In: Twin research and human genetics: the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS) and the Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Band 13, Heft 6, S. 573-581
The aim of this study was to quantify contributions of genetic and environmental factors to variation in timing of emergence of the primary teeth in a sample of monozygotic and dizygotic twins, using univariate model-fitting approaches. The sample comprised 94 pairs of monozygotic twins and 125 pairs of dizygous twins, all of European ancestry, aged from 2–6 years. Tooth emergence timing was based on parental report, with a subset of data validated by clinical assessment. Heritability estimates for tooth emergence timing were generally high, around 90%, however estimates for the lower right lateral incisor and the lower canines were around 50%. These findings confirm a strong genetic influence on observed variation in the timing of emergence of the human primary teeth.
In: Twin research and human genetics: the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS) and the Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 285-291
AbstractChorion type is an important variable that can affect the prenatal environment of monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs, leading to differences in growth and development. In particular, vascular anastomoses between monochorionic (MC) MZ twin pairs can lead to an imbalance in nutrition between co-twins. One objective of this study was to determine whether maternal reports, hospital records or birthweight discordances found in MZ co-twins provide reliable indications of monochorionicity. The other objective was to test the hypotheses that in MZ twin pairs of known chorion type, MC twin pairs would show greater birthweight differences and greater within-pair variability in permanent tooth size than dichorionic (DC) twin pairs, reflecting greater differences in intrauterine environment between MC MZ pairs. Birthweights and tooth size data were recorded for 170 pairs of MZ Australian twins enrolled in an ongoing study of dentofacial growth and development. Chorion type based on maternal reports was compared with that based on hospital records for a subsample of 68 pairs of these MZ twins. Maternal reports were found to be unreliable for determining chorion type and hospital records often did not provide enough information to be certain about chorionicity. For 27 twin pairs with confirmed chorion type, associations were tested between birthweight discordances in MZ twin pairs and chorion type, and also between intrapair variances for tooth size and chorion type. A significant association was noted between birthweight discordance and chorion type (p<.05), with greater discordances occurring more often in MC twin pairs. Although significant heterogeneity of intrapair variances for tooth size was found in only 5 of 48 comparisons, intrapair variances for crown dimensions were greater significantly more often in MC pairs than DC pairs (p<.05). Our findings indicated that neither maternal reports nor often hospital records can be relied upon for information on chorion type. However, when analyses were performed on data for MZ twin pairs of known chorion type, we found evidence of a significant association between intrapair birthweight differences and chorion type and also between intrapair variances of dental crown measurements and chorion type. Consistent with our hypotheses, large birthweight discordances were found to occur more often in MC twin pairs than DC twin pairs, and intrapair variances for tooth size in MC twin pairs exceeded those in DC twin pairs more often than expected due to chance.
This volume is about an ongoing long-term research initiative led by researchers from the School of Dentistry at the University of Adelaide. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of the studies of the teeth and faces of Australian twins and their families that have extended over more than thirty years.
In: Twin research and human genetics: the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS) and the Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Band 9, Heft 6, S. 727-732
In: Twin research and human genetics: the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS) and the Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Band 18, Heft 4, S. 368-374
Chorion type may significantly influence the prenatal environment of twins. This study explored the associations between chorion type and gestational age, birth weight, birth length, and the timing of emergence of the first primary tooth in two populations of twins, Australian and Dutch. Additionally, we investigated the relationship between chorion type and birth weight discordance (BWD) in order to determine whether a significant relationship existed between discordance in birth weight and discordance in the timing of emergence of the first primary tooth. The two study samples consisted of 409 Australian twin pairs and 301 Dutch twin pairs, all of European ancestry. Data were collected through a combination of questionnaires and recording charts administered to the parents and through linkage with biological databases. In the Australian sample, monozygotic monochorionic (MZMC) twins experienced the shortest mean gestation time (35 weeks), the lowest mean birth length (46 cm) and the lowest mean birth weight (2.3 kg) compared with other twin groups. For the same variables in the Dutch sample, these trends with MZMC twinning were not observed. Chorion type did not significantly affect the mean timing of emergence of the first primary tooth in either sample. Monochorionicity was found to be significantly associated with BWD in both samples, but there was a significant association between BWD in MZMC twin pairs and timing of emergence of the first primary tooth only in the Australian sample. Results from this study support previous findings that the timing of emergence of the first primary tooth is influenced strongly by genetic factors and is well protected from environmental disturbances.
Abstract Dental caries is a microbial disease and the most common chronic health condition, affecting nearly 3.5 billion people worldwide. In this study, we used a multiomics approach to characterize the supragingival plaque microbiome of 91 Australian children, generating 658 bacterial and 189 viral metagenome-assembled genomes with transcriptional profiling and gene-expression network analysis. We developed a reproducible pipeline for clustering sample-specific genomes to integrate metagenomics and metatranscriptomics analyses regardless of biosample overlap. We introduce novel feature engineering and compositionally-aware ensemble network frameworks while demonstrating their utility for investigating regime shifts associated with caries dysbiosis. These methods can be applied when differential abundance modeling does not capture statistical enrichments or the results from such analysis are not adequate for providing deeper insight into disease. We identified which organisms and metabolic pathways were central in a coexpression network as well as how these networks were rewired between caries and caries-free phenotypes. Our findings provide evidence of a core bacterial microbiome that was transcriptionally active in the supragingival plaque of all participants regardless of phenotype, but also show highly diagnostic changes in the ways that organisms interact. Specifically, many organisms exhibit high connectedness with central carbon metabolism to Cardiobacterium and this shift serves a bridge between phenotypes. Our evidence supports the hypothesis that caries is a multifactorial ecological disease.
In: Twin research and human genetics: the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS) and the Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Band 16, Heft 1, S. 43-51
The Craniofacial Biology Research Group in the School of Dentistry at The University of Adelaide is entering an exciting new phase of its studies of dental development and oral health in twins and their families. Studies of the teeth and faces of Australian twins have been continuing for nearly 30 years, with three major cohorts of twins recruited over that time, and currently we are working with twins aged 2 years old to adults. Cross-sectional data and records relating to teeth and faces of twins are available for around 300 pairs of teenage twins, as well as longitudinal data for 300 pairs of twins examined at three different stages of development, once with primary teeth, once at the mixed dentition stage, and then again when the permanent teeth had emerged. The third cohort of twins comprises over 600 pairs of twins recruited at around birth, together with other family members. The emphasis in this third group of twins has been to record the timing of emergence of the primary teeth and also to sample saliva and dental plaque to establish the timing of colonization of decay-forming bacteria in the mouth. Analyses have confirmed that genetic factors strongly influence variation in timing of primary tooth emergence. The research team is now beginning to carry out clinical examinations of the twins to see whether those who become colonized earlier with decay-forming bacteria develop dental decay at an earlier age. By making comparisons within and between monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs and applying modern molecular approaches, we are now teasing out how genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors interact to influence dental development and also oral health.