88 Ergebnisse
Urheberrecht in Ägypten
In: Urheberrechtliche Abhandlungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Ausländisches und Internationales Patent-, Urheber- und Wettbewerbsrecht, München 45
Gardens, Landscape, and Vision in the Palaces of Islamic Spain, by D. Fairchild Ruggles. 264 pages, notes, bibliography, index, color/b&w illustrations. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000. $65.00 (Cloth) ISBN 0-271-01851-8
In: Middle East Studies Association bulletin, Band 35, Heft 1, S. 86-87
Inclusion at Al-Ahliah School: Varying Degrees of Success
In: Al-Raida Journal, S. 40-42
Al-Ahliah School, established by Mary Kassab in 1916, was certainly a pioneer in implementing inclusion. Al-Ahliah's attempts at various forms of inclusion started at the beginning of the sixties, and are still going on, with varying levels of success, for a variety of special needs of a physical and mental nature.That inclusion should take place at Al-Ahliah was very natural and even inevitable since its mission has always stressed the value of humanity, the equal rights of all, and the importance of encouragement and of the nurturing of self-worth. It is an institution that strongly believes in giving each individual the opportunity to lead a dignified, fulfilled and productive life.
Selves of Wives and Selves of Daughters
In: Al-Raida Journal, S. 36-42
I began conducting my research on bedouin co-wives in the summer of 1992 and continued it in the summer of 1993; and for that purpose spent most of those summers in the Bekaa' valley. During the interval between the two summers, and in the winter of 1995, I interviewed a number of urban co-wives in the cities of Beirut and Tripoli and in the town of Baalbeck. My research covered eighty-five women, each of whose husbands had either one or two other wives. Twenty-eight of these were bedouin, thirty-five were sedentary of bedouin origin and twenty-two were urban. The main reason for the restricted number of subjects was the scarcity of polygynous households, especially in the cities.
One Way or the Other
In: Al-Raida Journal, S. 3-5
Usually, each issue of Al-Raida tackles a topic whose scope is the Arab world. In this issue, we are making an exception by focusing unilaterally on Lebanon. This is primarily because discrimination against women in different Arab countries with their different legal systems would be too vast a topic. An attempt to cover several countries in one issue would not allow the depth of analysis and detail necessary to do the topic justice. On the other hand, the criticism of discrimination, discussion of the structural causes behind it, as well as some solutions to alleviate it, found in this issue on Lebanon, may be relevant to other Arab countries. We hope to be able to dedicate future issues to discrimination against women in the legislation of other countries of the Arab world.
Family Laws: The Changing and the Pseudo-Eternal
In: Al-Raida Journal, S. 60-65
Laws are a basic necessity of civilized living. They organize the various functions in society, ensure property rights, and aim to restrain transgression by stipulating to punish or rehabilitate transgressors. Laws also define the rights and responsibilities of each person vis-à-vis the state and with respect to other people. This is why they are an integral part, indeed a justification, of any theory of social contract.
The Status of Women in Lebanese Legislation
In: Al-Raida Journal, S. 13
'Law' is an awe-inspiring word. It makes the innocent feel secure and strikes the guilty with panic. Law is supposed to protect the weak and restrain the powerful. But can we say this about Lebanese laws and the position of Lebanese women within their country's legal system(s)?
Religious Courts
In: Al-Raida Journal, S. 28-29
Husbands who physical abuse their wives are not a rare phenomenon. In fact, this type of domestic violence exists in all societies and social strata. This paper investigates the matter through interviews with Lebanese religious authorities who are familiar with relevant court cases.
