Acknowledgements -- Contents -- List of Tables -- List of Figures -- List of Abbreviations -- Abstract -- Zusammenfassung -- 1 Introduction -- 2 General Research Design -- 3 Urbanization and Rural-Urban Transition in Asia: Some Empirical Evidences, Theoretical Perspectives, and Policy Implementation -- 4 Development Planning Policies Implementation in Indonesia: From Unbalanced to Balanced Development Approaches -- 5 Brief View of Urbanization in Central Java Province: Inter and Intra - Regional Perspectives -- 6 Applying Cluster Analysis to Create Rural-Urban Typology in Central Java Province -- 7 Scenario for Future Spatial Formations in Central Java Province -- 8 Conclusions and Policy Recommendations -- REFERENCES
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The north coast of Central Java is one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change in Indonesia. Various activity in coastal area also leads to the growing of informal sector that closely related to the growing number of poor people in coastal area. Therefore, the loss of livelihood triggers the awareness of stakeholder to help people through Community-based Adaptation (CBA) in Semarang coastal area. This paper aims to elaborate on the importance of networking aspect in CBA that works in Semarang Coastal Area. Scope area of this research is Tapak Village which regarded as a pilot area of CBA implementation in Semarang. Stakeholders mapping and social network analysis was used to visualizing the community interaction in their adaptation measures. The purposive sample in interviewing CBA stakeholders is used to support the stakeholder analysis using Gephi 0.9 software. The finding shows that the existence of networks between the community and the relevant stakeholders such as NGO and local government also became one of the supporting factors for the sustainability of community-based adaptation approach in coastal areas of Semarang City.
Resilience assessment has been conducted in Semarang City by two different organizations using two different methods, i.e., City Resilience Index (CRI) and Urban Community Resilience Assessment (UCRA) in 2017 and 2018. Based on the result of those resilience assessments, it reveals that some of the resilience indicators are not suitable for local conditions in Semarang City regarding development planning policies. City strategic planning is a mid-term development planning policy with a combination of sectoral planning and comprehensive planning to budgeting process of the local government programs. It also includes local government performance indicators that reflect the level of good governance and lead to enhance city resilience. Hence, indicators in city strategic planning also can be considered as resilience indicators. All of this implies that city strategic planning describes the local government already uses resilience thinking in its strategies, policies, and programs. However, city resilience encompasses many aspects and more complex. This study aims to identify between CRI and UCRA, which method having resilience indicators that are compatible, applicable, and suitable for Semarang's city strategic planning. CRI and UCRA use different methods and aim at different scopes when assessing resilience in the city. The results of the content analysis on the document of development planning policies, such as the 2016-2021 Semarang's city strategic planning and Revision of the 2016-2021 Semarang's city strategic planning, highlight the similarities and differences between CRI and UCRA. It reveals that CRI's resilience indicators are more compatible, applicable, and suitable for Semarang's city strategic planning rather than UCRA's resilience indicators.
Status Assessment of E-Ticketing Sutainability for Trans Semarang Bus to Support Smart City using Multidimensional Scaling Approaches: One of the public service facilities using IT in the transportation sector is the eticketing of the Trans Semarang Bus. E-ticketing is a cashless bus ticket payment with the aim to facilitate the service process. The implementation of E- ticketing Trans Semarang Bus engine technology sometimes experiences the obstacles due to crowded service conditions, non-conducive network and signals, so the e-ticketing machine is error and unable to quickly detect data balance. The service clerk has not been able to be technically competent to deal with problems that occur suddenly when the e-ticketing machine is in trouble. The aim of conducting research is to assess the sustainability status of e-ticketing Trans Semarang Bus, which is viewed from the dimensions of input, process, and output, in attempt to determine the factors/attributes that influence the sustainability of the e-ticketing Trans Semarang Bus. The research employed descriptive qualitative-quantitative method with Multidimensional Scaling analysis. This research is expected to be an input in the formulation of the smart city development strategy of Semarang City Government, especially in the transportation sector. The results of the research show the sustainability status of e-ticketing Trans Semarang Bus on the good conditions of input dimension because it is supported by an integrated service, device and technology-oriented roadmap; integrated IT system framework in terms of hardware, software and networks; and IT network infrastructure. The sustainability status of e-ticketing Trans Semarang Bus is in good condition in the dimensions of the process which is supported by collaboration and cooperation among stakeholders; operational financing includes IT professionals, operations, maintenance. Meanwhile, the output dimension has a fairly sustainable status. This might be caused by other factors that need to be comprehensively evaluated.Keywords : Sustainability, Bus Trans Semarang, smart city, multidimensional scaling. Salah