Poverty, Family, and Kinship in a Heartland Community
Cover Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- 1 First Impressions and Second Thoughts -- Plan of the Book -- 2 The Social Reproduction of Poverty -- Conventional and Critical Problematics -- Variable Environments -- The Culture of Poverty and Variable Environments -- 3 Potter Addition -- Grand Prairie -- The Ecological Setting of Community -- Surplus Populations -- The Material Infrastructure of Community -- The Material Culture of Potter Addition -- The Junkyards -- Betty's Market -- The Question of Class -- 4 The World of Work -- Disorderly Careers in Potter Addition -- The Jack-of-All-Trades -- Lower-Class Work Values -- 5 Labor, Leisure, and Ideology -- Leisure Time Farming -- The Car Cult -- The Subjective Reproduction of Male Morale -- 6 Saving and Spending -- Variable Environments and the Economic Conservatism of the Poor -- Variable Environments and "Nigger-Rich" Life-Styles -- Mining the Interstices -- Alternative Economies -- 7 The Uxoricentric Family -- The Parsonsian Model -- The Jurai Default of the Husband -- The Husband as Affine -- Protracted Intimacies: Mothers and Daughters -- 8 The Antinomies of Family Life -- Generational Compression -- The Dialectics of Uxoricentric Family Life -- 9 The Dialectics of Lower-Class Kinship -- The Structure of the Personal Kindred -- Kinship as Ideology -- Centripetal and Centrifugal Kinship Systems -- Centripetal and Centrifugal Kinship in Clay County -- Open and Closed Households in Potter Addition -- The Merging of Households -- The Iron Cage of Reciprocity -- 10 The Moral Foundation of Lower-Class Kinship -- The Axiom of Kinship Amity -- Merged and Amalgamated Identities -- Affinal Struggles -- 11 The Social Construction of the Kindred: Sibling-Based Descent Groups -- Potter Addition's Descent Groups