
2 Ergebnisse


Forschungsdaten#115. Dezember 2015

CSES Module 2 Full Release

The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems; Ilirjani, Altin; Bean, Clive; Gibson, Rachel K.; McAllister, Ian; Billiet, Jaak; De Winter, Lieven; Frognier, Andre-Paul; Swyngedouw, Marc; de Almeida, Alberto C.; Meneguello, Rachel; Popova, Radosveta; Blais, André; Everitt, Joanna; Fournier, Patrick; Nevitte, Neil; Gidengil, Elisabeth; Lagos, Marta; Linek, Lukas; Mansfeldova, Zdenka; Seidlova, Adela; Andersen, Jørgen G.; Rathlev, Jakob; Paloheimo, Heikki; Pehkonen, Juhani; Gschwend, Thomas; Schmitt, Hermann; Schmitt, Hermann; Weßels, Bernhard; Rattinger, Hans; Gabriel, Oscar; Curtice, John; Fisher, Steve; Thomson, Katarina; Pang-kwong, Li; Tóka, Gábor; Hardarson, Ólafur T.; Marsh, Michael; Arian, Asher; Shamir, Michal; Schadee, Hans; Segatti, Paolo; Hirano, Hiroshi; Ikeda, Ken´ichi; Kobayashi, Yoshiaki; Kim, Hyung J.; Kim, Wook; Lee, Nam Y.; Isaev, Kusein; Beltrán Ugarte, Ulises; Nacif, Benito; Ocampo Alcantar, Rolando; Pérez, Olivia; Irwin, Galen A.; van Holsteyn, Joop J.M.; Vowles, Jack; Aardal, Bernt; Valen, Henry; Romero, Catalina; Sulmont, David; Guerrero, Linda Luz B.; Licudine, Vladymir J.; Sandoval, Gerardo; Jasiewicz, Krzysztof; Markowski, Radoslaw; Barreto, Antonio; Freire, Andre; Costa Lobo, Marina; Magalhães, Pedro; Barreto, António; Freire, André; Lobo, Marina C.; Magalhães, Pedro; Badescu, Gabriel; Gheorghita, Andrei; Sum, Paul; Colton, Timothy; Hale, Henry; Kozyreva, Polina; McFaul, Michael; Stebe, Janez; Tos, Niko; Díez Nicolás, Juan; Holmberg, Sören; Oscarsson, Henrik; Selb, Peter; Huang, Chi; Huang, Chi; Hawang, Shiow-Duan; Burns, Nancy; Dalton, Russell; Kinder, Donald R.; Shively, W. Phillips; American National Election Studies (ANES); Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, United States; Albania: Albanian Political Science Association, Tirana, and GLOBIC LLC, USA, Chapel Hill; Australia: information not available; Belgium: Institute of Social and Political Opinion Research (ISPO), K.U.Leuven, Belgium, & Point d'appui Interuniversitaire sur l'Opinion Publique et la Politique (PIOP), U.C.Louvain; Brazil: Uff-Universidade Federal Fluminense, Icaraí; Bulgaria: BBSS Gallup International, Sofia; Canada: Hitachi Survey Research Centre at the University of Toronto, Institute for Social Research at York University, Toronto; Chile: MORI, Santiago; Czech Republic: CVVM (Centrum pro vyzkum verejneho mineni - Centre for public opinion polling), Prague; Denmark: Gallup A/S (TNS Gallup Public: CAPI-interviews), Copenhagen; Finland: TNS Gallup (Gallup Finland), Espoo; France: Bruno Jeanbart CSA-TMO, Paris; Germany: Infratest dimap (for telephone surey), Berlin; Germany: University of Bamberg, Bamberg (for mail-back survey); Great Britain: National Centre for Social Research, London; Hong Kong: Public Governance Programme, Lingnan University, Lingnan; Hungary: Median Public Opinion and Market Research Institute Ltd., Budapest; Iceland: Social Science Research Institute of the University of Iceland, Reykjavik; Ireland: Economic & Social Research Institute, Dublin; Israel: Mahshov Survey Research Institute; Italy: IPSOS, Milan; Japan: CRS (Central Research Service: Chuou Chosa Co.) Tokyo; Korea: Korean Social Science Data Center (KSDC), Seoul; Kyrgistan: information not available; Mexico: Consulta, S.A.; The Netherlands: TNS NIPO, Amsterdam; New Zealand: information not available; Norway: Statistics Norway, Oslo; Peru: Instituto de Opinión Pública de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, San Miguel; Philippines: Social Weather Stations, Quezon City; Poland: Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS), Warsaw; Portugal: Metris-GfK (an established commercial polling firm), Lisboa (for survey in 2002); Portugal: CESOP-UCP (Centro de Estudos e Sondagens de Opinião da Universidade Católica Portuguesa), Lisboa (for survey in 2005); Romania: The Center for the Study of Democracy, Babes-Bolyai- University, Cluj-Napoca; Russia: Demoscope Independent Research Center, Moscow; Slovenia: CJMMK - Center za raziskovanje javnega mnenja in mnozicnih komunikacij [Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre] - Univerza v Ljubljani [University of Ljubljana], Fakulteta za druzbene vede [Faculty of Social Sciences], Ljubljana; Spain: ASEP, Madrid; Sweden: Statistics Sweden, Stockholm and Örebro; Switzerland: LINK Institut für Markt- und Sozialforschung, Lucerne; Taiwan: The Committee of the Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, Taipei (for survey in 2001); Taiwan: The Committee of the Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, Taipei (for survey in 2004); United States: Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Forschungsdaten#217. Februar 2014

