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117 Ergebnisse
The Nation in the Global Era: Conflict and Transformation makes available a unique blend of multi-disciplinary research covering topics that present the most current thinking on key developments concerning globalization. Its main focus covers questions of transnational class and identity in relationship to the nation-state.
In: Perspectives on global development and technology: pgdt, Band 23, Heft 3-4, S. 133-135
ISSN: 1569-1497
In: Perspectives on global development and technology: pgdt, Band 23, Heft 3-4, S. 203-213
ISSN: 1569-1497
This article traces the historic development of socialist thought on the importance of upholding independence and self-determination for oppressed nations. The examination starts with Marx on independence for Ireland and Lenin's political and theoretical principals on nations oppressed by the Tsarist dictatorship. It proceeds to Ho Chi Minh's address to the Comintern, Chou En Lai at the Bandung Conference, and Mao's writings on contradictions. This article then applies these principals to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, debates in the Left, and the need to support Ukraine.
In: Race & class: a journal for black and third world liberation, Band 66, Heft 2, S. 63-87
ISSN: 1741-3125
Among the mainstream press, western political elites and sections of the Left, China is accused of exploiting the Global South and even being an imperialist power. China argues it is pursuing a 'win-win' policy. To explore this question, this article looks at several factors, including labour exploitation, debt, environmental damage and military activity. Imperialism today operates through a vast network of integrated transnational investments and expansive global assembly lines, overseen by a transnational capitalist class. China's position in the global capitalist system needs to be assessed in this context. It is certainly a major power within that system and its capitalists engage in the super-exploitation of labour, for example in Africa. At the same time, Chinese development loans have so far helped countries in the Global South build infrastructure and reduce neoliberal austerity, even as associated projects have been beset by corruption and environmental harms. China has not yet used its military in imperialist adventures, but it does apply regional pressure and cultivates military relationships with countries where it has investments. Overall, the picture that emerges is complex and contradictory.
In: Race & class: a journal for black and third world liberation, Band 65, Heft 4, S. 92-105
ISSN: 1741-3125
As multi-polarity grows, there are some who see this as a new stage of non-alignment, and even the creation of an anti-imperialist bloc. But the economic and political elites of the Global South are too deeply tied to transnational capitalism to be truly independent. Instead, multi-polarity is a struggle within global capitalism for a larger share of markets, profits and political power. China has become the main proponent of a new world order based on 'win-win' relationships. But a 'common destiny for mankind' within global capitalism covers over the fundamental reality of capitalist competition and exploitation.
In: Perspectives on global development and technology: pgdt, Band 21, Heft 5-6, S. 451-465
ISSN: 1569-1497
Neoliberalism and evangelical theocrats want to create an authoritarian capitalism that maintains a political, social, and environmental dictatorship. Green capitalism offers only limited change unable to solve the environmental crisis. Building alternative hegemony around a Green New Deal will be the best oppositional force to ecofascism.
In: Race & class: a journal for black and third world liberation, Band 64, Heft 3, S. 107-111
ISSN: 1741-3125
In: Race & class: a journal for black and third world liberation, Band 64, Heft 2, S. 3-19
ISSN: 1741-3125
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a powerful assertion of geopolitical power and conflict. But Russia's nationalist and expansionary drive takes place within the context of transnational economic ties. Such ties help define the nature of the war, and both the Russian and western response. The contradictory pressures of nationalist desires conflicting with transnational integration is an underappreciated complexity of the war that this article will explore.
In: Perspectives on global development and technology: pgdt, Band 20, Heft 5-6, S. 453-477
ISSN: 1569-1497
Integrated global capitalism has emerged over the past forty years as the dominant economic system. This world system was constructed by the transnational capitalist class, which established hegemonic political and cultural power in both the Global North and South. Nevertheless, competition and contradictions characterize global capitalism, within and between classes as well as nation states.
In: Perspectives on global development and technology: pgdt, Band 20, Heft 5-6, S. 447-449
ISSN: 1569-1497
In: Race & class: a journal for black and third world liberation, Band 63, Heft 3, S. 43-62
ISSN: 1741-3125
As the global pandemic accelerates economic problems, divisions over global capitalism have sharpened. This includes those who want to delink the US/China relationship, those who wish to recalibrate but maintain the transnational system, and China's own more assertive strategy as its economic power increases. These debates affect national and world politics as antagonism grows, even as capital continues to pour into China.
In: Science & society: a journal of Marxist thought and analysis, Band 85, Heft 3, S. 332-359
ISSN: 1943-2801
Facing a crisis of legitimacy, the capitalist class is constructing new hegemonic projects to stabilize their global system. This article will examine competing fractions of the transnational capitalist class (TCC), how these fractions are confronting the crisis of global capitalism, and how TCC theory analyzes the current state of conflict. TCC theorists see the development of two hegemonic projects, one based on militarized accumulation and authoritarian politics and that of green capitalist reformism. But differences exist on the evaluation of the strength and formation of these emerging blocs. The article also pays attention to the relationship between the United States and China as a battleground between globalizing projects, rather than nations.
In: Perspectives on global development and technology: pgdt, Band 20, Heft 1-2, S. 7-9
ISSN: 1569-1497