"Das Nachschlagewerk umfasst in über 2.200 Artikeln u.a die Themenbereiche erneuerbare Energien, Kraftwerke, Energieeffizienz, Energiespeicher, Gas- und Stromnetze, Energiewirtschaft sowie Energie-bzw. Klimapolitik."--
Intro -- Inhaltsverzeichnis -- Abbildungsverzeichnis -- Vorwort -- 1. Kapitel: El Vocho es Mexicano: Eine Einleitung -- 1.1. Das Automobil als Gegenstand der Material Culture Studies -- 1.2. Mexikanischer Mythos Vocho: Thema und Fragestellung -- 2. Kapitel: Theoretische Grundlagen und Aufbau der Arbeit -- 2.1. Ein Vocho namens Guano: Der Prozess einer Aneignung -- 2.2. TheWork of Representation: Der Guano als Symbol für Pepsi -- 2.3. Kreislauf der Aneignung: Synthese der Guano-Biographie -- 3. Vocho-Welt intensiv: Teilnehmende Beobachtung als Dichte Teilhabe -- 3.1. Der Käfer und ich: Eigene Verortung -- 3.2. Zugang zum Mundo Vochero -- 3.3. Interviewtechniken und informelle Gesprächsführung -- 3.4. Auswertungsverfahren -- 4. Kapitel: La Memoria del Vocho: Die Schaffung des Vochoscape -- 4.1. Desaparicion y Renacimiento: Kulturelle Transformation des Vocho -- 4.2. La Ciudad de los Espiritus: Die Vocho-Taxis von Taxco -- 4.3. El Nacimiento del Vocho: Schatten der Vergangenheit -- 5. Sigue viviendo el Vocho: Praktiken der Erinnerung -- 5.1. MemoriaAutentica: Bewahrung des Authentischen -- 5.2. El Vocho en la Cuarta de Milla: Mexikanisches Understatement -- 6. Una Historia sin Fin: Mythos,Transformation, Gegenwart -- Quellenverzeichnis -- Interviews -- Informelle Gespräche -- Bibliographie -- Film- und Liedverzeichnis -- Bildverzeichnis -- Anhang -- Tabellen -- Bilder.
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Energy audits and energy management systems are recognized as important instruments to improve energy efficiency. By introducing Article 8 of its Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) the European Commission has made regular energy audits an obligation for large companies. Its transposition into national legislation by the EU-28 Member States (MS) results in different national implementations. The aim of this paper is to analyze differences and communalities in the national requirements and to derive good practice for policy makers from these. We structure the implementation process according to the theoretical concept of Policy Cycle Analysis and apply it as a heuristics from a multi-level governance perspective. The empirical analysis is based on a review of national implementation documents and 30 semi-structured interviews with stakeholders involved in the process of Article 8 EED. The transposition was delayed in more than half of the 28-EU MS. Our findings suggest that the interlinkages of the policy cycles are particularly important for a smooth policy process as MS partly interpreted the requirements differently. Further research on an updated, in-depth analysis of the correctness of the transposition as well as research on the impact of energy audits and energy management systems induced by the regulation is needed.
Improvements in energy efficiency across a broad range of industrial end-uses. While compressed air systems are important contributors to overall industrial electricity demand, substantial energy-efficiency potentials have been identified in the past. Various policy measures can be designed to exploit these saving potentials. Yet when efficiency improvements depend on replacing existing equipment, the impact of policy measures depends not only on their design, but also on the structure of the addressed end-uses. Stock models may serve to provide quantitative data regarding the impact of different policy measures on energy demand. But data availability is often a limiting factor for using stock models, as information about production, age, operating conditions and thus the structure of the energy demand of specific end-uses is often only available to a limited extent. In this paper, we therefore suggest a "function-based" bottom-up stock model approach. The basic idea of this modelling approach is to use both proxy functions to fit available data and to use expert estimations on functional parameters where little data is available. To a certain extent, this is common practice for some variables (e.g. for lifetimes), but we suggest to extend this idea to other energy-relevant characteristics. The advantage of this modelling approach is to provide detailed results with only a limited number of assumptions that can be stated in a very transparent manner. It thus can also improve the understanding of energy demand and help to evaluate the impact of policy measures. We apply this approach to a case study on compressed air systems in the EU in order to illustrate its benefits.
