53 Ergebnisse
La crisis economica y el problema alimentario en Venezuela
In: Cuadernos del CENDES, Heft 2/3, S. 131-144
ISSN: 1012-2508
En este articulo el autor enfoca el problema alimentario en Venezuela ubicandolo en el terreno economico-social y trata de precisar sus implicaciones en relacion a la situacion dificil del pais y las estrategias de desarrollo que es posible adoptar
World Affairs Online
Citizen Participation in the Venezuelan Constituent Process of 1999: Evolution and Development ; La participación ciudadana en el proceso constituyente venezolano de 1999: Evolución y desarrollo
The Constituent Process carried out in Venezuela in 1999, emerged in the middle of the most intense crisis that the country has experienced in its democratic history, regarding politics, economy, and social-cultural factors. Faced with this crisis, and as part of Hugo Chavez' campaign formula, the possibility of calling for a Constituent Assembly appeared, and was considered the most suitable instrument through which to undertake necessary transformations required by the Venezuelan State. This proposal became tangible as a result of the consultative referendum, on April 25, 1999. It was a process that had to be based on active citizen participation, where these same citizens became the architects of the process. The objective of this paper is to analyze the development of the Venezuelan Constituent Process of 1999, from the perspective of citizen participation in the electoral system and specifically applied to the selection of representatives for the National Constituent Assembly. The theoretical assumption is that the electoral system is a fundamental factor of legitimacy in all political systems; reason for which the established electoral system in processes of this nature must favor the citizen participation variable, constituting this as one of the keys to its legitimacy. Due to reasons of a practical nature it is necessary to select representatives, and this leads to the need to elect representatives through an electoral system that assures the right of the population to postulate candidates, to present or display objections, to be able to select electors (electoral system stricto sensu); and to integrate voters in electoral organisms that guarantee the transparency of the process and the credibility in the results. By delegating the exercise of constituent power in the Venezuelan case in study to a body of citizen electors who would act as executive-representatives of the population, the actions of this constituent body would be legitimized. ; El proceso constituyente desarrollado en Venezuela en 1999, emerge en medio de la crisis más intensa que ha vivido el país en su historia democrática, en cuanto a política, economía, y aspectos socioculturales se refiere. Ante esta situación, se presentó la fórmula de la convocatoria a una Asamblea Constituyente, como parte de la oferta electoral del candidato Hugo Chávez; considerada ésta como el instrumento idóneo, para acometer las necesarias transformaciones requeridas por el Estado venezolano, que se vio cristalizada en el referéndum consultivo, realizado el 25-04-99. Se trataba de un proceso que debía fundamentarse en la participación activa de la ciudadanos, donde éstos actuaran como constructores del mismo. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo: analizar el desarrollo del proceso constituyente venezolano de 1999, desde la perspectiva de la Participación Ciudadana en el sistema electoral, aplicado para la elección de los representantes de la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente. Se asume el supuesto teórico de que el sistema electoral es un factor fundamental de la legitimidad de todo sistema político; razón por la cual el sistema electoral establecido en procesos de esta naturaleza debe privilegiar la variable participación ciudadana, constituyéndose ésta en la clave de su legitimidad. Razones de orden práctico conducen a la necesidad de la representación, deviniendo en la elección de representantes a través de un sistema electoral que asegure el derecho popular a postular candidatos, presentar objeciones, poder de selección del elector; (sistema electoral stricto sensu); integración de los electores en los organismos electorales como garantía de transparencia del proceso y credibilidad en los resultados. Delegado el ejercicio del poder constituyente, en el caso venezolano en estudio, a un cuerpo colegiado de ciudadanos que actuarían como mandatarios-representantes del pueblo, el título que legitimaría su acción.
