EU has a significant role in the world politics and economics. Τhe importance of Brexit is unquestionable for the world countries whether they are parts of the EU or not. Developments and events taken place in the EU affect politically and economically member states as well as other countries of the world. The Britain' exit from the EU is not expected to affect Britain and the EU only but all the countries which have economical and political relations with the EU. Britain's process of separation from the EU will have negative impacts on the EU's citizens who live in Britain, and the British citizens who live in the EU. The study aims to analyze the impacts of Brexit process for both sides. ; peer-reviewed
Currently, food security is becoming a fundamental problem in the global macroeconomic dynamics for policymakers and governments in developing countries. Globally, food security offers challenges both from achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets and the welfare perspective of many poor households. As a result, this study is guided by Neo Malthusian and Access theories to investigate Food Security Sustainability: a Synthesis of the Current Concepts and Empirical Approaches for Meeting SDGs in Nigeria using ARDL and ECM techniques. The ARDL revealed that agricultural value-added and GDP positively affect food security for commercial agrarian investments in Nigeria. However, internal displacement, population growth, food inflation, and exchange rate volatility negatively affect sustainable food security in Nigeria. The model's coefficient of ECMt−1 also shows negative (−0.0130 approximately) and statistically significant (0.0000) at 1%. Thus, the speed of adjustment requires 1.3% annually for the long-run equilibrium convergence to be restored. The study concludes that the SDGs targets for poverty and hunger reduction, mainly for food security sustainability alongside small producers by the year 2030, can be rarely achieved because the convergence to equilibrium is more than nine years. An active value-addition strategy for sustainable food security and the provision of humanitarian interventions are recommended.
PurposeSince financial sector plays a critical economic role in Hong Kong, the current research aims to comprehensively analyze the association between financial development and economic growth in the country to draw correct conclusions about the impact that financial sector's development has on the growth of the economy. This requires both using of more comprehensive data that includes all or nearly all elements of the country's financial sector and utilizing advanced econometrics techniques to provide more reliable evidence based on the findings. In the study, both issues have been addressed more academically to aid the relevant authorities better.Design/methodology/approachThis study empirically examines the financial development-economic growth nexus in Hong Kong employing data covering 1980–2019. The quantile-on-quantile (QQ) approach of Sim and Zhou (2015) is utilized to investigate certain subtle aspects of the association linking financial development and economic growth. In addition, the authors benefit from applying the nonlinear Granger causality test of Diks and Panchenko (2006) to assess the variables' nexus in a nonlinear manner.FindingsIn contrast to the evidence of a unidirectional linkage documented in many related studies, the empirical findings suggest that a bi-directional relationship exists between financial development and economic growth for Hong Kong. This is a helpful input for the relevant policymakers and implies that they can set appropriate policies and regulations to balance financial development and economic growth in this country.Originality/valueThe originality of this study can be divided into two parts. Methodologically, unlike past studies that utilized mostly linear and parametric methods, the paper contributes to the literature by applying the more robust nonparametric and nonlinear methodologies. Theoretically, most researchers have used various financial development indicators, which led to very different conclusions. Therefore, this study attempts to resolve this deficiency in the literature by using a more comprehensive index for financial development.
The present article employs balance of payment constrained growth model (BPCG) to investigate the relevance of exports, capital movements as well as relative prices on growth performance of the United Kingdom from 1970 to 2018. It makes use of autoregressive distributed lag model (ARDL) for the analysis. It was found that the innovative BPCG model is suitable for the explanation of growth experience of the UK. Accordingly, Keynesian mechanism-income plays the dominant adjustment role in restoring equilibrium. More interestingly, the inclusion of relative prices and capital flows in the balance of payments constraint model tends to influence the levels of output but they do not exert any substantial effect on the balance of payment equilibrium growth rate of the UK. In conclusion, the prosperity and growth of the world (OECD countries) and the expansion of exports would help in guaranteeing the steady-state of the UK economy.
Sound and efficient functioning of financial systems is critical to the economic prosperity of any economy. This paper investigates the tripartite relationship between financial sector output, employment and economic growth in North Cyprus. Using relevant time series data analysis (within the framework of structural breaks and VECM), we found that financial sector output in North Cyprus is sensitive to both internal and external shocks in that its economy is well linked with the global economy, in spite of the political isolation sustained since the bifurcation of Cyprus into North and South. The study further documents evidence of the neutrality hypothesis in the finance-growth nexus. The underlying variables were weakly connected in the short-run. However, economic growth responded to the short-run shocks and handled the equilibrating process of reverting to the long-run trend and thus, the demand following hypothesis is confirmed in the long-run.
Fluctuations in oil prices have caused economic contractions and challenges to oil-exporting economies. In particular, Nigeria suffers both the previous and current global oil price shocks and this has raised concerns among policymakers, governments, and economic analysts because of the impact of oil and oil prices in Nigeria's macroeconomic development. However, this paper investigates the role of diversification on economic growth in Nigeria using annual data from 1986 to 2018. The techniques applied showed that only remittances and official development assistance have affected economic growth in the short run. However, the coefficients of one period lagged indicated that the system is capable of adjusting to its long-run equilibrium condition after some shocks in the system. The findings from variance decomposition indicated that diversification plays a positive role on economic growth in both the short and long-run horizons. By overall implication, the study concludes that diversification has a positive role on Nigeria's economic growth. Therefore, the study recommends the need for the government to provide active and inclusive policies such as soft loans and commercial agricultural programs to improve its export of agricultural output competitiveness, improve supervisory and regulatory frameworks in the financial sector to ease remittances inflow. For these reasons, diversifying the economy from oil revenue is the ultimate goal for achieving sustainable economic growth and development goals or targets by the year 2030.
AbstractEcological footprint (EFP) measures the amount of area, that is land or sea, which is required to absorb the waste generated through human activities or to support the production of resources consumed by populations. EFP index therefore includes six dimensions that are cropland, forestland, carbon, fishing grounds, grazing land, and built-up area. Human activities have impacted the environment, leading to global warming, widespread droughts, and diseases. The present study aims to investigate the role of renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency on the EFP index. Past researchers have widely used carbon emission (CE) to represent environmental impact, and recent studies have shown that EFP index is a better proxy of environmental degradation. Therefore, the present research differs from past studies in that it compares on how the determinants of environmental degradation affects EFP index and CE. Panel dataset of the OECD countries from 1990 to 2020 is employed. The CS-ARDL, DCCEMG, and AMG techniques, which overcome dynamics, heterogeneity, and cross-sectional dependence, are employed. The main findings depict that RE significantly reduces EFP and CE, while economic growth significantly exacerbates them. Energy efficiency reduces CE, but does not significantly affect EFP. Non-renewable energy and research & development significantly increase CE, while an insignificant positive effect is observed with EFP. This paper shows that factors that significantly influence CE may not always significantly affect the EFP index. Thus, to reduce environmental degradation it is fundamental to understand on how each dimension of EFP is influenced.