Steigende Energie- und Rohstoffpreise, ein verstärktes gesellschaftliches Interesse an Energiethemen und neue Kundenanforderungen führen dazu, dass der verantwortungsvolle Umgang mit Energie als Ressource immer wichtiger wird. Das Energiemanagement bietet die Möglichkeit, Energieflüsse zu erfassen, zu bewerten, und dient als Grundlage, um Maßnahmen zur besseren Ressourcennutzung abzuleiten und umzusetzen. Während das Energiemanagement auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen1 diskutiert werden kann, befasst sich diese Kurzstudie insbesondere mit dem betrieblichen Energiemanagement in der Industrie. Trotz guter Erfolge in der Praxis und der hohen Relevanz, die dem Thema aus politischer Sicht beigemessen wird, gilt das industrielle Energiemanagement aus Sicht der Forschung als in weiten Teilen nur ansatzweise erschlossen (vgl. [Hrustic et al. 2011]). Dies gilt insbesondere, wenn es über die rein technische Umsetzung von Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen hinaus verstanden wird (vgl. [Thollander et al. 2010b, Posch 2011]). Ziel der vorliegenden Kurzstudie ist es, einen Überblick über aktuelle Themen und Entwicklungen im Bereich des betrieblichen Energiemanagements in der Industrie zu geben und Eckpunkte für künftige Weiterentwicklungen des Energiemanagements darzustellen. Zunächst wird einordnend der energiepolitische und energiewirtschaftliche Rahmen für das Energiemanagement beleuchtet (Abschnitt 2). Danach folgt eine Darstellung des Energiemanagements als Lösungsansatz und eine Diskussion von Erfahrungen und Erfolgsfaktoren des betrieblichen Energiemanagements (Abschnitt 3). Davon ausgehend werden aktuelle Entwicklung des Energiemanagements und Themen für künftige Weiterentwicklungen dargestellt (Abschnitt 4), bevor die Studie in einem abschließenden Fazit (Abschnitt 5) endet. Für eine vertiefte Betrachtung der unterschiedlichen Aspekte des Energiemanagements sind neben der zitierten Literatur im Anhang einige relevante Leitfäden und weitere Informationsquellen zusammengestellt.
Though cooling is an ancient concept to preserve food, only modern artificial cooling and freezing made it possible to offer high quality food worldwide and independently of the season. This makes cooling and freezing important energy end-uses in the food industry: they are responsible for about 30 % of electricity consumption. Energy efficiency could thus be of remarkable importance for companies operating in this field. Energy efficiency measures can entail, additionally to the evidentenergy savings, non-energy related benefits, e.g. enhanced competitiveness, reduced maintenance requirements or an improvedworking environment. Such factors have been identified as important for affecting the assessment of energy efficiency measures. When it comes to whole cold supply chains, behavioural and organizational aspects seem to be important for decision making about energy efficiency as well, because factors affecting decisions in individual organizations may also occur as cross-organizational issues. Existing analyses on both nonenergy benefits and behavioural aspects related to energy efficiency mainly focus on individual companies and hardly touch whole supply chains, in particular from food industry. To contribute to closing this research gap, this paper investigates both aspects more in-depth along the cold supply chain of the food sector, thereby moving from the single company perspective toa full supply chain assessment. For this purpose, 61 semi-structuredinterviews with companies active in cold supply chains were carried out across various member states of the European Union. Findings from the interviews suggest that energy efficiency is presently considered more strongly in individual companies than along entire cold supply chains. While non-energy benefits appear to be relevant for both individual companies and the cold supply chain as a whole, awareness along the chain seems to be lower in comparison. Further complexity along thecold supply chain seem added by the prevalence of various behaviouralaspects which may impede an easy implementation of energy efficiency measures.