A companion to early modern Istanbul
In: Brill's companions to European history volume 26
"This multi-disciplinary volume is the first collective effort to explore Istanbul, capital of the vast polyglot, multiethnic, and multireligious Ottoman empire and home to one of the world's largest and most diverse urban populations, as an early modern metropolis. It assembles topics seldom treated together and embraces novel subjects and fresh approaches to older debates. Contributors crisscross the socioeconomic, political, cultural, environmental, and spatial, to examine the myriad human and non-human actors, local and global, that shaped the city into one of the key sites of early modern urbanity. Contributors are: Oscar Aguirre-Mandujano , Zeynep Altok, Walter G. Andrews, Betül Başaran, Cem Behar, Maurits H. van den Boogert, John J. Curry, Linda T. Darling, Suraiya Faroqhi, Emine Fetvacı, Shirine Hamadeh, Cemal Kafadar, Çiğdem Kafescioğlu, Deniz Karakaş, Leyla Kayhan Elbirlik, B. Harun Küçük, Selim S. Kuru, Karen A. Leal, Gülru Necipoğlu, Christoph K. Neumann, Aslı Niyazioğlu, Amanda Phillips, Marinos Sariyannis, Aleksandar Shopov, Lucienne Thys-Şenocak, Nükhet Varlık, N. Zeynep Yelçe, Gülay Yılmaz, and Zeynep Yürekli"--
Dietary Behaviors among Medical Students in the Middle East: Identifying Areas for Intervention
In: British journal of education, society & behavioural science, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 9-17
ISSN: 2278-0998
Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject / Women's Rights and Islamic Family Law: Perspectives on Reform
In: Al-Raida Journal, S. 110-114
Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist SubjectAs interest continues to grow in what is occasionally called the global resurgence of religion, the importance of understanding and explaining the Islamic revival (al-sahwa al-islamiyya) has never been greater. Indeed, no longer the exclusive domain of scholars, students, and policymakers working in and around the Islamic world, the politics and practices of Islamism are now, suddenly,issues that matter to all. It is in this connection that Saba Mahmood's Politics of Piety has already proved to stand as one of the most meaningful contributions to the field of Islamic studies over the past five years, with striking resonance across such disciplines as cultural anthropology, women's studies, religion, and critical philosophy. Women's Rights and Islamic Family Law: Perspectives on ReformRecently, Islam in general, and Islamic family law in particular, have been the object of much interest and research. The particular focus on family law is justified not only by the importance of families, the building blocks that constitute society and mold individuals, but also by the fact that Islamic family law is often the most resistant to change, as it is the hardest to disentangle from religious authority.
Shifts of Cohesion and Coherence in the Translation of Political Speeches
Discourse Markers (DMs) are central to maintaining cohesive and coherent translations. Drawing on Halliday and Hassan's (1976) model to investigate the translation of DMs in political speeches, the study has verified the premise that tampering with the SLT's cohesion grid can adversely affect its relevant undergirding coherence grid. The study has revealed that any incurred cohesion shift in the act of translating would necessarily inscribe a parallel coherence shift, which fuse together to procure a noticeable translation loss. Analysis has isolated three major problems pertinent to translating English DMs into Arabic: (a) mistranslating explicit SL DMs, (b) no translation is given for implicit SL DMs, and (c) no translation is given for explicit SL DMs.
Failure of tooth eruption in two patients with cerebral palsy and bruxism—a 10‐year follow‐up: a case report
In: Special care in dentistry: SCD, Band 29, Heft 4, S. 169-174
ISSN: 1754-4505
ABSTRACTThe aim of this paper was to analyze delayed tooth eruption in two children with cerebral palsy who had severe bruxism and to determine whether treatment could influence tooth eruption and alignment. Extraction of primary teeth was carried out and orthodontic treatment was considered due to severe tooth wear of primary teeth, lack of space, and development of a class III malocclusion.Analysis was based on clinical examination, photographs, radiographs, and dental casts.In both patients, early mixed dentition was delayed for more than 5 years. Calcification and root development of posterior permanent teeth corresponded with the chronological age. Root resorption of the severely abraded primary teeth and eruption of their successors were delayed or failed. Eruption of permanent teeth occurred slowly after primary teeth were extracted. Orthodontic treatment succeeded in one patient, achieving a normal overjet in combination with a successful orofacial therapy.The disturbed exfoliation of abraded primary teeth and failure of tooth eruption of the posterior teeth could be linked to the systemic pathology and to bruxism. At age 20, eruption of the canines and premolars remained questionable.