This paper discusses the benefits of using film in ethnographic fieldwork. During the fieldwork for Kamilla's Ph.D. project about elderly people's health and social relations, we have experimented with the use of video. In this paper we focus on the results of and reactions to using self-produced film material in focus group discussions conducted in an activity centre for retired people in Copenhagen. The method applied turned out to be beneficial in expected but also positively surprising ways that enabled us to gain insights beyond those of solely word-based approaches. Please view our short film clip Bodil in the Snow ( which we used for accessing knowledge about health issues among the elderly in Copenhagen, as discussed in the article.
AbstractMany people find talking about their sexuality a taboo subject, especially if a person is unexperienced and has not had their sexual debut. In such cases, it is easy to feel stigmatized, isolated, and excluded from social groups and experience difficulties engaging in conversations. Studies show that the age of sexual debut for most young people in Denmark is 16.7 years. However, a small group has not debuted sexually when reaching their twenties. The purpose of this study is to gain broader insight into the participants' life narratives about their considerations of not having debuted sexually and the impact it has had on their life. The study design was qualitative based on 12 individual semi‐structured interviews. The data were analyzed using interpretive data‐driven thematic analysis. Two overall themes and several subthemes appeared throughout the analysis: 1) the causes of late sexual debut and 2) the meaning of not having debuted sexually. The study concludes that not having debuted sexually can lead to feeling marginalized, stigmatized, lonely, sad, shameful, and of low self‐esteem. The late sexual debut can be caused by many things, but something indicates that the influence throughout our childhood and early youth determines our sexual development. This is especially seen in certain religious environments. The findings of this study indicate that the longer you wait to have your first sexual relation, the harder it becomes. This adds to a negative spiral. The reasons were religious indoctrination, low self‐esteem, negative body image, disorder, unawareness about the body's functions, and unawareness about relationships, flirtation, and social interactions.
In: Jensen , T E , Hansen , A K K , Ulijaszek , S , Munk , A K , Madsen , A K , Hillersdal , L & Jespersen , A P 2019 , ' Identifying notions of environment in obesity research using a mixed methods approach ' , Obesity Reviews , vol. 20 , no. 4 , pp. 621-630 .
Den seneste stigning i beregningsbaserede metoder inden for samfundsvidenskab har åbnet nye muligheder for at udforske kvalitative spørgsmål gennem analyse af store mængder tekst. Denne artikel anvender et blandet metode design, der inkorporerer maskinaflæsning, netværksanalyse, semantisk analyse og kvalitativ analyse af 414 højt citerede publikationer om obesogene miljøer mellem 2001 og 2015. Metoden producerer et udførligt netværkskort med fem forskellige forestillinger om miljø, hvoraf alle for tiden er aktive inden for fedmeforskning. De fem forestillinger er institutionelle, byggede, mad, familie og kropsmiljøer. Netværkskortet foreslås som et navigationsværktøj både for politiske aktører, der ønsker at koordinere indsatsen mellem en række interessenter og for forskere, der ønsker at forstå deres egne forsknings- og forskningsplaner i lyset af forskellige positioner på området. Den afsluttende del af artiklen undersøger, hvordan netværkskortet også kan indlede et bredere sæt refleksioner om konfiguration, differentiering og sammenhæng indenfor feltet fedmeforskning. ; The recent rise of computation‐based methods in social science has opened new opportunities for exploring qualitative questions through analysis of large amounts of text. This article uses a mixed‐methods design that incorporates machine reading, network analysis, semantic analysis, and qualitative analysis of 414 highly cited publications on obesogenic environments between 2001 and 2015. The method produces an elaborate network map exhibiting five distinct notions of environment, all of which are currently active in the field of obesity research. The five notions are institutional, built, food, family, and bodily environments. The network map is proposed as a navigational tool both for policy actors who wish to coordinate efforts between a variety of stakeholders and for researchers who wish to understand their own research and research plans in light of different positions in the field. The final part of the article explores how the network ...