization of energy is needed to limit warming to 1.5°C -- 2.1.3. Trends in energy demand create challenges and opportunities -- 2.2. Energy technologies for the low carbon transition -- 2.2.1. Nuclear power and hydroelectricity have the lowest life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of electricity generating technologies -- 2.2.2. Material use shapes the emissions footprint of low carbon electricity technologies -- 2.2.3. Low carbon technologies vary in their contribution to a reliable electricity system -- 2.2.4. Low carbon generation technologies are increasingly competitive, but sensitive to financial risk -- 2.3. The potential of nuclear power for climate change mitigation -- 2.3.1. Low carbon nuclear power has slowed growth in global emissions -- 2.3.2. Nuclear power can play a larger role in ambitious decarbonization -- 2.3.3. Unlocking nuclear power's potential: Insights from 1.5°C pathways -- 2.4. Nuclear power: The state of play -- 2.4.1. Global trends in the nuclear fleet provide a base for scaling up action -- 2.4.2. Many countries are constructing and planning new nuclear power plants -- 2.4.3. Nuclear power is increasingly recognized in national climate plans -- 3. LOW CARBON ENERGY SYSTEMS -- 3.1. Integrating low carbon technologies in the power system -- 3.1.1. A mix of technologies can ensure a reliable and competitive low carbon electricity system -- 3.1.2. Flexible operation of nuclear power plants is valuable in a low carbon electricity system -- 3.2. Beyond electricity: Hydrogen and other energy carriers.
In: IAEA Safety Standards Ser v.SSG-55
Intro -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- Background -- Objective -- Scope -- Structure -- 2. THE USE OF X RAY GENERATORS AND RADIATION SOURCES FOR INSPECTION PURPOSES -- Types of radiation source used in inspection devices -- X ray generators -- Gamma sources -- Beta sources -- Neutron sources -- Types of inspection device -- Post room scanners and baggage inspection systems -- Inspection devices to detect explosives and narcotics in bottles containing liquids -- Hand-held backscatter inspection imaging devices -- Portable X ray radiography inspection imaging devices
In: Non-Serial Publications
Intro -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- 1.1. Background -- 1.1.1. Exercise scope -- 1.1.2. Exercise objectives -- 1.1.3. Exercise participants -- 1.1.4. Exercise documents -- 1.1.5. Exercise overview -- 1.1.6. Tabletop exercise -- 1.1.7. Field exercise -- 1.1.8. Lessons learned and findings -- 1.1.9. Conclusion -- 1.2. Objectives -- 1.3. Scope -- 1.4. Structure -- 2. EXERCISE PROGRAMME METHODOLOGY AND DESCRIPTION -- 2.1. Threat description (assumption) -- 2.2. Scenario -- 2.2.1. Source information -- 2.2.2. Transport details -- 2.3. Tabletop exercise -- 2.3.1. Overview -- 2.3.2. Facilitators
In: IAEA Nuclear Security Series v.8-G (Rev. 1)
In: IAEA TECDOC Series v.1896