There is an increasing pressure that enhanced and novel energy technologies are swiftly adopted by the market to ensure meeting the energy and climate targets. An important issue with such novel developments is their risk to be stuck in the 'valley of death', i.e. that their transition to the market is delayed or unsuccessful. Publicly supported demonstration projects could help to bridge the valley of death by reducing barriers to the adoption caused by missing information and perceived risks. A challenge for technology demonstrations in the industrial context is their often high investments that are required to prove their real-world benefits. Given the magnitude of such investments, it becomes crucial that public funding focuses on the most promising demonstration proposals. Structured evaluation processes can help to facilitate the identification of promising proposals and to improve the quality and transparency of decisions. This paper deals with a corresponding multi-staged multi-criteria decision support system (DSS) suggested to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. It deals with the evaluation of demonstration proposals across three stages: The first stage represents a filtering stage to identify those proposals relevant for further considerations. The second stage comprises a multi-criteria scoring method drawing on an evaluation against nineteen criteria. The final third stage serves to critically review the need for public funding of well-scored proposals. This contribution outlines the development of the DSS and its design and thus provides insights on proposal evaluating in energy research.
Within the European Union's energy policy, the reduction of the energy demand is one of the three major targets. Focussing on the energy use of products, Ecodesign is a successful instrument in European energy efficiency policy, driving the technological development and leading to significant energy savings. The Ecodesign process is ongoing, extending its scope to currently about 40 different product groups. One of the product groups currently under investigation is steam boilers. They are widely used in industry for steam generation and important energy consumers. According to estimates, industrial steam systems account for about one third of overall industrial energy demand. Thus, improved energy efficiency in steam generation is of significant interest to both industry and policy making. The Study on Amended Ecodesign Working Plan under the Ecodesign Directive states a saving potential of 177 PJ/a (VHK 2011). At the current state, little information is available on steam boilers in Europe. Within our paper, we will discuss the process of the Ecodesign preparatory study on industrial steam boilers. According to the defined methodological steps, we will present the market situation, as well as user and technological issues for this product group. Furthermore, we will present first results of the environmental and economic assessment of various measures to improve energy efficiency.
Der Politikbericht ist ein Ergebnis des Forschungsvorhabens "Technologien für die Energiewende", das vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) als Teil des strategischen Leitprojekts "Trends und Perspektiven der Energieforschung" von 2016 bis 2018 gefördert wurde. Er enthält neben einer kurzen deutschen und englischen Einleitung vierseitige Zusammenfassungen zu jedem der 31 analysierten Technologiefelder und eine Kurzdarstellung der Bewertungsmethodik. Die Zusammenfassungen sind gegliedert nach Definition des Technologiefeldes, aktueller Stand der Technologie, ausgewählte Bewertungskriterien und F&E-Empfehlungen.
Der Politikbericht ist ein Ergebnis des Forschungsvorhabens "Technologien für die Energiewende", das vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) als Teil des strategischen Leitprojekts "Trends und Perspektiven der Energieforschung" von 2016 bis 2018 gefördert wurde. Er enthält neben einer kurzen deutschen und englischen Einleitung vierseitige Zusammenfassungen zu jedem der 31 analysierten Technologiefelder und eine Kurzdarstellung der Bewertungsmethodik. Die Zusammenfassungen sind gegliedert nach Definition des Technologiefeldes, aktueller Stand der Technologie, ausgewählte Bewertungskriterien und F&E-Empfehlungen. ; The policy report is a result of the research project "Technologien für die Energiewende" (Technologies for the Energy Transition) that was financially supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) as part of the key strategic project "Trends and Perspectives in Energy Research". It represents summaries of 31 technology reports on four pages each and includes both a short overview on the research project in German and in English and a short description of the methodology applied.