
15 Ergebnisse


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Open Access#22017

Black Sands, Green Plans and Vernacular (In)securities in the Contested Margins of South-Western Madagascar


Aufsatz(elektronisch)#31. Dezember 2014

Weathering the 'Long Wounded Year': livelihoods, nutrition, and changing political ecologies in the Mikea Forest Region, Madagascar

In: Journal of political ecology: JPE ; case studies in history and society, Band 21, Heft 1

ISSN: 1073-0451

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Open Access#42014

Weathering the 'Long Wounded Year': Livelihoods, Nutrition and Changing Political Ecologies in the Mikea Forest Region, Madagascar


Open Access#52014

Weathering the 'Long Wounded Year': livelihoods, nutrition, and changing political ecologies in the Mikea Forest Region, Madagascar


Open Access#62012

Exploring discourses of indigeneity and rurality in Mikea Forest environmental governance


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Open Access#82020

Resource Warfare, Pacification and the Spectacle of 'Green' Development: Logics of Violence in Engineering Extraction in Southern Madagascar


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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#1012. Dezember 2022

Introduction: Reframing Climate and Environmental Justice

In: IDS bulletin: transforming development knowledge, Band 53, Heft 4

ISSN: 1759-5436

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#1211. Februar 2015

Building a "Better Life": The Transformative Effects of Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting

In: Sage Open, Band 5, Heft 1

ISSN: 2158-2440

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#1423. Mai 2011

When the Wealthy Are Poor: Poverty Explanations and Local Perspectives in Southwestern Madagascar

In: American anthropologist: AA, Band 113, Heft 2, S. 291-305

ISSN: 1548-1433

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