China ethnic statistical yearbook 2020
Intro -- Preface -- Organization of This Book -- A List of 56 Ethnic Groups in China -- Maps -- Acknowledgments -- Notes on the Text -- Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- 1: Population Growth and Structural Change -- 2: Macroeconomic Growth and Structural Change -- 3: Employment and Income Distribution -- 4: Living Conditions and the Means of Livelihood -- 5: Agricultural Production and Other Rural Activity -- 6: Education, Science and Technological Progress -- 7: Health Care and Social Security -- 8: Entertainment and Other Cultural Activity -- Appendix A: A Brief Description of China's 56 Ethnic Groups -- Achang -- Bai -- Baonan -- Blang -- Bouyei -- Dai -- Daur -- Deang -- Derung -- Dong -- Dongxiang -- Ewenki -- Gaoshan -- Gelao -- Han -- Hani -- Hezhen -- Hui -- Jing -- Jingpo -- Jino -- Kazak -- Kirgiz -- Korean -- Lahu -- Lhoba -- Li -- Lisu -- Manchu -- Maonan -- Miao -- Monba -- Mongol -- Mulao -- Naxi -- Nu -- Oroqen -- Pumi -- Qiang -- Russian -- Salar -- She -- Shui -- Tajik -- Tatar -- Tibetan -- Tu -- Tujia -- Uyghur -- Uzbek -- Va -- Xibe -- Yao -- Yi -- Yugur -- Zhuang -- Appendix B: China's Ethnic Populations by Province -- Appendix C: China's Ethnic Minority Autonomous Areas: General Background -- Appendix D: China's Ethnic Minority Autonomous Areas: Principal Statistical Indicators -- Appendix E: China's Spatial (Dis)integration as a Multiethnic Paradox -- Introduction -- Analytical Framework -- Literature Review -- The Model -- The Data -- The Estimation Results -- Policy and Analytical Implications -- Annex: Names and Demographic Distributions of China's 56 Ethnic Groups -- References.