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27 Ergebnisse
In: How do you live there?
"Among the first people to live on the ocean were fishermen and sailors who spent months or years on ships, exploring or fighting in wars. Today, people live on the ocean for scientific study, work, or simply for fun. There are even entire villages that live by floating on the ocean. Through accessible text and vibrant photographs, young readers will understand how life on the water has changed over time and what the future holds. As land-based populations increase, resources dwindle, and pollution levels rise, people are looking to the oceans as a more permanent solution, considering ideas like floating cities and undersea habitats. This book is sure to intrigue young readers and help them to look at the oceans in a new, open-minded way"--
In: The teen guide to adulting: gaining financial independence
In: How Do You Live There? Ser.
Among the first people to live on the ocean were fishermen and sailors who spent months or years on ships, exploring or fighting in wars. Today, people live on the ocean for scientific study, work, or simply for fun. There are even entire villages that live by floating on the ocean. Through accessible text and vibrant photographs, young readers will understand how life on the water has changed over time and what the future holds. As land-based populations increase, resources dwindle and pollution levels rise. People are looking to the oceans as a more permanent solution, considering ideas like floating cities and undersea habitats. This book will intrigue young readers and help them to look at the oceans in a new, open-minded way.
In: Rosen verified
In: current issues
Leaving home -- Why people immigrate -- The four immigration classes -- Early U.S. immigrants -- Later U.S. immigrants -- Fighting for rights -- Discrimination by quotas -- Twentieth century immigration laws -- Immigration since 1996 -- Recent immigration number -- Why so many immigrants? -- Students as immigrants -- Refugees today -- Deporting the undocumented -- Immigration under Trump -- Building a border wall -- Children in cages -- Immigrants help America -- Some famous immigrants -- Immigration around the world -- Where does America fit?
In: The Teen Guide to Adulting: Gaining Financial Independence Ser.
Often young people assume that, because they are healthy, they can do without health insurance. Then, an unexpected accident or illness happens and they are left with a mountain of medical bills they cannot pay. This volume explains exactly what health insurance does for people, and the types of health care plans, including private, group, and government plans, and their similarities and differences. It discusses the various insurance needs at different stages of life, health care affordability, and the factors to consider when choosing a health care plan. Universal health care is also examined.
In: Rosen Verified: U. S. Government Ser.
The democratic process is one of the most iconic and important parts of American history and culture. However, there has long been controversy surrounding one particular aspect of that process: the Electoral College. Packed with easily digestible text, eye-catching graphic features, and engaging fact boxes, this book provides a primer on the Electoral College, how it works, and why some people argue it should be abolished and replaced with a popular voting process.
In: Rosen Verified: Current Issues Ser.
Immigration is one of the biggest issues facing the world today. In many areas of the world, significant numbers of immigrants and refugees attempt to leave their homes and make new homes in foreign countries. Not everyone is welcoming of these newcomers. Rifts between political parties expressing different points of view around this topic are dividing people more than ever. Written to engage high school students while also remaining accessible to those with lower reading level skills, this book will help enlighten young people about this divisive current issue.
In: Preparing for Disaster Ser.
Wildfires are exploding as climate change results in hotter, drier weather and longer fire seasons. There is a growing need for creative engineering solutions to better fight these disasters. This revealing volume begins with an overview of the 2018 California fire season. Readers then investigate the causes and effects of wildfires and learn about the methods engineers use to predict including the reliance on computer fire models and satellites. They will learn about the solutions to prevent and prepare for, and fight wildfires. The narrative relates the specific ways individuals and communities can protect themselves, including the adoption of fire-adapted ecosystems.
In: Careers in your community
Introduction -- Working as a sanitation worker -- Working as a recycling driver or sorter -- Working at a materials recovery facility -- Education for a trash and recycling career -- Employment and advancement in trash and recycling -- The future of trash and recycling -- Glossary -- For more information -- For further reading -- Bibliography -- Index
In: Careers in your community
In: The need to know library
Introduction -- Does sexism really exist? -- Growing up in a sexist world -- Getting educated in a sexist world -- Sexism in the workplace -- Sexism in the home and family -- Sexism in politics and the wider world -- Glossary -- For more information -- Websites -- For further reading -- Bibliography -- Index
In: Coding your passion
Introduction -- Overview of high-tech criminal justice -- Police departments: using computer tools to catch criminals -- Forensic science departments: using computers to analyze evidence -- The scope of cybercrime -- The process of cybercrime analysis -- The future of high-tech crime fighting