Los cereales en el patron de consumo de transicion : posibilidades de cambio en los proximos anos
In: Cuadernos del CENDES, Heft 6, S. 97-123
ISSN: 1012-2508
Se examina la evolucion del patron de consumo de cereales en Venezuela, estableciendo una periodizacion que comprende desde un momento de avance en la produccion de cereales nacionales, hasta la situacion de crisis y definitiva imposicion de la importacion del trigo. El autor plantea algunas propuestas concretas que pudieran contribuir a la recuperacion de este importante rubro de la produccion agricola venezolano
World Affairs Online
Las prácticas de participación política de dirigentes de Centros de Estudiantes de Trabajo Social en Universidades Privadas
In: Revista de Trabajo Social, Heft 81, S. 79-94
ISSN: 0716-9736
Rausky, M. E., Chaves, M. (Eds.) (2019). "Living and working in poverty in Latin America. Trajectories of Children, Youth, and Adults". Palgrave Macmillan, 187 páginas. ISSN: 978-3-030-00900-7
In: Sociedad e infancias, Band 3, S. 321-324
ISSN: 2531-0720
Campesinos y haciendas de la sierra norte: la transformación del campesinado y la comunidad en la sierra norte
In: Colección Pendoneros 30
In: Antropología social
Organizational Innovation beyond Technology: The Internal Market Orientation
In: Advances in Human Resources Management and Organizational Development; Handbook of Research on Internationalization of Entrepreneurial Innovation in the Global Economy, S. 416-435
Simultaneous inferences: new method of maximum combination
In: Statistical papers, Band 56, Heft 4, S. 1099-1113
ISSN: 1613-9798
Optimal Method for Realizing Two-Sided Inferences About a Linear Combination of Two Proportions
In: Communications in statistics. Simulation and computation, Band 42, Heft 2, S. 327-343
ISSN: 1532-4141
Del TLC al Mercosur: integración y diversidades en América Latina
In: Sociología y política
World Affairs Online
Assessing domestic water use habits for more effective water awareness campaigns during drought periods: a case study in Alicante, eastern Spain
In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences: NHESS, Band 15, Heft 5, S. 963-972
ISSN: 1684-9981
Abstract. The design of water awareness campaigns could benefit from knowledge of the specific characteristics of domestic water use and the factors that may influence certain water consumption habits. This paper investigates water use in 450 households in 10 municipalities of drought-prone Alicante (Spain). We aim to increase knowledge about existing domestic water behaviors and therefore help to improve the design and implementation of future water awareness campaigns and even to consolidate reductions in water use after drought periods. The survey suggests that awareness campaigns should revise their scope and their channels of diffusion on a regular basis. In a more specific way, for the Alicante case we propose policy-oriented recommendations on the scope of action for further reductions.
Intellectual capital as a predictor of cooperative prominence through human capital in the Spanish agrifood industry
In: Journal of intellectual capital, Band 22, Heft 6, S. 1126-1146
ISSN: 1758-7468
PurposeIntellectual capital (IC) has been shown to play a crucial role in promoting competitive success among cooperatives as well as in other types of organizations. However, cooperatives are rarely included in this line of research. This paper aims to analyze how IC in agrifood cooperatives influences their prominence by fostering responsible research and innovation (RRI), reputation and performance.Design/methodology/approachA theoretical model was developed based on a literature review, and a quantitative study was conducted, including a representative sample of the current most prominent Spanish agrifood cooperatives. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to examine the validity of constructs, path relationships and recent advances in the predictive model assessment.FindingsThis study's findings show the specific role of human capital (HC) for enhancing social and structural capital in cooperatives. It was concluded that there is a need to revise and reconsider the role-played by IC in the cooperative movement.Research limitations/implicationsThe main practical contribution is to offer a specific vision of IC for agrifood cooperatives in order to maximize their market prominence. Since the study was conducted in Spain and based on a cross-sectional research approach, even though the new methodological tool partial least squares (PLS) predict was used, the authors cannot affirm whether IC will have the long-term expected effects as assumed in this research and in all contexts of the agrifood industry.Originality/valueThis is the first empirical study that has examined IC in agrifood cooperatives in Spain, with attention focused on the role of HC as a predictor of market success.
University social responsibility: a student base analysis in Brazil
In: International review on public and non-profit marketing, Band 13, Heft 2, S. 151-169
ISSN: 1865-1992
Structural analysis of the strategic orientation to environmental protection in SMEs
In: Business research quarterly: BRQ, Band 17, Heft 2, S. 115-128
ISSN: 2340-9444