This article is about pedagogical evolution in Spanish conciliar seminars starting in Enlightenment until XX century. Also Studies the Spanish Government laws and bilateral Agreements between Church and State; also exposes concisely pedagogy becoming in these academic institutions in papal and conciliar documents during Contemporany Age ; El artículo aborda una síntesis sobre la evolución pedagógica los seminarios conciliares españoles partiendo de la Ilustración; la legislación de los gobiernos españoles y los acuerdos Iglesia Estado sobre los mismos; además expone concisamente la naturaleza y pedagogía de estos centros académicos en los documentos pontificios y conciliares del siglo XX.
Agustin Espinosa (1897-1939) was a famous author in his lifetime but forgotten under Franco. His work adapts all the main cultural movements of the era: he passes from the modernism of his youthful poems, to Spanish avant-garde movements (inspired by Ortega y Gasset's Dehumanisation of art), to French surrealism, and, finally, to a style inspired by the Fascism of the Spanish Civil War. This Thesis has brought together all Espinosa's collaborations with Fascist journals, which were never reedited after his death, and analyses them within the same framework as articles written before the war. The objective is to show how Espinosa's writing is marked by a real consistency and continuity throughout his career. In spite of what is, to be sure, an eclectic development as a writer, Espinosa reveals a great inventiveness of style and a seemingly limitless erudition in all his texts. The homogeneity of his prose also originates from the myths that inspire him, and the way he transforms them, thus creating a literary system that drives his vision of the world. Espinosa's myths and their metamorphoses have thus been studied in relation to space (geographical and literary contexts); ideologies ('caste-systems' and political extremisms); and the representation of literary myths (animals, men and women). Thus structured, this analysis aims to be the most exhaustive possible; it accounts for Espinosa's complexity as a radical and obscure author, while recognising fully that not all the enigmas in his work have yet been fully resolved. ; Agustín Espinosa (1897-1939) fut un auteur célèbre à son époque puis oublié sous le franquisme. Son œuvre s'adapte à tous les courants culturels de son temps : du modernisme de ses poèmes de jeunesse, aux avant-gardes espagnoles –inspirées par La déshumanisation de l'art d'Ortega y Gasset-, en passant par le surréalisme français et, enfin, par le style d'inspiration fasciste –durant la guerre civile-. Cette Thèse a récupéré toutes les collaborations d'Espinosa aux journaux phalangistes, qui n'avaient jamais été rééditées après sa mort, afin de les analyser au même titre que l'ensemble de ses articles d'avant-guerre, dans le but de démontrer que l'écriture d'Espinosa garde une véritable unicité. Certes, malgré un parcours éclectique, Espinosa fait preuve dans tous ces textes d'une grande inventivité stylistique et d'une érudition sans bornes. L'homogénéité de sa prose découle aussi des mythes qui inspirent Espinosa et des métamorphoses qu'il leur impose, créant ainsi un système littéraire qui véhicule sa vision du monde. L'on a donc étudié les mythes d'Espinosa et leurs métamorphoses par rapport à l'espace –contextes littéraire et géographique-, aux idéologies –« casticisme » et extrémismes politiques- et à la représentation des mythes littéraires –des animaux, des hommes et des femmes-. Ce schéma d'analyse se veut le plus exhaustif possible, tenant compte de la complexité d'Espinosa, un auteur radical et obscur, même si l'on a bien conscience de ne pas avoir pu résoudre toutes les énigmes que son œuvre continue de poser.
