Commentary: Throwing the Baby Out with the Bath Water: Building the Case for a Standards Framework in Local Government in England
In: Public administration review: PAR, Band 74, Heft 1, S. 84-85
ISSN: 0033-3352
11 Ergebnisse
In: Public administration review: PAR, Band 74, Heft 1, S. 84-85
ISSN: 0033-3352
In: Public administration review: PAR, Band 74, Heft 1, S. 84-85
ISSN: 1540-6210
In: Public management review, Band 13, Heft 7, S. 1041-1043
ISSN: 1471-9045
In: Public management review, Band 13, Heft 7, S. 1041-1044
ISSN: 1471-9037
In: Asian studies review, Band 36, Heft 4, S. 559-560
ISSN: 1467-8403
This paper seeks to conceptualise ethics leadership in English local government. It will demonstrate that there are a number of stakeholders within the ethical framework for English local government, all of whom have a potential leadership role to play. It will further argue that traditional models of ethical lea¬dership do not fully encompass this diversity of leadership sources, which can be better addressed through a framework of collective decision making and collaborative action. In so doing, the paper will draw together ethical leadership with other strands of public management leadership theory. After defining the concept of ethical leadership, the paper will map out the ethics network in local government and will categorise stakeholders into different groups. The ethics map will then be discussed in terms of relational leadership and communities of practice. It concludes by offering strategies for future research. ; Straipsnyje siekiama apibūdinti etikos lyderystės Anglijos vietos valdžioje koncepciją. Parodoma, kad Anglijos vietinės valdžios etikos pagrindą sudaro skirtingos interesų grupės, ir kiekviena jų turi potencialą lyderiau-ti šiame procese. Teigiama, kad etikos lyderystės tradiciniai modeliai nevisiškai atspindi šią lyderystės išteklių įvairovę, kurią būtų galima geriau išnaudoti kolektyvinio sprendimų priėmimo ir bendrų veiksmų dėka. Dėl to šiame straipsnyje kalbama apie etikos lyderystę kitų viešojo valdymo lyderystės teorijos krypčių kontekste. Apibrėžus etikos lyderystės koncepciją, straipsnyje pateikiami etikos tinklo vietos valdžioje struktūra bei interesų grupių skirstymas į skirtingas kategorijas. Tuomet santykinės lyderystės ir patirties bendruomenių aspektu aptariamas etikos žemėlapis. Straipsnis baigiamas pasiūlymais būsimų šios srities tyrimų strategijoms.
In: International journal of public administration, Band 37, Heft 2, S. 83-92
ISSN: 1532-4265
In: International journal of public administration: IJPA, Band 37, Heft 2, S. 83-92
ISSN: 0190-0692
"EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Groups most severely affected by COVID-19 have tended to be those marginalised before the pandemic and are now largely being ignored in developing responses to it.
This two-volume set of Rapid Responses explores the urgent need to put co-production and participatory approaches at the heart of responses to the pandemic and demonstrates how policymakers, health and social care practitioners, patients, service users, carers and public contributors can make this happen.
The first volume investigates how, at the outset of the pandemic, the limits of existing structures severely undermined the potential of co-production. It also gives voice to a diversity of marginalised communities to illustrate how they have been affected and to demonstrate why co-produced responses are so important both now during this pandemic and in the future."
"EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Groups most severely affected by COVID-19 have tended to be those marginalised before the pandemic and are now being largely ignored in developing responses to it.
This two-volume set of Rapid Responses explores the urgent need to put co-production and participatory approaches at the heart of responses to the pandemic and demonstrates how policymakers, health and social care practitioners, patients, service users, carers and public contributors can make this happen.
The second volume focuses on methods and means of co-producing during a pandemic. It explores a variety of case studies from across the global North and South and addresses the practical considerations of co-producing knowledge both now - at a distance - and in the future when the pandemic is over."
EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Groups most severely affected by COVID-19 have tended to be those marginalised before the pandemic and are now being largely ignored in developing responses to it. This two-volume set of Rapid Responses explores the urgent need to put co-production and participatory approaches at the heart of responses to the pandemic and demonstrates how policymakers, health and social care practitioners, patients, service users, carers and public contributors can make this happen. The second volume focuses on methods and means of co-producing during a pandemic. It explores a variety of case studies from across the global North and South and addresses the practical considerations of co-producing knowledge both now - at a distance - and in the future when the pandemic is over