Barrierless Free Charge Generation in the High-Performance PM6:Y6 Bulk Heterojunction Non-Fullerene Solar Cell
Organic solar cells are currently experiencing a second golden age thanks to the development of novel non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs). Surprisingly, some of these blends exhibit high efficiencies despite a low energy offset at the heterojunction. Herein, free charge generation in the high-performance blend of the donor polymer PM6 with the NFA Y6 is thoroughly investigated as a function of internal field, temperature and excitation energy. Results show that photocurrent generation is essentially barrierless with near-unity efficiency, regardless of excitation energy. Efficient charge separation is maintained over a wide temperature range, down to 100 K, despite the small driving force for charge generation. Studies on a blend with a low concentration of the NFA, measurements of the energetic disorder, and theoretical modeling suggest that CT state dissociation is assisted by the electrostatic interfacial field which for Y6 is large enough to compensate the Coulomb dissociation barrier. ; Funding Agencies|Alexander von Humboldt FoundationAlexander von Humboldt Foundation; National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNational Natural Science Foundation of China [21875286]; Swedish Energy Agency EnergimyndighetenSwedish Energy Agency [2016-010174]; BMBF grant InterPhase [FKZ 13N13661, FKZ 13N13656]; MESOMERIE [FKZ 13N13661, FKZ 13N13656]; European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program "Widening materials models" [646259]; Sofia Kovalevskaya Award from the Alexander von Humboldt FoundationAlexander von Humboldt Foundation