125 Ergebnisse
The myth of the liberal media: an Edward Herman reader
In: Media & culture 2
Locating United States government information: A guide to sources
In den einzelnen Kapiteln werden die wichtigsten Informationsquellen zum Auffinden von US-Amtsdruckschriften mit Gebrauchsanleitungen, Hintergrundtexten und Reproduktionen von Musterbeispielen vorgestellt. Weitere Veröffentlichungen sind kurz aufgelistet. Amtsdruckschriften, aber auch von kommerziellen Anbietern veröffentlichte Referenzwerke sind berücksichtigt. Vollständigkeit wird, vor allem in Bezug auf retrospektive oder historische Indices, nicht angestrebt. Die Auswahl verzeichnet die heute meist benutzten Nachschlagewerke und ist eher als Einführung- oder Lehrbuch denn als bibliographisches Nachschlagewerk brauchbar. (SWP-Hck)
World Affairs Online
The Propaganda Model Revisited
In: Monthly Review, S. 42-54
ISSN: 0027-0520
In Manufacturing Consent (1988), Noam Chomsky and I put forward a "propaganda model" as a framework for understanding how and why the mainstream U.S. media operate within restricted assumptions, depend uncritically on elite sources, and participate in propaganda campaigns helpful to elite interests. In this article I describe the model, address some of the criticism leveled against it, and discuss how it holds up today.Click here to purchase a PDF version of this article at the Monthly Review website.
Fake News on Russia and Other Official Enemies: The New York Times, 1917–2017
In: Monthly Review, Band 69, Heft 3, S. 98
ISSN: 0027-0520
Mainstream media outlets have recently expressed their dismay over the rise and spread of "fake news," taking it as an obvious truth that what they themselves provide is straightforward, unbiased, fact-based reporting. They do offer such news, but they also provide a steady flow of false or misleading information, often supplied by the national security state, other branches of government, and sites of corporate power.Click here to purchase a PDF version of this article at the Monthly Review website.
Selective Information is Misinformation
The quotation in my title is from a recent decision by Judge Damon Keith of the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati in which he ruled against Attorney-General John Ashcroft's attempt to keep deportation hearings behind closed doors. The judge noted that "when government begins closing doors, it selectively controls information that rightly belongs to the people. Selective information is misinformation."
David Edwards/David Cromwell: Guardians of power. The Myth of the liberal media: London, Ann Arbor (MI): Pluto Press 2006, 241 Seiten, Hardcover: GBP 45,—/USD 80,—; Paperback: GBP 14,99/USD 24,95
In: Publizistik: Vierteljahreshefte für Kommunikationsforschung, Band 52, Heft 2, S. 259-260
ISSN: 1862-2569
Major Bush themes in intensifying class warfare
In: Z magazine: a political monthly, Band 18, Heft 3, S. 43-47
ISSN: 1056-5507
Chavez, Lebanon and Iraq
In: Z magazine: a political monthly, Band 18, Heft 5, S. 42-45
ISSN: 1056-5507
Greater Inequality, Greater Instability
In: Monthly Review, Band 55, Heft 11, S. 54
ISSN: 0027-0520
The Afghan, El Savador, and Iraq elections: U.S. managed elections, with the threat of violence, are called "democratic."
In: Z magazine: a political monthly, Band 17, Heft 12, S. 32-36
ISSN: 1056-5507