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23 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
In: Peace matters, Heft 59, S. 8
ISSN: 1350-3006
In: Realizing Human Rights, S. 321-336
In: Europa-Archiv, Band 48, Heft 4, S. 117
In: Europa-Archiv / Beiträge und Berichte
World Affairs Online
In: International social science journal: ISSJ, Band 23, Heft 1, S. 36-47
ISSN: 0020-8701
A dichotomy of biological vs soc factors in human aggressiveness is rejected, since both interact. Recent res on hormonal influences upon brain org in animals early in life as affecting later aggressive & sexual behavior is summarized. Res on the role of testosterone in the development of aggressive behavior has now been extended to primates. F monkeys exposed to testosterone during uterine development have been shown to exhibit aggressive & masculinized behavior in later life. Clinical observations suggest that certain reproductive as well as non-reproductive hormones may affect the probability of aggressive behavior in humans. But little is yet known of the endocrine concomitants of anger, threat & attack in man, although there are intriguing clues involving steroid hormones & biogenic amines. Work done on rodents in recent yrs has been concerned with the relations between pop density, endocrine function & behavior. Results have suggested that as pop density reaches a high level, adrenal function tends to increase considerably, while gonadal function tends to diminish & aggressive behavior tends to increase. Res leads beyond strictly hormonal studies to hormone-related biochemistry of informationprocessing in the nervous system, & into the broader field of human biochemical genetics. Of particular interest is res begun a few yrs ago- into the 'Lesch-Nyhan syndrome.' This is a disorder of purine metabolism in which overproduction of aric acid is accompanied by severe behavior disturbance including unusual aggressive manifestations. The disease is transmitted as an X-linked recessive trait, & a specific enzyme deficiency has been delineated. The presence of abnormal enzyme can now be identified by tests. A range of res possibilities exists re the effects of various brain-stimulating purines on parame - ters of aggressive behavior. It is concluded that the biological set's must ultimately work in conjunction with the soc set's toward a better understanding of endocrine, biochemical, genetic evolutionary & neuropbysiological factors involved in human behavior. M. Maxfield.
Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- Preface and Acknowledgments -- An Invitation to Peace -- Chapter 1 Personal Experiences as Pathways to Peace -- PART I PILLARS OF PREVENTION -- Chapter 2 Education for Peace Overcoming Complacency, Ignorance, Prejudice, and Wishful Thinking -- Chapter 3 Early Warning Taking Prompt Action to Protect Peace -- Chapter 4 Democracy and Peace Preventing Mass Violence with Best Civic Practices -- Chapter 5 Development and Peace Fostering Socioeconomic Equality -- Chapter 6 Human Rights and Peace Empowering People and Pragmatic Decency -- Chapter 7 Weapons against Peace Overcoming History's Most Dangerous Armaments -- PART II WHO CAN DO WHAT FOR PEACE? -- Chapter 8 The United States and Other Democracies -- Chapter 9 The United Nations -- Chapter 10 The European Union and Other Regional Organizations -- Chapter 11 North Atlantic Treaty Organization -- Chapter 12 Promising Changes in a Decade and a Generation -- Notes -- Recommended Readings -- Index -- About the Authors.
In: The Jacobs Foundation series on adolescence
Early adolescence, a critically important developmental phase in the lives of young people, has been neglected in terms of its potential to prevent educational and health problems.Preparing Adolescents for the Twenty-First Century: Challenges Facing Europe and the United States attempts to address this neglect by focusing on cross-national perspectives and linking fundamental research on adolescent development to the challenges of preparing young people for adult life. It describes the theory, design, and implementation of innovative comprehensive education and health approaches. Serious examination is given to increasing the positive influence of education in promoting literacy for a high-technology economy, healthy lifestyles, and responsible citizenship
In: Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie, Band 28, Heft 3, S. 417
In: Children's services: social policy, research, and practice ; journal of the Division of Child, Youth, and Family Services of the American Psychological Association, Band 5, Heft 2, S. 139-147
ISSN: 1532-6918
In: Foreign affairs: an American quarterly review, Band 81, Heft 5, S. 199
ISSN: 2327-7793