"The purpose of this book is to introduce, discuss, illustrate, and evaluate the colorful palette of analytical techniques that can be applied to the analysis of household survey data, with an emphasis on the innovations of the past decade or so"--P. [4] of cover
In: Economic development and cultural change: a journal designed for exploratory discussion of the problems of economic development and cultural change. Supplement
In der letzten Dekade sind zahlreiche Untersuchungen zu Ursachen und Folgen von Mangel- und Fehlernährung bei Kindern durchgeführt worden. Der vorliegende Artikel geht auf der Basis einer 1992/93 durchgeführten landesweiten Haushaltsbefragung den Ursachen der in Vietnam noch weit verbreiteten Mangelernährung von Kindern nach, die deshalb erstaunlich ist, weil das Land ansonsten im Drittländer-Vergleich relativ gute soziale Indikatoren aufweist. Ergebnis: Eine geschlechtsspezifische Diskriminierung konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden. Von Einfluß ist jedoch die Reihenfolge der Geburt, das Erziehungsniveau der Eltern und die Zugehörigkeit zu ethnischen Minoritäten ausgeprägter ist als bei anderen Volksgruppen. (DÜI-Hlb)
SummarySon preference is strong in Vietnam, according to attitudinal surveys and studies of contraceptive prevalence and birth hazards. These techniques assume a single model is valid for all families, but it is more plausible that son preference is found for some, but not all, families. Heterogeneous preferences may be addressed with a mixture model. This paper specifies and estimates a two-Weibull regression model, applied to the interval between the second and third births. The data come from the Vietnam Living Standards Survey of 1992–93. Applying information criteria, graphs, and martingale-based residuals, the two-Weibull model is found to fit better than a one-Weibull model. Roughly half of parents have son preference and, curiously, a propensity for fewer children. The other group has more children, no son preference, and is colourless in the sense that the birth interval is difficult to predict on the basis of the regressors used.
The purpose of this book is to introduce, discuss, illustrate, and evaluate the colorful palette of analytical techniques that can be applied to the analysis of household survey data, with an emphasis on the innovations of the past decade or so. Most of the chapters begin by introducing a methodological or policy problem, to motivate the subsequent discussion of relevant methods. They then summarize the relevant techniques, and draw on examples - many of them from the authors' own work - and aim to convey a sense of the potential, but also the strengths and weaknesses, of those techniques. This book is meant for graduate students in statistics, economics, policy analysis, and social sciences, especially, but certainly not exclusively, those interested in the challenges of economic development in the Third World. Additionally, the book will be useful to academics and practitioners who work closely with survey data. This is a book that can serve as a reference work, to be taken down from the shelf and perused from time to time. Dominique Haughton is Professor of Mathematical Sciences at Bentley University and Affiliated Researcher at Université Toulouse I. Jonathan Haughton is Professor of Economics at Suffolk University and Senior Economist at the Beacon Hill Institute for Public Policy.
The authors present a graphical multivariate approach to the analysis and reporting of political poll results when more than two candidates command a significant percentage of the vote. The authors argue that joint statistical inference is a more meaningful methodology in this situation; the current margin of error reporting is potentially inaccurate and may lead to inappropriate conclusions. The authors' methodology is applied to the results of four major national polls reported the week before the 1992 presidential election, with surprising implications.