Sormagir sokak'tan Başkurt sokak'a Istanbul'da sosyal dönüşümün sokak isimlerine yansıması
In: Doğu Kitabevi
In: Sosyologca kitapları 99
357 Ergebnisse
In: Doğu Kitabevi
In: Sosyologca kitapları 99
In: Truva yayınları 520
In: Siyaset 105
In: Bütün eserleri 1
In: Araştırma-inceleme serisi 7
Perempuan dan perjuangan akan hak-haknya di masyarakat selalu digaungkan oleh para peneliti dalam penelitiannya, isu tentang ketidaksetaraan, patriarki, double borden selalu menjadi isu sentral, pun demikian dalam hal keterkaitannya dengan hak asasi perempuan dalam kajian ke-Islaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana konsep hak asasi perempuan dalam pandangan hukum Islam. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan studi pustaka. Dalam penelitian kepustakaan, metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data penelitian berupa data-data kepustakaan yang telah dipilih, dicari, disajikan dan dianalisis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah hak-hak perempuan selalu dilindungi oleh hukum Islam; namun norma-norma sosial, budaya, tradisi, dan politik yang tertanam dalam-dalamlah yang membangun bias terhadap hak-hak perempuan, dengan dalih dikte Islam. Mengingat temuan-temuan di atas, direkomendasikan agar kesadaran lebih ditingkatkan tentang hak-hak perempuan di bawah hukum Islam. Penelitian ini berkontribusi terhadap isu mengangkat harkat dan martabat perempuan dalam keluarga dan masyarakat, sehingga isu tentang ketidaksetaraan dan hal-hal lain yang mengiringinya tidak menjadi permasalahan yang berkepanjangan dan tanpa solusi yang jelas.
The virus of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused the government to apply stay-at-home rules, to anticipate the spread of the Novel Corona Virus which is increasingly spreading through human social activities. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed all forms of human life, including educational learning at the formal level of higher education, students are required to learn from home using technology in the form of visualization of networks in the form of technology such as laptops or mobile phones, so that learning and activities can be seen directly shown and carried out through internet network from home, without having to touch physical such as face-to-face or other social routines. The existence of this COVID-19 pandemic forces the public to be responsive to technology, towards a new culture, where communication and routines can be done such as online learning for students at home, communication, new culture, and digital culture will be the implications of this online learning process, with online learning activities. During a pandemic, new experiences with technology, without being able to physically explore yourself and with your family at home, so at least until this COVID-19 Pandemic ends. A basic element of this changing social system is the behavior of individuals and groups in and between systems. Ultimately, the success of online learning is determined by the adaptation of these students to new cultures, new experiences, and technologies as environmental behavioral implications.Keywords: Online learning, Culture, COVID-19 Pandemic
In: Social sciences studies journal: SSS journal, Band 7, Heft 85, S. 2977-2983
ISSN: 2587-1587
When someone dress, other people easily judges about the culture or religion that others have. It invites differences of opinion in enforcing rules within an institution such as schools, campuses, and offices. On March 06, 2018 BBC News reported there was a ban on wearing the face mask (cadar) at a state Islamic university because the threat of radicalism which always gave birth to new people especially in the millennial era now.This is because for some people the face mask (cadar) is seen as a sign of the development of conservative Islam and shows one's identity. But it creates public unrest and some people feel uneasy about the sacralization in the dress. Researcher used library research methods by using descriptive-qualitative type by using primary sources, literature on the theory of desacralization and politic of identity and secondary sources is from several supporting literature. The results, desacralization in dressing is that a person does not contain sacred in clothes except when worship this is at a profane time that dressing has a good meaning with applicable state regulations. Desacralization in dress as politics of identity will be able to position his own identity without disturbing the identity of others.
The community is one of the sectors that is heavily affected by the situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Starting from urban communities to rural communities, they are required to be able to adapt to changes that have occurred due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. During the Covid-19 pandemic, it was not only the order of people's lives that changed from previously all activities could be carried out freely outside the home without being restricted by anything, but the current condition is that all activities are limited, for activities outside the home must comply with the Covid-19 health protocol . This has a profound impact on the welfare of the community, with restrictions on activities outside the home making people helpless, many employees or laborers are laid off, the economy deteriorates. In response to the spread of the Covid-19 virus, it has entered a new normal life. This research tries to elaborate on this phenomenon, especially related to the optimization of empowerment as an effort to increase the potential of people in the new normal era. The method used is literature study. The findings in this study, namely that in community empowerment in the new normal era, it can be optimized by developing all the potential of the community, the government can work together with the community in adapting behavior in the new normal era.
Pembiayaan pendidikan menjadi salah satuindikator putus/tidaknya sekolah warga, karena pemerintah hanya menyediakanbiaya langsung (direct cost) berupa operasional pendidikan, sementara biayapendidikan tidak langsung (indirect cost) lebih besar lagi yang harus ditanggungorang tua misal biaya transportasi, seragam sekolah yang begitu banyak, alattulis, media, jajan, biaya private untuk menunjang sekolah seperti kursus. Untukkeluarga miskin lebih memilih tidak menyekolahkan anaknya selain biaya yangdikeluarkan begitu besar selain itu juga mempertimbangkan biaya kesempatanyang hilang (uportuanity cost) akibat sekolah. Untuk itu pemerintah harusmempertimbangkan sistem pembiayaan program wajib belajar denganmenerapkan prinsip politicall will dan noblepoliticall.
This study aims to determine the leadership characteristics of principals in improving teacher performance. This research was conducted using inductive qualitative methods. Data collection is done by interview, observation, documentation study, and study of research results. The results of this study indicate that the leadership characteristics of principals who can improve teacher performance include 1) educational staff capacity building programs through training, workshops, seminars and Subject Matter Teacher Discussion (SMTD); 2) the ability of the principal to carry out the process of control, guidance and supervision; 3) giving motivation; 4) good communication; and 5) democratic leadership style.