Gemeinsam die Hände dreckig machen ; Aktionsforschungen im aktivistischen Kontext urbaner Gärten und kollektiver Kartierungen ; Action research in the activist context of urban gardens and collective mappings
This analysis concerns an action research, which is generated from the daily activist routine of urban gardening and emancipatory education. Its goal is to work hand in hand with the Allmende-Kontor and the orangotango collective, and in doing so to develop an academic exchange of ideas concerning transformative forms of scientific practice. The work is centered on the activists' action-based interplay and the hereby connected learning processes. The foundation for the engagement with action research and emancipatory education is formed by Paulo Freire's popular education. On this basis the work deals with the spectrum of action research and characterizes it with the help of its central elements. The debate on urban gardens is rooted in the discussions revolving around political ecology. This is followed by the development of a critical and solidary approach towards the different levels of urban agriculture, which sheds light on the contradictory potential of urban gardens for a solidary, ecological and emancipatory transformation. In the style of action research this is then reacted to and followed by cycles of action and reflection. The engagement with collective mappings as a method of action research stems from critical cartography and the practices of resistance in Latin America. It is embedded in the activistic and reflexive practice in the environment of urban gardens. On the one hand this work includes a practical level of concrete activities and results. On the other hand, it analyzes (learning) processes which are connected to the formation and the dissemination of these activities and results. This analysis is in turn divided into an engagement with the political aspects and goals of activist practices on the one hand, as well as a methodological reflection of action research on the other hand. Within the analysis both of these sides are fused into a simultaneously occurring activist research and a scholar activism. ; Bei dieser Untersuchung handelt es sich um eine Aktionsforschung, die aus dem ...