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Article(electronic)#1January 2, 2024

What About Fertility? The Unintentional Pro-natalism of a Nordic Country

In: Social politics: international studies in gender, state, and society, Volume 31, Issue 3, p. 429-454

ISSN: 1468-2893

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Article(electronic)#2October 1, 2022

Blowing in the wind? Testing the effect of weather on the spatial distribution of crime using Generalized Additive Models

In: Crime Science, Volume 11, Issue 1

ISSN: 2193-7680

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Open Access#42015

Effects of income and the cost of children on fertility. Quasi-experimental evidence from Norway


Article(electronic)#5October 5, 2021

Can Policies Stall the Fertility Fall? A Systematic Review of the (Quasi‐) Experimental Literature

In: Population and development review, Volume 47, Issue 4, p. 913-964

ISSN: 1728-4457

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Open Access#62021

Can policies stall the fertility fall? A systematic review of the (Quasi‐) experimental literature


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