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62 Ergebnisse
In: International Library of Sociology
In: Soziologische Texte 6
In: Essay index reprint series
In: Bibliothèque de sociologie contemporaine
In: Synthese Library, A Series of Monographs on the Recent Development of Symbolic Logic Significs, Sociology of Language, Sociology of Science and of Knowledge Statistics of Language and Related Fields 8
In: Synthese Library, Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science 8
I/Introduction -- General Theoretical Orientation -- The Relation of Sociological Theory to Study of Time -- II/The Problem of Time -- Jean Piaget's Definition -- Is Multiple Time Possible? -- Bergson and the Problem of Time -- The Problem of Time in Contemporary Physics -- The Multiple Manifestations of Time in Different Sciences -- Social Time -- Varieties of Social Time -- Sociological Time and Historical Time -- III/The Depth Levels and Social Time -- Ecological Time -- Time Characteristic of Organizations -- The Time of Conduct of Some Regularity of Patterns, of Rules, of Signals and Signs -- Time of Social Roles and Collective Attitudes -- Time of Symbols, Ideas and Collective Values -- Collective Mentality and Time -- IV/The Micro-Social Framework and its Time: The Manifestations of Sociability -- Time Belonging to Mass Sociability -- Community Sociability and Its Time -- Time Characteristic of Communion Sociability -- The Time Characteristic of Approach, Withdrawal and Mixed Interpersonal and Intergroup Relations -- V/The Particular Groupings and Their Social Time -- The Criteria for Classification of Groups -- Time of Groupings Classified According to Their Duration -- Time of Groupings Classified by Their Rhythm -- Time of Groups Classified According to Their Dispersion -- Time of Groups Classified According to Mode of Admission -- Time of Groups Classified by Functions -- Time of Groupings Classified According to Their Orientation -- VI/The Social Classes and Their Scales of Social Time -- The Peasant Class and Its Scales of Social Time -- The Bourgeois Class and Its Scales of Social Time -- The Proletarian Social Time Scale -- The Middle Classes and the Techno-Bureaucrats; Their Social Time Scales -- VII/Global Societies and Their Time Scales -- The Time Scales of Archaic Societies -- The Types of Historical Societies -- Charismatic Theocracies and Their Social Time Scales -- The Patriarchal Societies and Their Scales of Time -- The Feudal Societies and Their Time Scales -- The Ancient City-States Becoming Empires and Their Time Scales -- VIII/The Time Scales of Modern Societies -- Nascent Capitalistic Global Societies and Their Time Scales -- The Time Scales of Democratic-Liberal Global Societies with Developed Competitive Capitalism -- IX/The Time Scales of Contemporary Societies -- The Time Scales of the Managerial Society of Organized Capitalism -- The Time Scales of the Fascist Society Based on Techno-Bureaucracy -- The Time Scales of the Planned, Centralized, Collectivist State -- The Time Scales of the Planned, Decentralized, Pluralistic, Collectivistic Society -- Conclusion.
In: Bibliothèque de sociologie contemporaine
World Affairs Online
In: es cours de Sorbonne
In: Les fondateurs de la sociologie contemporaine