Degrees of Freedom and Characteristic Modes: Estimates for radiating and arbitrarily shaped objects
In: IEEE antennas & propagation magazine, Band 66, Heft 6, S. 18-28
ISSN: 1558-4143
6 Ergebnisse
In: IEEE antennas & propagation magazine, Band 66, Heft 6, S. 18-28
ISSN: 1558-4143
The Swedish Government decided in 2017 to investigate different possibilities and challenges with implementing electrified roads in Sweden and since then, the Swedish Transport Administration has a program for investigations and research regarding electric road systems (ERS). The Research and Innovation Platform for Electrified Roads is part of this program and the present report is a compilation of the results derived regarding environmental impact of ERS from the work in work package two of this platform. The general concept of ERS is to deliver energy for charging and propulsion of vehicles while driving.The environmental aspects that are covered in this report are mainly focusing on particles, noise and electromagnetic field emissions. The information is attained from literature reviews and discussions with project leaders of demonstration projects for electrified roads in Sweden. Comparisons were made with similar existing techniques or concepts. The overall results indicate that more research is needed on environmental impact of ERS, mainly regarding particles from the wear of conductive ERSas well as on emissions of electromagnetic fields. It is for instance important to consider emissions from electromagnetic fields as early on in the development phase as possible as well as looking intothe standards that regulates or need to regulate these technologies in order for them to work properly together with other electrical devices on or close to the roads. Screening of electromagnetic fields is an alternative, which could become a costly solution if considered later on in the process. ; Sedan den svenska regeringen år 2017 beslutade att undersöka möjligheter och utmaningar med attinföra elvägar i Sverige, har Trafikverket startat ett program för utredning och forskning kring elvägar. Resultaten som diskuteras i denna rapport kommer från det arbete som gjorts i arbetspaketet för miljöeffekter av elvägar som bedrivits inom Forsknings- och innovationsplattformen för elvägar somär en del av Trafikverkets elvägsprogram. Det grundläggande konceptet med elväg är att leverera el för framdrift och laddning av fordon medan de är i rörelse längs med vägen. De miljöeffekter som studerats via litteraturstudier har främst handlat om partiklar, buller och elektromagnetiska fält. Jämförelser har gjorts med befintliga tekniker och koncept som kan liknas med olika varianter av elvägar. Det sammantagna resultatet är att det behövs mer forskning kring de miljöeffekter som elvägar kan föra med sig, främst gällande partiklar från slitage hos de konduktiva elvägsteknikerna och elektromagnetiska fält för olika delar och komponenterav elvägen. Det är exempelvis viktigt att tidigt se över emissioner av elektromagnetiska fält och de standarder som antingen finns eller behövs för att kunna reglera hur dessa tekniker ska kunna fungera i miljöer tillsammans med andra elektriska apparater. Skärmning av elektromagnetiska fält är alternativför att begränsa sådana emissioner men skärmning brukar bli en kostsam lösning.
In: IEEE antennas & propagation magazine, Band 63, Heft 3, S. 77-88
ISSN: 1558-4143
In: IEEE antennas & propagation magazine, Band 61, Heft 4, S. 19-29
ISSN: 1558-4143
In: Annals of work exposures and health: addressing the cause and control of work-related illness and injury, Band 67, Heft Supplement_1, S. i94-i94
ISSN: 2398-7316
Ambient particulate matter (PM) is one of the leading environmental mortality risk factors worldwide. PM is not a single entity but consists of a complex and variable mixture of particles from multiple sources. Nevertheless, there is a paucity of experimental studies assessing the potential combinatory effects of different types of particles, and most focus on the effects of individual PM components or mixed PM samples. In the present study, the pro-inflammatory effects of combined exposure to road wear particles and diesel exhaust particles (DEP), two important constituents of traffic-derived PM, were assessed in vitro. Human bronchial epithelial cells (HBEC3-KT) and differentiated THP-1 macrophage-like cells were exposed to road wear particles and two different samples of DEP under submerged conditions, both alone and in combination. Particle-induced release of pro-inflammatory cytokines (CXCL8 and IL-1β) was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results show that combined exposure to road wear particles and DEP induced enhanced release of pro-inflammatory cytokines compared with the effects of the individual particle samples. The combinatory effects appeared to depend on properties of the DEP samples and also differed between the HBEC3-KT cells and THP-1 macrophage-like cells. This study shows that the effects of combined exposure to different types of particles may surpass the effects anticipated by the effects of the individual particulates. These combinatory effects between types of particles could have implications when assessing measures to reduce PM-induced health effects.
This literature review concerns microplastics from tyre and road wear caused by road traffic. As there is limited knowledge about microplastics in general, and microplastics from road traffic in particular, the Swedish Government commissioned the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) to, during 2018-2020, develop and disseminate knowledge about microplastics from road traffic. The chapters in this report summarises existing knowledge about microplastics from road traffic with respect to the following aspects: sources, spread and presence; effects on and risk to the environment and human health; characteristics and chemical composition; tyre and road wear; sampling methods; analysis and sample preparation; and measures. The report also includes a chapter with overall conclusions, and a chapter about further research, development and investigation needs. The purpose of this report is to provide a basis for reducing the generation and spread of microplastics from road traffic. One aim of the report is to collate and disseminate knowledge about microplastics generated by tyre and road wear, and to review the current level of knowledge. A second aim is to identify knowledge gaps and research requirements in relation to microplastics from road traffic. This literature review is based on a review of scientific articles and reports, as well as technical literature and some information from experts and industry. ; Engelsk övers. av VTI rapport 1028 "Mikroplast från däck- och vägslitage: en kunskapssammanställning"