Early labour market outcomes of Ukrainian immigrants: regional insights into mass migration
In: Regional Studies, S. 1-14
ISSN: 1360-0591
14 Ergebnisse
In: Regional Studies, S. 1-14
ISSN: 1360-0591
In: Journal of family studies, Band 30, Heft 4, S. 555-578
ISSN: 1839-3543
In: Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, Heft 395
ISSN: 2392-0041
In: Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, Band 330
ISSN: 1899-3192
In: European research studies, Band XXIII, Heft Special Issue 1, S. 720-731
ISSN: 1108-2976
In: European research studies, Band XXIII, Heft 4, S. 852-864
ISSN: 1108-2976
Purpose: The article aims to indicate the size and specificity of the disproportions in the financial inclusion of young people aged 15-24 between the old and new member states of the European Union. Design/Methodology/Approach: The work uses data from the Global Findex Database, which contains the results of a survey conducted in 2017 among households. The dependence between the different degrees of financial inclusion was examined. For this purpose, correlation coefficients were calculated and their significance was checked using t-statistics. The article primarily used statistical analysis of data concerning the degree of financial inclusion as a research method. Findings: Differences in the wealth of the old and new member states of the European Union may partly explain the differences in the degree of inclusion in financial services among young people in these countries, however, this link is not clear. The examples of Slovenia, Estonia, and Latvia indicate that it is possible to effectively promote among young people the use of banks and other formal financial institutions also in relatively less wealthy countries. Both in the group of countries belonging to the European Union and in the group of non-EU high-income countries, a strong correlation was found between the share of young people who have an account and the share of young people collecting savings in a bank or other formal financial institution. Practical Implications: Less affluent countries, which consider increasing inclusion in financial services among young people as an important goal, should also seek solutions in the educational and cultural spheres. That is why the activity of the authorities, financial and educational institutions as well as the media, which promotes having an account and collecting formal savings among young people, is socially desirable. Originality/value: The issue of inclusion in financial services among young people was examined, taking into account the diversity of conditions in the old and new European Union countries, and the results were compared to the situation in high-income countries from different continents that do not belong to the European Union. ; peer-reviewed
Motivation: The Payment Accounts Directive (PAD) constitutes an important regulation of the financial services market in the European Union resulting from premises of a social nature. Regarding the level of financial exclusion, Poland is third from the bottom in the European Union. Directive 2014/92/EU foresees an introduction of a payment account with basic features as a solution increasing the level of banking penetration ratio in the Member States. The changes introduced in the Polish Payment Services Act (PPSA) seem to be heading in this direction. Aim: The aim of this article is to evaluate the objectives of the aforementioned Directive and Act in the context of practical possibilities of achieving the basic objective of the regulations, i.e. the reduction of financial exclusion scale. An assessment of whether the implementation of the PAD in the Polish banking system will require considerable expenses and changes in the banks' market offer constitutes an additional objective of the article. Such an assessment requires taking into consideration the problems occurring both on the supply side, that is banks, and on the demand side, that is their customers. Results: The limited functionality and also attractiveness of a payment account with basic features, clearly shaped by the provisions of PAD, indicate that it is a solution aimed at a small group of consumers with low income and also low payment needs. Simultaneously, the emphasis indicated in PAD on the comparability of fees on payment accounts and on creating a commonly accessible service of transferring a payment account by consumers (as a consequence of easier comparison of account fees with its functionality in the offer of various providers) indicates that using a payment account with basic features may be of temporary character.
Motivation: The Payment Accounts Directive (PAD) constitutes an important regulation of the financial services market in the European Union resulting from premises of a social nature. Regarding the level of financial exclusion, Poland is third from the bottom in the European Union. Directive 2014/92/EU foresees an introduction of a payment account with basic features as a solution increasing the level of banking penetration ratio in the Member States. The changes introduced in the Polish Payment Services Act (PPSA) seem to be heading in this direction.Aim: The aim of this article is to evaluate the objectives of the aforementioned Directive and Act in the context of practical possibilities of achieving the basic objective of the regulations, i.e. the reduction of financial exclusion scale. An assessment of whether the implementation of the PAD in the Polish banking system will require considerable expenses and changes in the banks' market offer constitutes an additional objective of the article. Such an assessment requires taking into consideration the problems occurring both on the supply side, that is banks, and on the demand side, that is their customers.Results: The limited functionality and also attractiveness of a payment account with basic features, clearly shaped by the provisions of PAD, indicate that it is a solution aimed at a small group of consumers with low income and also low payment needs. Simultaneously, the emphasis indicated in PAD on the comparability of fees on payment accounts and on creating a commonly accessible service of transferring a payment account by consumers (as a consequence of easier comparison of account fees with its functionality in the offer of various providers) indicates that using a payment account with basic features may be of temporary character.
Motivation: The Payment Accounts Directive (PAD) constitutes an important regulation of the financial services market in the European Union resulting from premises of a social nature. Regarding the level of financial exclusion, Poland is third from the bottom in the European Union. Directive 2014/92/EU foresees an introduction of a payment account with basic features as a solution increasing the level of banking penetration ratio in the Member States. The changes introduced in the Polish Payment Services Act (PPSA) seem to be heading in this direction.Aim: The aim of this article is to evaluate the objectives of the aforementioned Directive and Act in the context of practical possibilities of achieving the basic objective of the regulations, i.e. the reduction of financial exclusion scale. An assessment of whether the implementation of the PAD in the Polish banking system will require considerable expenses and changes in the banks' market offer constitutes an additional objective of the article. Such an assessment requires taking into consideration the problems occurring both on the supply side, that is banks, and on the demand side, that is their customers.Results: The limited functionality and also attractiveness of a payment account with basic features, clearly shaped by the provisions of PAD, indicate that it is a solution aimed at a small group of consumers with low income and also low payment needs. Simultaneously, the emphasis indicated in PAD on the comparability of fees on payment accounts and on creating a commonly accessible service of transferring a payment account by consumers (as a consequence of easier comparison of account fees with its functionality in the offer of various providers) indicates that using a payment account with basic features may be of temporary character.
In: Economics & sociology: scientific papers, Band 17, Heft 2, S. 224-240
ISSN: 2306-3459
This paper presents empirical research on the employment attitudes of Ukrainian households that fled to one of the largest cities in Poland, during a mass migration at the onset of the Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. It identifies the characteristics of households with adult members immediately employed and those planning for future employment in Poland. Based on socio-economic migration theories and empirical knowledge, the paper delves into the role of the economic motive for these households' migration. The study is based on household-level survey data collected in Krakow in May 2022. The Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates technique is employed to identify the determinants of household members' employment and their plans in this regard. The findings confirm that financial reasons partly drove Ukrainian households to migrate during the war; however, public and private assistance played distinct roles in their prompt inclusion in the labour market and their planning for employment in Poland. Additionally, the findings allow us to conclude that knowledge of the Polish language consistently played a role in their professional activation abroad.
In: Journal of economic behavior & organization, Band 178, S. 385-401
ISSN: 1879-1751, 0167-2681
In: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Band 178