The Politics of Domestic Resource Mobilization for Social Development
In: Social Policy in a Development Context Ser.
In: Social policy in a development context
Intro -- Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Notes on Contributors -- Abbreviations -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- 1: The Politics of Domestic Resource Mobilization for Social Development: An Introduction -- Introduction -- The Issue -- Resource Bargains -- Types of Domestic Resources and Recent Policy Trends -- Research Themes, Hypotheses, and Case Studies -- Overview of the Volume -- References -- Part I: Domestic Resource Mobilization Through the Lens of Aid, Taxation and Mineral Rents -- 2: Fiscal Capacity and Aid Allocation: Domestic Resource Mobilization and Foreign Aid in Developing Countries -- Introduction -- Rationale and Motivation -- Aid Allocation, Fiscal Capacity and Performance: What Does the Literature Say? -- Cross-Country Empirical Analysis and Discussion -- Overview of Country Cases -- Taxation and Fiscal Performance -- Tax Effort Index -- Donor Involvement in Taxation and Public Financial Management -- Conclusion -- Appendix -- References -- 3: Domestic Resource Mobilization for Social Transfers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Can Foreign Aid Act as a Catalyst? -- Introduction -- Prominent Views on Aid for Social Transfers -- Methodology -- Empirical Evidence from Twelve African Cases -- Influence of Foreign Aid in the Origins of the Selected Schemes -- Social, Political and Financial Sustainability of the Schemes -- Ways Forward for Transformative Change -- Strengthening Citizen-State Relations -- Ensuring a Human Rights-Based Approach -- Contributing to a Broader Transformative Agenda -- References -- 4: How Can Governments of Low-Income Countries Collect More Tax Revenue? -- Introduction -- Dangling Fruit -- Transfer Mispricing in International Economic Transaction -- Mining -- Tobacco and Alcohol -- Exemptions -- Implementing VAT -- Taxing the Rich -- Property Taxes -- Changing Tax Policies.