92 Ergebnisse
Die dritte Revolution: Antworten auf Bevölkerungsexplosion und Umweltzerstörung
In: Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch 2571
The third revolution: population, environment and a sustainable world
In: A Penguin book
In: Politics, current events
Inside the Third World: the anatomy of poverty
In: A Pelican book
The greening of Lesotho: A report on conservation for increased production
This report attempts to answer the question how to increase agricultural production, improve rural welfare and conserve the environment, at affordable cost, within the urgent time-schedule imposed by continued deterioration and population growth
World Affairs Online
Hunger und Armut
In: Rororo aktuell 4826
Evaluating artistic work: Balancing competing perspectives
In: Consumption, markets and culture, Band 12, Heft 3, S. 265-274
ISSN: 1477-223X
Corporeal Remains: Vulnerability, Proximity, and Living on after the End of the World
In: Environment and planning. A, Band 40, Heft 2, S. 423-445
ISSN: 1472-3409
This paper offers a sustained reflection on the nature of corporeal vulnerability as an inherent and noneliminable aspect of corporeal existence. One of the many remarkable things about the recent interest in embodiment, emotion, practice, and performance, in the body-in-action, in the social sciences is the general lack of thought that has been given to the fact of vulnerability. The paper suggests that thinking through the nature of vulnerability could have a considerable effect on how we think about embodiment as well as on wider processes of subjectification, signification, and sociality. However, because of the persistence of a primary role being given to intentional or auto-affective action in the theorisation of embodiment across a number of theoretical perspectives, vulnerability remains largely unthought of within much current work on the body within Anglo-American social science. Drawing on the writing of Emmanuel Levinas and reflecting on experiences of corporeal expropriation such as insomnia and exhaustion, I suggest how we may begin to think sensibility and the sensuous beyond their almost exclusive interpretation in terms of comprehension, purpose, or intention while retaining the irreducibility of corporeal life to a matter of social construction or contextual epiphenomenon. Thus, the paper develops an account of corporeal life as inherently susceptible, receptive, exposed, as inherently open beyond its capacities, and reflects on the implications of this realisation for thinking about the genesis of meaning and signification and the social relation.
"How Shall I Say it … ?" Relating the Nonrelational
In: Environment and planning. A, Band 39, Heft 3, S. 590-608
ISSN: 1472-3409
As the ideas of the relational and relationality become part of the everyday conceptual make-up of human geography, in this paper I seek to recall the insistent and incessant importance of the nonrelational. In dialogue with nonrepresentational theory, as well as its critics, I suggest that any thought or theory of relationality must have as its acknowledged occasion the incessant proximity of the nonrelational. The occasion for this discussion is a consideration of the relationship between suffering, pain, or passion and the thematising actions of representation, communication, narrativisation, and theorisation. Such affections, it is claimed, present social science with a particular problem, a problem which revolves around an irreducible nonthematisability within these dimensions of corporeal existence. Drawing on the writings of Butler, Derrida, and Levinas I offer an account of how this problem or impasse allows for a rethinking of the ethical within social analysis and of the nature of representation, corporeality, and intersubjectivity.
What Can We Learn for Today from 300-Year-Old Writings about Stock Markets?
In: History of political economy, Band 36, Heft 4, S. 667-688
ISSN: 1527-1919
Rational Equity Valuation at the Time of the South Sea Bubble
In: History of political economy, Band 33, Heft 2, S. 269-281
ISSN: 1527-1919