Researching Harm Reduction-Care and Contradictions
In: Substance use & misuse: an international interdisciplinary forum, Band 34, Heft 1, S. 119-141
ISSN: 1532-2491
23 Ergebnisse
In: Substance use & misuse: an international interdisciplinary forum, Band 34, Heft 1, S. 119-141
ISSN: 1532-2491
In: Social work education, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 21-24
ISSN: 1470-1227
In: American political science review, Band 75, Heft 1, S. 244-245
ISSN: 1537-5943
In: The journal of politics: JOP, Band 42, Heft 4, S. 1197-1199
ISSN: 1468-2508
In: The journal of politics: JOP, Band 42, Heft 4, S. 1197-1199
ISSN: 0022-3816
In: American anthropologist: AA, Band 81, Heft 2
ISSN: 1548-1433
In: International journal of the addictions, Band 28, Heft 11, S. 1127-1146
In: Evaluation journal of Australasia: EJA, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 52-58
ISSN: 2515-9372
An evaluation was conducted in 2003 of a major leadership program within Centrelink—the Senior Executive Leadership Program (SELP). The evaluation consisted of three separate studies of SELP: a Return on Investment (ROI) study, a Return on Training Investment (ROTI) study and a Value for Money (VFM) study. This paper reports on the comparative value of each of these three different approaches. Specifically, it aims to highlight the different nature and benefits of each approach in order to assist organisational decision-makers to make informed decisions about whether they should use any one, or more, of these three methodologies in the future.
In: Journal of drug issues: JDI, Band 22, Heft 3, S. 487-506
ISSN: 1945-1369
The process of evaluating the Australian National Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NCADA) is described. The campaign consists of activities in education, treatment, research and legislative controls. Because of the complex nature of the campaign, a range of evaluation activities was used, including activity monitoring, process and outcome evaluations and the establishment of an expert task force to undertake an assessment of the overall impact of the first three years of the campaign. The conduct of the task force's approach is described and some positive and negative lessons are discussed.
In: Australian journal of social issues: AJSI, Band 20, Heft 3, S. 191-208
ISSN: 1839-4655
This paper examines an aspect of social inequality experienced by Aboriginal people living in a remote Queensland mining town. We contend that non‐Aboriginal perceptions and attitudes of Aboriginal drinking behaviour contribute directly to structural inequalities within the Mount Isa community.Social drinking in the township is, for reserve‐dwelling Aborigines, restricted mainly to one bar in one hotel and adjoining park and river bank area. The restrictions are preserved through both overt and covert discrimination. Aboriginal inebriation and excessive drinking are therefore more visible to the wider community and more accessible to police prosecution than that of any other ethnic group in the town.Although White folk tales concerning Aboriginal drinking often contain fear about acts of violence and crime directed towards the White community, soundly documented incidents are rare. This paper argues that the persistence of such attitudes is at the heart of a symbolic differential between the White and Black community in Queensland. Moreover, problems within the Aboriginal community that can be directly related to the excessive consumption of alcohol must also be seen as a product of these White reactions and perceptions.
The aim of this paper is to describe a new comprehensive approach to studying illicit drug policy - one that integrates evidence, disciplinary approaches, drug use behaviours and policy making processes. The methods described here include systematic reviews of the evidence, studies of the ways in which policy decision-making actually occurs, and the use of modelling approaches that can explicate the multi-dimensional nature of drug policy responses and their dynamic interactions. The approach described has the potential to facilitate new drug policy that would not have been possible or apparent through the sole study of one aspect of drug policy, such as the evidence-base or the political context or the economics of drug markets. We believe this approach may be more likely to produce strategic drug policy because it reflects the richness and complexity of the real world of drug use, and drug policy. The purpose of employing an integrative methodology is to create the potential for new drug policy insights, ideas and interventions - not restricted to one body of evidence, nor to accidental or fortuitous policy-making processes.
The aim of this paper is to describe a new comprehensive approach to studying illicit drug policy - one that integrates evidence, disciplinary approaches, drug use behaviours and policy making processes. The methods described here include systematic reviews of the evidence, studies of the ways in which policy decision-making actually occurs, and the use of modelling approaches that can explicate the multi-dimensional nature of drug policy responses and their dynamic interactions. The approach described has the potential to facilitate new drug policy that would not have been possible or apparent through the sole study of one aspect of drug policy, such as the evidence-base or the political context or the economics of drug markets. We believe this approach may be more likely to produce strategic drug policy because it reflects the richness and complexity of the real world of drug use, and drug policy. The purpose of employing an integrative methodology is to create the potential for new drug policy insights, ideas and interventions - not restricted to one body of evidence, nor to accidental or fortuitous policy-making processes.
In: The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Band 582, Heft 2, S. 80-93
ISSN: 0000-0000
In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Band 582, S. 80-93
ISSN: 0002-7162
Australia ranks high internationally in the prevalence of cannabis & other illicit drug use, which has been increasing since the 1970s. There are two distinctive features associated with harm from injecting drug use -- high rates of death from heroin overdose & low rates of HIV infection. Australia has largely avoided a punitive & moralistic drug policy, developing instead harm minimization strategies & a robust treatment framework embedded in a strong law enforcement regime. Two illustrations of Australian drug policy are presented: legislation that provides for the expiation of simple cannabis offenses by payment of a fine & widespread implementation of agonist maintenance treatment for heroin dependence. 2 Figures, 22 References. [Copyright 2002 Sage Publications, Inc.]