Agustin Espinosa (1897-1939) was a famous author in his lifetime but forgotten under Franco. His work adapts all the main cultural movements of the era: he passes from the modernism of his youthful poems, to Spanish avant-garde movements (inspired by Ortega y Gasset's Dehumanisation of art), to French surrealism, and, finally, to a style inspired by the Fascism of the Spanish Civil War. This Thesis has brought together all Espinosa's collaborations with Fascist journals, which were never reedited after his death, and analyses them within the same framework as articles written before the war. The objective is to show how Espinosa's writing is marked by a real consistency and continuity throughout his career. In spite of what is, to be sure, an eclectic development as a writer, Espinosa reveals a great inventiveness of style and a seemingly limitless erudition in all his texts. The homogeneity of his prose also originates from the myths that inspire him, and the way he transforms them, thus creating a literary system that drives his vision of the world. Espinosa's myths and their metamorphoses have thus been studied in relation to space (geographical and literary contexts); ideologies ('caste-systems' and political extremisms); and the representation of literary myths (animals, men and women). Thus structured, this analysis aims to be the most exhaustive possible; it accounts for Espinosa's complexity as a radical and obscure author, while recognising fully that not all the enigmas in his work have yet been fully resolved. ; Agustín Espinosa (1897-1939) fut un auteur célèbre à son époque puis oublié sous le franquisme. Son œuvre s'adapte à tous les courants culturels de son temps : du modernisme de ses poèmes de jeunesse, aux avant-gardes espagnoles –inspirées par La déshumanisation de l'art d'Ortega y Gasset-, en passant par le surréalisme français et, enfin, par le style d'inspiration fasciste –durant la guerre civile-. Cette Thèse a récupéré toutes les collaborations d'Espinosa aux journaux phalangistes, qui ...
En este artículo se presentan los resultados de investigación que analizan las prácticas de autocuidado en mujeres de entre 60 y 80 años, con autonomía económica y residentes de la ciudad de San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas. El estudio se efectuó desde una perspectiva de género y en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19. Desde una perspectiva feminista y la teoría de la economía del cuidado, se empleó la investigación acción participativa (IAP) para identificar, documentar y analizar las prácticas de autocuidado de las participantes. Los resultados muestran que las prácticas de autocuidado están influidas por la condición socioeconómica donde las mujeres con mayor autonomía económica tienen más recursos para realizar prácticas de autocuidado.
Los inminentes problemas ambientales que las comunidades campesinas, indígenas, afrodescendientes y ciudadanos en general venimos afrontando, por múltiples factores, entre ellos los procesos de desarrollo industrial y económico de la sociedad actual, nos obligan a realizar una mirada de las herramientas consagradas en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico que tienen como objeto proteger lo que ha denominado como derechos colectivos y ambientales. En tal sentido, el presente escrito parte de identificar qué se entiende por derechos colectivos y ambientales, para subsiguientemente ahondar en dos grandes figuras, la primera de ellas desde el ámbito judicial, donde se aborda el concepto, fundamentación y efectividad de la acción popular y la segunda, desde el ámbito administrativo, a partir del análisis de la licencia ambiental y su procedimiento de expedición, con el objeto de identificar en ambas herramientas sus elementos más relevantes. Con los anteriores elementos, se realiza un estudio de aproximadamente cien sentencias proferidas en segunda instancia por el Consejo de Estado (en su calidad de máximo Tribunal de lo Contencioso Administrativo) sobre acciones populares, donde se visualiza estadísticamente el manejo y aplicación de la herramienta al incoarse la protección de los derechos colectivos y ambientales, identificando datos asociados a proyectos, obras o actividades con licencia ambiental, para finalmente contar con unas conclusiones que definen el escenario actual de evolución de nuestro ordenamiento jurídico frente a las necesidades de salvaguarda de nuestros recursos naturales. (texto tomado de la fuente) ; The impending environmental problems that rural communities, indigenous , Afro-descendant and citizens come to face , by multiple factors , including the processes of industrial and economic development of modern society , force us to make a look of tools embodied in our system law that are intended to protect what has been termed as collective and environmental rights. In this sense, this paper is based on identifying what is meant by collective and environmental rights to subsequently delve into two figures, the first one from the judiciary, where the concept, rationale and effectiveness of the class action is addressed and the second, from the administrative level, from the analysis of the environmental license and dispatch procedure in order to identify the most relevant tools both elements. With the above, a study of about one hundred sentences handed down on appeal by the State Council (in its capacity as the highest Court of Administrative Disputes ) on class actions , where the management and implementation of the tool is made to display statistically initiated the protection of collective and environmental rights , identifying data associated with projects, works or activities with environmental license to finally have some conclusions that define the current stage of development of our legal system meet the needs of safeguarding our natural resources ; Maestría
