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573 Ergebnisse
Central-local relation is a critical but overlooked perspective for understanding China's land system. During the last decades, the central government has decentralized considerable autonomy of land development to local governments to encourage the latter to adopt their advantages in local information for economic growth. However, the local government pursues more development-oriented goals, leading land to be an endowment for jurisdiction competition, fiscal revenue maximization, and officials' career advancement at the local level. The discretion of local government, however, is constrained by the central authority. Land quotas, land approval, and, perhaps most importantly, nomenklatura, all of which are controlled by the central government, undermine the credibility and irreversibility of decentralization. We call such a central-local relation limited decentralization, a framework that could be applied to explain a range of land issues such as farmland protection and real estate regulation. Although we believe the central government is the principal determinant of the degree of decentralization, we also acknowledge that the initiative of local governments is essential. The interactions between central and local governments result in rights definition, power distribution, and, consequently, land use policy change over time.
In: Journal of US-China Public Administration, Band 12, Heft 4
ISSN: 1935-9691
In: Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe II, Rechtswissenschaft
In: Publications Universitaires Européennes. Série II, Droit Bd. 5413
Das Problem der Subjektivität und Objektivität ist eine der zentralen Fragen der Rechtstheorie und Rechtsphilosophie. Diese Arbeit hat zum Ziel, die der Rechtsanwendung inhärente Subjektivität aufzuzeigen, und die Transformation von der Subjektivität zur Objektivität auf ein diskurstheoretisches Fundament zu analysieren. In traditionellen positivistischen sowie nichtpositivistischen Untersuchungen werden die subjektiven Elemente des Rechts vernachlässigt. Eine reine Objektivität ist unerreichbar und die Subjektivität ist unvermeidbar. Durch die Entwicklung eines komplexen Modells der Rechtsanw
In: Chapman & Hall/CRC financial mathematics series
In: A Chapman & Hall book
This book can serve as the text for a one-semester course on Monte Carlo simulation. The intended audience is advanced undergraduate students or students on master's programs who wish to learn the basics of this exciting topic and its applications to finance. The book is largely self-contained. The only prerequisite is some experience with probability and statistics. Prior knowledge on option pricing is helpful but not essential. As in any study of Monte Carlo simulation, coding is an integral part and cannot be ignored. The book contains a large number of MATLAB coding exercises. They are designed in a progressive manner so that no prior experience with MATLAB is required. Much of the mathematics in the book is informal. For example, randomvariables are simply defined to be functions on the sample space, even though they should be measurable with respect to appropriate algebras; exchanging the order of integrations is carried out liberally, even though it should be justified by the Tonelli-Fubini Theorem. The motivation for doing so is to avoid the technical measure theoretic jargon, which is of little concern in practice and does not help much to further the understanding of the topic. The book is an extension of the lecture notes that I have developed for an undergraduate course on Monte Carlo simulation at Brown University. I would like to thank the students who have taken the course, as well as the Division of Applied Mathematics at Brown, for their support. Hui Wang Providence, Rhode Island January, 2012.
In: Energy and environmental law & policy series 19
This is a compelling examination of the future of Chinese modernity by the leading member of China's 'New Left'. It challenges both the bureaucratic one-party regime and the Western neoliberal paradigm
World Affairs Online
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 31, Heft 38, S. 50967-50982
ISSN: 1614-7499
In: International migration review: IMR, Band 57, Heft 4, S. 1817-1819
ISSN: 1747-7379, 0197-9183
In: Actuel Marx, Band 73, Heft 1, S. 94-108
ISSN: 1969-6728
Dans cet entretien, inédit en langue occidentale, Wang Hui aborde les rapports entre pensée politique et pratiques de la révolution. Prenant comme point de départ les Thèses sur Feuerbach de Marx, il explore la façon dont cette question a été appréhendée dans la philosophie (Platon, Kant, Deleuze, Spivak…) ainsi que, dans le contexte chinois, par Mao Zedong et le mouvement communiste. Wang approfondit également la conception gramscienne de l'intellectuel organique afin de suivre les transformations de cette figure au fil du xxe siècle. Examinant un épisode décisif de l'histoire du Parti communiste chinois – la campagne de rectification de Yan'an dans les années 1940 –, il poursuit la réflexion à propos des relations entre le parti révolutionnaire et les intellectuels, et de ce qu'il en est advenu par la suite.
In: Social science quarterly, Band 103, Heft 7, S. 1750-1764
ISSN: 1540-6237
AbstractThis article aims to study the modern system of archives development in China and to determine a promising model of its adaptation to global challenges in the post‐truth era. The research methodology is based on a mixed qualitative and quantitative analysis of statistical data that show the development dynamics of archives system in China concerning public access and the formation of modern views on the problem of fact‐checking, as well as their reliability in the new historical post‐truth era. For effective verification of archival facts, researchers developed an adaptation model of China's archives to global challenges of information reliability in the post‐truth era. It is based on the idea of using artificial intelligence and the expert opinion of archivists. The practical use of the proposed model will contribute to improving the efficiency of archives, as well as the development of digital technologies in this area.
In: History of Humanities, Band 5, Heft 2, S. 309-331
ISSN: 2379-3171
In: Gender, place and culture: a journal of feminist geography, Band 27, Heft 10, S. 1504-1508
ISSN: 1360-0524