10 Ergebnisse
Climate change - eco facts
In: Eco facts
What is climate change? -- Fossil fuels -- Global warming -- Rising sea levels -- Focus on the Greenland ice sheet -- Farming and food -- Habitats and wildlife -- Focus on sea turtles -- Desertification -- Focus on desertification in China -- Extreme weather -- Focus on Hurricane Harvey -- Stopping climate change -- Glossary.
Pollution eco facts
In: Eco facts
What is pollution? -- Water -- Focus on Lake Erie -- Ocean plastic -- Focus on the great Pacific garbage patch -- Landfill -- Air -- The greenhouse effect -- Focus on air pollution in India -- Nuclear waste -- Focus on Fukushima -- Light and sound -- Reducing pollution.
Biome geo facts
In: Geo facts
What is a biome? -- Forests -- Yosemite -- Rainforests -- The Amazon rainforest -- Grasslands and savannahs -- The Serengeti -- Deserts -- The Sahara desert -- Tundra and ice -- Antarctica -- Oceans -- The Great Barrier Reef -- Rivers and lakes -- The Nile river
Civil war & genocide
In: Our world in crisis
Since the end of the Second World War in 1945, most wars have been civil wars. This book considers how civil wars start, how they are funded and fought and the catastrophic effects they have on the civilians living in the countries involved. It also looks at the atrocities described as genocides, the attempts to destroy an ethnic, religious, national or racial group. It asks readers to think about what they can do to help victims and their families, such as supporting charities who help people to find sustainable ways of living in the aftermath of a civil war.
In: Our world in crisis
Comprehensive explorations of major issues affecting the global community. People have many different reasons for leaving their home country, but they are nearly always looking for a better or safer life. This book considers the pull factors that attract people to another country and the push factors that drive them from their home country. It looks at movements of people in the past, the impact of current immigration and the arguments that people put forward in favour or against welcoming immigrants to a country. It asks readers to think about what they can do to learn more about this global issue and the people affected by it
In: Our world in crisis
What is poverty? Is it do to with what we have compared to others around us, or is it to do with what we need to survive? This book looks at the causes and effects of extreme poverty - defined as having less than US1.90 a day to live on - and discusses how poverty is also a serious issue in the developed or industrialised world. It looks at what is what is being done to tackle extreme poverty and asks readers to think about what they can do to help those facing poverty, for example by donating to a local food bank. Age 9+
In: Our world in crisis
What is terrorism? How do terrorists differ from other criminals? What makes some individuals and groups decide to use violence to create terror as a means of achieving their aims? This book looks at the history of terrorism and analyses the motivations for its use. It looks at what is being done to tackle terrorism and asks readers to think about what they can do to help people in countries affected by terrorism, for example by fundraising for organisations supporting victims of terrorist attacks