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40 Ergebnisse
In: The Reynolds series in sociology
In: Qualitative research methods 37
In: Journal of aging studies, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 111-130
ISSN: 1879-193X
In: Sociological methods and research, Band 11, Heft 4, S. 501-518
ISSN: 1552-8294
Findings from studies of jurors' use of judges' instructions have been equivocal. This article examines conceptual and methodological features of these studies that may have contributed to their inconsistent results. Past research has focused exclusively on jurors' cognitive "rule-following" and consequently may have neglected to consider social dimensions of "rule-use." Many studies have failed to include a group deliberation; these studies generally report that jurors are not responsive to judges' instructions. This article suggests that group deliberation may provide the occasion for jurors' use of judges' instructions as instrumental resources for accounting and persuasive purposes in the production of a group verdict. Conversational data from transcribed mock deliberations is presented to support this contention and the research implications for this model of instrumental rule-use are discussed.
In: Social Problems and Social Issues
Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- List of Contributors -- Preface -- Introduction -- 1. Constructing Social Problems: Context and Legacy Gale Miller and James A.Holstein -- Part I. Contemporary Issues in Social Constructionism -- 2. Vernacular Constituents of Moral Discourse: An Interactionist Proposal for the Study of Social Problems Peter R. Ibarra and John I. Kitsuse -- 3. For a Cautious Naturalism Jaber F. Gubrium -- 4. The Reflectivity of Constructionism and the Construction of Reflexivity Melvin Pollner -- 5. Do We Need a General Theory of Social Problems? David Bogen and Michael Lynch -- 6. But Seriously Folks: The Limitations of the Strict Constructionist Interpretation of Social Problems Joel Best -- Part II. New Directions for Social Constructionism -- 7. Social Constructionism and Social Problems Work James A. Holstein and Gale Miller -- 8. Claims-Making from the Underside: Marginalization and Social Problems Analysis Leslie J. Miller -- 9. Social Constructionism in Critical Feminist Theory and Research Michal M. McCall -- 10. Cultural Theory, Social Construction, and Social Problems Herman Gray -- 11. Constructing Conditions, People, Morality, and Emotion: Expanding the Agenda of Constructionism Donileen R. Loseke -- Index
Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- List of Contributors -- Preface -- Part I: Debates Within Social Constructionism -- Revising the Constructionist Project -- 1. Reconsidering Social Constructionism -- 2. Vernacular Constituents of Moral Discourse: An Interactionist Proposal for the Study of Social Problems -- 3. The 1960s State as Social Problem: An Analysis of Radical Right and New Left Claims-Making Rhetorics -- Constructionist Responses -- 4. For a Cautious Naturalism -- 5. "Members Only": Reading the Constructionist Text -- 6. Revised Social Constructionism: Traditional Social Science More Than a Postmodernist Analysis -- 7. But Seriously Folks: The Limitations of the Strict Constructionist Interpretation of Social Problems -- Ethnomethodological Concerns -- 8. Social Constructionism and Social Problems Work -- 9. Social Problems and the Organization of Talk and Interaction -- 10. The Reflexivity of Constructionism and the Construction of Reflexivity -- 11. Do We Need a General Theory of Social Problems? -- Conclusion -- 12. Reconstituting the Constructionist Program -- Part II: New Challenges to Social Constructionism -- 13. New Challenges to Social Constructionism: Alternative Perspectives on Social Problems Theory -- Critical Challenges -- 14. The Problem with Social Problems: From Social Constructionism to Critical Theory -- 15. Twenty-Two Theses on Social Constructionism: A Feminist Response to Ibarra and Kitsuse's" Proposal for the Study of Social Problems" -- 16. "Literacy" and Business: "Social Problems" as Social Organization -- Poststructuralist Challenges -- 17. Claims-Making from the Underside: Marginalization and Social Problems Analysis -- 18. (De)Construction, Postmodernism, and Social Problems: Facts, Fictions, and Fantasies at the "End of History
In: Social Problems and Social Issues Series
In: Droit et société: revue internationale de théorie du droit et de sociologie juridique, Band 61, Heft 3, S. 701-718
ISSN: 0769-3362
Les tribunaux sont des contextes multipartites impliquant une variété de locuteurs, mais les procédures officielles indiquent les limites du processus, spécifient les parties qui peuvent intervenir légitimement et prédéterminent leurs formes de participation. Le discours, dans les auditions d'internement, se distingue par le fait qu'il est procéduralement limité à l'interrogatoire et au contre-interrogatoire des témoins par le représentant de la défense, la partie publique et le juge. Bien que le processus semble plutôt informel, les droits de parole sont alloués de manière procédurale. Cet article décrit ce qui se dit au niveau du témoignage des experts psychiatres et montre comment celui-ci contribue à justifier l'argumentation visant à l'internement du défendeur.
In: Marriage & family review, Band 28, Heft 3-4, S. 3-20
ISSN: 1540-9635
In: The sociological quarterly: TSQ, Band 36, Heft 1, S. 37-59
ISSN: 1533-8525
In: The sociological quarterly: TSQ, Band 36, Heft 1, S. 37-59
ISSN: 1533-8525
In: Sociological inquiry: the quarterly journal of the International Sociology Honor Society, Band 55, Heft 3, S. 291-309
ISSN: 1475-682X
Anecdotal accounts suggest that athletic contests affect the psychological well‐being of members of the community represented by the competing teams. While these effects are sociologically plausible, there is virtually no systematic evidence that documents the relation between athletic contests and well‐being. This study examines the relation between the play and performance of major athletic teams at a large university and use of the campus psychiatric clinic. Upon introduction of appropriate controls, the initial zero‐order relations between team play and performance and clinic usage disappear.
Constructionism has become one of the most popular research approaches in the social sciences. But until now, little attention has been given to the conceptual and methodological underpinnings of the constructionist stance, and the remarkable diversity within the field. This cutting-edge handbook brings together a dazzling array of scholars to review the foundations of constructionist research, how it is put into practice in multiple disciplines, and where it may be headed in the future. The volume critically examines the analytic frameworks, strategies of inquiry, and methodological choices t