Recent war conflicts in Europe and Middle East generate new refugee wawes and possible dissemination of Covid I9 variants from countries with low vaccination activity due to armed events.Therefore we have tested all migrants of war(206) coming via Hungarian Slovak Czech Border,within one week among 1023 refugees of war..who had symptoms of respiratory infection.None of tested symptomatic individuals was positive by rapid antigen test.Therefore the the risk ofCOVID I9 dissemination was not been confirmed.
Postcovid syndrome affects 5-20% of all patients with symptomatic Covid-I9 infection, resulting in temporary or permanent disability for next weeks or months. The commonest syndromes after long Covid-I9, (or chronic fatigue syndrome after Covid, or as synonymum postcovid syndrome) are psychic or psychosomatic disorders known under the name Depression and Anxiety Syndrome. After the unrest and armed conflicts during the Covid era, clients or patients, mainly migrants of war, are also exposed to chronic post trauma syndrome related to previous or recent destruction of infrastructure, temporary homelesness and escape from affected regions/country. Cumulation of those 2 syndromes may have devastating consequences to both, individual health and economic losses due to permanent working and economy disabilities and consumption of health and social funds. After the unrest and armed conflicts during Covid era,clients or patients, mainly migrants of war, are also exposed to chronic post trauma syndrome related to previous or recent destruction of infrastructure, temporary homelesness and escape from affected regions/country.