CSES Module 2 Full Release

Ilirjani, Altin; Bean, Clive; Gibson, Rachel K.; McAllister, Ian; De Winter, Lieven; Billiet, Jaak; Frognier, Andre-Paul; Swyngedouw, Marc; de Almeida, Alberto C.; Meneguello, Rachel; Popova, Radosveta; Blais, André; Everitt, Joanna; Fournier, Patrick; Gidengil, Elisabeth; Nevitte, Neil; Lagos, Marta; Linek, Lukas; Mansfeldova, Zdenka; Seidlova, Adela; Andersen, Jørgen G.; Rathlev, Jakob; Paloheimo, Heikki; Pehkonen, Juhani; Gschwend, Thomas; Schmitt, Hermann; Schmitt, Hermann; Weßels, Bernhard; Rattinger, Hans; Gabriel, Oscar; Curtice, John; Fisher, Steve; Thomson, Katarina; Pang-kwong, Li; Tóka, Gábor; Hardarson, Ólafur T.; Marsh, Michael; Arian, Asher; Shamir, Michal; Schadee, Hans; Segatti, Paolo; Hirano, Hiroshi; Ikeda, Ken´ichi; Kobayashi, Yoshiaki; Kim, Hyung J.; Kim, Wook; Lee, Nam Y.; Isaev, Kusein; Beltrán Ugarte, Ulises; Nacif, Benito; Ocampo Alcantar, Rolando; Pérez, Olivia; Irwin, Galen A.; van Holsteyn, Joop J.M.; Vowles, Jack; Aardal, Bernt; Valen, Henry; Romero, Catalina; Sulmont, David; Guerrero, Linda Luz B.; Licudine, Vladymir J.; Sandoval, Gerardo; Jasiewicz, Krzysztof; Markowski, Radoslaw; Barreto, Antonio; Freire, Andre; Lobo, Marina C.; Magalhães, Pedro; Barreto, António; Freire, André; Lobo, Marina C.; Magalhães, Pedro; Badescu, Gabriel; Gheorghita, Andrei; Sum, Paul; Colton, Timothy; Hale, Henry; Kozyreva, Polina; McFaul, Michael; Stebe, Janez; Tos, Niko; Díez Nicolás, Juan; Holmberg, Sören; Oscarsson, Henrik; Selb, Peter; Huang, Chi; Huang, Chi; Hawang, Shiow-Duan; Burns, Nancy; Dalton, Russell; Kinder, Donald R.; Shively, W. Phillips; American National Election Studies (ANES); Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, United States; Albania: Albanian Political Science Association, Tirana, and GLOBIC LLC, USA, Chapel Hill; Australia: information not available; Belgium: Institute of Social and Political Opinion Research (ISPO), K.U.Leuven, Belgium, & Point d'appui Interuniversitaire sur l'Opinion Publique et la Politique (PIOP), U.C.Louvain; Brazil: Uff-Universidade Federal Fluminense, Icaraí; Bulgaria: BBSS Gallup International, Sofia; Canada: Hitachi Survey Research Centre at the University of Toronto, Institute for Social Research at York University, Toronto; Chile: MORI, Santiago; Czech Republic: CVVM (Centrum pro vyzkum verejneho mineni - Centre for public opinion polling), Prague; Denmark: Gallup A/S (TNS Gallup Public: CAPI-interviews), Copenhagen; Finland: TNS Gallup (Gallup Finland), Espoo; France: Bruno Jeanbart CSA-TMO, Paris; Germany: Infratest dimap (for telephone surey), Berlin; Germany: University of Bamberg, Bamberg (for mail-back survey); Great Britain: National Centre for Social Research, London; Hong Kong: Public Governance Programme, Lingnan University, Lingnan; Hungary: Median Public Opinion and Market Research Institute Ltd., Budapest; Iceland: Social Science Research Institute of the University of Iceland, Reykjavik; Ireland: Economic & Social Research Institute, Dublin; Israel: Mahshov Survey Research Institute; Italy: IPSOS, Milan; Japan: CRS (Central Research Service: Chuou Chosa Co.) Tokyo; Korea: Korean Social Science Data Center (KSDC), Seoul; Kyrgistan: information not available; Mexico: Consulta, S.A.; The Netherlands: TNS NIPO, Amsterdam; New Zealand: information not available; Norway: Statistics Norway, Oslo; Peru: Instituto de Opinión Pública de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, San Miguel; Philippines: Social Weather Stations, Quezon City; Poland: Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS), Warsaw; Portugal: Metris-GfK (an established commercial polling firm), Lisboa (for survey in 2002); Portugal: CESOP-UCP (Centro de Estudos e Sondagens de Opinião da Universidade Católica Portuguesa), Lisboa (for survey in 2005); Romania: The Center for the Study of Democracy, Babes-Bolyai- University, Cluj-Napoca; Russia: Demoscope Independent Research Center, Moscow; Slovenia: CJMMK - Center za raziskovanje javnega mnenja in mnozicnih komunikacij [Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre] - Univerza v Ljubljani [University of Ljubljana], Fakulteta za druzbene vede [Faculty of Social Sciences], Ljubljana; Spain: ASEP, Madrid; Sweden: Statistics Sweden, Stockholm and Örebro; Switzerland: LINK Institut für Markt- und Sozialforschung, Lucerne; Taiwan: The Committee of the Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, Taipei (for survey in 2001); Taiwan: The Committee of the Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, Taipei (for survey in 2004); United States: Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor