12 Ergebnisse
Today's Market of Consulting Services
In: Mirovaja ėkonomika i meždunarodnye otnošenija: MĖMO, Heft 1, S. 54-60
Consulting in financial and economic sphere is a kind of performance, which serves as a connecting link between a theoretical and a practical constituent of economy. In Russia, the consulting market started to develop along with market transition. In recent years, it has demonstrated significant positive changes. The article is aimed at analyzing of the Russian consulting market functioning and its changes before and during the global crisis.
Legal Principles Governing the Distribution of Labor Supply
In: Soviet Law and Government, Band 10, Heft 2, S. 172-185
Legal principles governing the distribution of labor supply
In: Soviet law and government: translations from original Soviet sources, Band 10, S. 172-185
ISSN: 0038-5530
Translated from Sovetskoe Gosudarstvo i Pravo, no. 3, 1971.
Use of experimental and numerical simulation methods for rational design of the air cooling apparatus for lubrication systems of compressors
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Physical-Technical Series, Band 65, Heft 2, S. 215-223
ISSN: 2524-244X
The objective of the present work was to study heat and hydraulic parameters of an air cooling apparatus of oil (ACAO), whose geometry of its flow-through part is changed to decrease hydraulic losses in its air conduit and to increase the cooling efficiency of oil. Using numerical simulation methods of heat transfer, we have developed and tested the computational techniques applied in a wide class of heat exchange apparatuses, including those consisting of the sections of finned flat tubes manufactured by extrusion with subsequent deforming cutting. We have proposed to make a finned part of a heat-exchange surface in the form of porous inserts. This has allowed us to reduce numerical simulation equipment requirements and to decrease computational time. Predicted results well agree with experimental data; their analysis shows that the calculated value of thermal performance of the oil cooler due to the revealed construction drawbacks of the air conduit is by 19 % less than that of the designed one. Based on the results of the numerical simulation studies, a number of recommendations have been made how to improve the layout inside the air cooling apparatus for oil in order to enhance its thermal performance and aerodynamic quality. In particular, we have proposed to mount new fan blades to enhance its performance; to change the construction of the air outlet valve by taking away a baffle that partially overshadows the exit area of the bottom fan; to modify the shape of the bottom collector of the oil cooler in order to make a uniform velocity profile at the entrance of cooling sections. Connecting in series heat exchange sections may be a perspective engineering decision. The outcomes of all proposed engineering decisions can be assessed by numerical simulation methods that will allow us not to design expensive equipment.
Social and Legal Healthcare Models and Their Functioning During a Global Crisis
In: Cuestiones Políticas; Nuevas realidades jurídico-políticas en el marco del orden mundial post-coronavirus, Band 38, Heft Especial, S. 248-265
ISSN: 2542-3185
The article analyzes the existing health models in terms of their legal, economic and social effectiveness, innovative potential, as well as in the context of their ability to resist modern threats caused by changes in the environment, ecology, bio-information development and other technologies. The authors used the methods of comparative analysis, synthesis, structural-functional and statistical analysis. Everything indicates the need for a major modernization of existing care models and / or their replacement by new ones that satisfy the basic needs of the majority of society at the current stage of its development. Among the most prominent findings, it is also highlighted that the health insurance model is a creation of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was developed and implemented at a time when the economy, society, the social sphere, and technologies were completely different. The 2020 pandemic has revealed the reasons for the unsatisfactory health care work, in a seemingly as prosperous country as the United States, where the largest amount of budget money traditionally goes to health care.
Техногенное воздействие на окружающую среду в российской Арктике на примере Норильского промышленного района ; Technogenic effect on the environment in the Russian Arctic by the example of the Norilsk industrial area
Актуальность работы определяется растущей необходимостью в решении экологических вопросов в арктических регионах Российской Федерации с учетом их особой стратегической значимости для развития страны. Сложность задачи обусловлена, с одной стороны, наличием накопленного экологического ущерба, требующего ликвидации, а с другой - важностью разработки природосберегающих подходов к освоению новых ресурсов в ближайшем будущем. Цель работы заключается в комплексном анализе состояния экосистемы и ее отдельных компонентов в Норильском промышленном районе как одной из значимых ресурсных территорий российской Арктики. Отдельное внимание уделено методам мониторинга окружающей среды и регулирующим сферу экологии документам, которые требуют устранения ряда острых противоречий и законодательных пробелов. Методы исследования включают анализ литературных данных, опубликованных в отечественной и зарубежной печати за последнее десятилетие, по экологическим проблемам российских территорий Арктики в целом и Норильского промышленного района в частности. Для полноты результатов в работе использовался широкий набор библиографических систем, включая Российский индекс научного цитирования, базу данных Scopus, базу данных «Охрана окружающей среды» реферативного журнала ВИНИТИ РАН. Результаты. Выявлены характерные особенности арктических территорий, требующих как нестандартных технологических решений при ведении промышленной деятельности, так и специальных подходов в регулировании и контроле состояния экологии. На примере Норильского промышленного района показаны положительные изменения в экологических аспектах ведения производственной деятельности горно-металлургическим комбинатом, даже несмотря на инцидент с разливом топлива в 2020 г. В то же время предпринимаемых мер пока недостаточно для того, чтобы назвать экологическую обстановку в районе благополучной. Ожидают своего решения проблемы нейтрализации накопленного экологического ущерба. Эффективность запланированных мероприятий по улучшению состояния окружающей среды во многом зависит от изменения законодательных актов, пока слабо учитывающих специфику арктических территорий, а также усматривается в большей коллаборации промышленных предприятий как с научным сообществом, так и с проживающим в зоне их активности местным населением. ; The relevance of the study is caused by the increased necessity to solve ecological issues in Russian Arctic regions considering their importance for the development of the country. The task complexity lies both in the presence of cumulative environmental damage and the topicality to elaborate sustainable approaches to natural resource development in the near future. The main aim is to analyze the condition of the ecosystem and its separate components in the Norilsk industrial area as one of the significant resource territories in the Russian Arctic. Special attention is paid to techniques of monitoring the environment and official documents regulating ecology that require the elimination of acute contradictions and legislative vacuum. Methods of the research include analyses of research papers published in Russian and foreign sources in the last decade on environmental challenges in the Russian Arctic and especially in the Norilsk industrial area. Various bibliographic systems including the Russian Science Citation Index, Scopus, and «Environment protection» abstract service by VINITI were used. Results. Unique characteristics of Arctic regions were revealed that require both non-traditional technological concepts when conducting an industrial activity, and special approaches when regulating and controlling ecological state. The example of the Norilsk industrial area was used to demonstrate improvements in ecological aspects of industrial activity of mining and smelting enterprise even despite the incident with a fuel spill in 2020. However, the attempted measures are still insufficient to regard the current ecological situation as satisfactory. The problems of neutralization of cumulative environmental damage have awaited solutions. The efficiency of planned measures for improvement of the state of the environment essentially depends on changes in legal acts poorly considering specific features of Arctic territories, as well as on closer collaboration of industrial enterprises both with the scientific community and local residents.