Tractors and their Power Units
In: Springer eBook Collection
1 Development of the Tractor -- 2 Thermodynamic Principles of Internal-Combustion Engines -- 3 Internal-Combustion Engine Cycles -- 4 Fuels and Combustion -- 5 Engine Design -- 6 Electrical Systems -- 7 Engine Accessories -- 8 Lubrication -- 9 Human Factors in Tractor Design -- 10 Traction -- 11 Mechanics of the Tractor Chassis -- 12 Hydraulic Systems and Controls -- 13 Transmissions and Drive Trains -- 14 Tractor Tests and Performance -- Appendixes -- A Standards for Agricultural Tractors -- B Standard Graphical Symbols -- C Agricultural Tractor Tire Loadings, Torque Factors, and Inflation Pressures—SAE J709d -- D Conversion Factors.