The SeeRRI booklet: Bringing responsibility and RRI into regional planning - from theory to practice
Regional planning is a complex endeavour that requires a collective approach. For two and a half years, the SeeRRI project has been working with pilot territories in Norway, Austria, and Spain to develop and refine a method for integrating RRI principles into regional planning and smart specialisation policy. This booklet presents the method, explains its background, and discusses its implications. The booklet also offers intriguing third party perspectives from a range of distinguished guest authors. To set the stage, Section I lays out the motivation for the SeeRRI project and the booklet itself. SeeRRI Coordinator Nhien Nguyen and five guest contributors – René von Schomberg, Linden Farrer, Marta Truco Calbet, Jackson Nickerson, and Johan Stierna – each provide their brief take on why a booklet such as this is needed. Representatives from SeeRRI's three pilot territories explain why they joined the SeeRRI project. Section II provides an introduction to the SeeRRI project and presents its key outcome, the SeeRRI method of responsible regional planning. The method is a concrete yet flexible step-by-step process that can be applied in a variety of regional contexts. In a nutshell, the process comprises three stages, each of which is to be carried out by regional planners in close cooperation with local stakeholders. First, a core challenge for the region is defined. Second, foresight methodology is used to map out possible future scenarios for the region, and a regional strategy is created on the basis of insights from the scenarios. Third, the regional government implements the strategy in cooperation with relevant stakeholders. The process is repeated as necessary in response to changing regional conditions. In the last part of Section II, representatives from SeeRRI's affiliated territories in Finland, Serbia, Montenegro, and Israel explain how they have been inspired by the SeeRRI method. SeeRRI is not the only project to tackle the challenge of promoting and implementing RRI in European territories. In ...