Glioblastoma, the most aggressive type of primary brain tumour, shows worse prognosis linked to diabetes or obesity persistence. These pathologies are chronic inflammatory conditions characterized by altered profiles of inflammatory mediators, including leptin and secreted phospholipase A2-IIA (sPLA2-IIA). Both proteins, in turn, display diverse pro-cancer properties in different cell types, including astrocytes. Herein, to understand the underlying relationship between obesity and brain tumors, we investigated the effect of leptin, alone or in combination with sPLA2-IIA on astrocytoma cell functions. sPLA2-IIA induced up-regulation of leptin receptors in 1321N1 human astrocytoma cells. Leptin, as well as sPLA2-IIA, increased growth and migration in these cells, through activation/phosphorylation of key proteins of survival cascades. Leptin, at concentrations with minimal or no activating effects on astrocytoma cells, enhanced growth and migration promoted by low doses of sPLA2-IIA. sPLA2-IIA alone induced a transient phosphorylation pattern in the Src/ERK/Akt/mTOR/p70S6K/rS6 pathway through EGFR transactivation, and co-addition of leptin resulted in a sustained phosphorylation of these signaling regulators. Mechanistically, EGFR transactivation and tyrosine- and serine/threonine-protein phosphatases revealed a key role in this leptin-sPLA2-IIA cross-talk. This cooperative partnership between both proteins was also found in primary astrocytes. These findings thus indicate that the adipokine leptin, by increasing the susceptibility of cells to inflammatory mediators, could contribute to worsen the prognosis of tumoral and neurodegenerative processes, being a potential mediator of some obesity-related medical complications. ; This work was supported by the FPI Program from the Autonomous Government of Castilla y Leon (to RM and CC) co-funded by FSE, and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant SAF2009-08407 and SAF2016-81063). ; Peer Reviewed
Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic demyelinating autoimmune disease affecting the CNS. Recent studies have indicated that intestinal alterations play key pathogenic roles in the development of autoimmune diseases, including MS. The triterpene oleanolic acid (OA), due to its anti-inflammatory properties, has shown to beneficially influence the severity of the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a preclinical model of MS. We herein investigate EAE-associated gut intestinal dysfunction and the effect of OA treatment. Methods: Mice with MOG-induced EAE were treated with OA or vehicle from immunization day and were daily analyzed for clinical deficit. We performed molecular and histological analysis in serum and intestinal tissues to measure oxidative and inflammatory responses. We used Caco-2 and HT29-MTX-E12 cells to elucidate OA in vitro effects. Results: We found that OA protected from EAE-induced changes in intestinal permeability and preserved the mucin-containing goblet cells along the intestinal tract. Serum levels of the markers for intestinal barrier damage iFABP and monocyte activation sCD14 were consistently and significantly reduced in OA-treated EAE mice. Beneficial OA effects also included a decrease of pro-inflammatory mediators both in serum and colonic tissue of treated-EAE mice. Moreover, the levels of some immunoregulatory cytokines, the neurotrophic factor GDNF, and the gastrointestinal hormone motilin were preserved in OA-treated EAE mice. Regarding oxidative stress, OA treatment prevented lipid peroxidation and superoxide anion accumulation in intestinal tissue, while inducing the expression of the ROS scavenger Sestrin-3. Furthermore, short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) quantification in the cecal content showed that OA reduced the high iso-valeric acid concentrations detected in EAE-mice. Lastly, using in vitro cell models which mimic the intestinal epithelium, we verified that OA protected against intestinal barrier dysfunction induced by injurious agents produced in both EAE and MS. Conclusion: These findings reveal that OA ameliorates the gut dysfunction found in EAE mice. OA normalizes the levels of gut mucosal dysfunction markers, as well as the pro- and anti-inflammatory immune bias during EAE, thus reinforcing the idea that OA is a beneficial compound for treating EAE and suggesting that OA may be an interesting candidate to be explored for the treatment of human MS. ; This work was supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (SAF2016-81063 and PID2019-111788RB-I00) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (PI18/00257), CIBERCV a way to build Europe, and BG and IG were funded by the FPI Program from the Government of Castilla y León (co-funded by FSE).