satu fasilitas layanan publik yang menggunakan IT di sektor transportasi adalah e-ticketing Bus Trans Semarang. Eticketing merupakan pembayaran tiket bus cashless yang bertujuan untuk mempermudah proses pelayanan. Penerapan teknologi mesin e-ticketing Bus Trans Semarang terkadang mengalami kendala akibat kondisi pelayanan yang ramai serta jaringan dan sinyal yang tidak kondusif, sehingga mesin e-ticketing menjadi error sehingga tidak mampu mendeteksi data saldo dengan cepat. Secara kompetensi teknis, petugas pelayanan belum mampu mengatasi permasalahan yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba ketika mesin e-ticketing mengalami gangguan (trouble). Tujuan penelitian mengenai penilaian status keberlanjutan e-ticketing Bus Trans Semarang yang ditinjau dari dimensi input, proses, dan output adalah untuk mengetahui faktor/atribut yang berpengaruh terhadap keberlanjutan e-ticketing Bus Trans Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif-kuantitatif dengan analisis Multidimensional Scaling. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan dalam perumusan strategi pengembangan kota pintar Pemerintah Kota Semarang khususnya sektor transportasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa status keberlanjutan e-ticketing Bus Trans Semarang pada dimensi input dalam kondisi baik karena didukung dengan roadmap terintegrasi yang berorientasi pada service, device, dan teknologi; framework sistem IT yang terintegrasi dari sisi hardware, software, dan jaringan; dan infrastruktur jaringan IT. Status keberlanjutan e-ticketing Bus Trans Semarang pada dimensi proses dalam kondisi baik karena didukung kolaborasi dan kerjasama antar stakeholders; pembiayaan operasional yang mencakup profesional IT, operasi, pemeliharaan, pelatihan, dan konsultan; dan interoperabilitas platform IT pada sisi aplikasi dan service. Sedangkan dimensi output memiliki status cukup berkelanjutan. Hal ini kemungkinan dapat disebabkan oleh faktor lain yang perlu untuk dievaluasi secara komprehensif.Kata kunci :Keberlanjutan, Bus Trans Semarang, Kota Pintar, Multidimensional Scaling.
Interregional cooperation is an important consequence of the implementation of decentralization and regional autonomy policy in Indonesia. Cooperation is the government's effort to overcome the limitedness and to optimize their potentials in order to implement regional development efficiently and effectively to realize society welfare. The cooperation effort is done by six regencies (Tulungagung, Trenggalek, Ponorogo, Madiun, Nganjuk, and Kediri) around Mount Wilis - East Java to be able to mutually strengthen the process of development. The study aimed to review the implementation of regional development cooperation of the regions around Mount Wilis from the perspective of applicable statutory regulations. The result of review was used to find the opportunities and challenges in the implementation of interregional cooperation of the regions around Mount Wilis. The study used content analysis with descriptive qualitative approach to elaborate how the context of interregional cooperation according to statutory regulations was articulated in the cooperation performed. From the result of review, were found some opportunities and challenges in the implementation of interregional cooperation of the regions around Mount Wilis. The commitment of the regional governments of the six regencies, the Government of East Java, and the Central Government was an opportunity for cooperation. While the challenges faced were the implementation of institutional context and cooperation funding. The opportunity and challenge findings are expected to be a material for evaluation of implementation of interregional cooperation of the regions around Mount Wilis for future improvement of cooperation
Abstract. Indonesia became the country with the highest number dengue cases in Asia, with as many as 80.065 cases, according to data by the United Nations in 2010. Dengue fever has killed hundreds, posing a threat to society against vector-based diseases, especially to those who are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The vulnerability of society will depend on their adaptive capacity in preventing or responding to an increased risk of disease transmission. In the efforts to increase resistance to the dengue risk, it will be difficult when only relying on increasing the quality of human resources in the health sector. In this context, the overall participation of the communities who are vulnerable of dengue becomes significant. DHF prevention programs with an alternative approach based on community participation in the ACTIVE (Actions Changing The Incidence of Vector- Borne Endemic Diseases) program in Semarang have been carried out by Mercy Corps Indonesia (MCI) with the Government of Semarang (Health Department, Development Planning Agency, Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency, Department of Education) as well as academics of Diponegoro University. A series of activities in the ACTIVE program aims to build a city resilient to climate change, especially in the health sector by reducing the incidence of dengue. This paper aims to assess an alternative approach based on participation implemented through the concept of community capacity building within the framework of ACTIVE Program. The method used is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach to the process of community capacity building. An alternative approach based on the concept of social learning and inclusive planning is able to get the government's attention and arouse the enthusiasm and the spirit of the community facing dengue in the region. Based on interviews with stakeholders, they generally refer to the alternative approach based on participation as interesting and consider the approaches effective in solving the problems ...