There are some very influential on the fact that the law enforcement paradigm. First, the tendency of the system broadest autonomy so that it can be federalism. Second, the tendency of a multiparty system that affect the presidential cabinet system that had been adopted in 1945. Third, the tendency of separation (not distinction) expressly (separation not differentiation) between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. greatly affect the law making process (LMP), and law enforcement process (LEP). Fourth, the inclusion of the effects Governmental Organization (NGO) in the government decision-making and legislative process is sometimes influential in the process of justice. Fifth, the presence of MPR RI who ordered the President to carry out the government's eradication of corruption and creating a clean and respectable further increase the burden of government is not smaller in the present and the future. Therefore, the development of national law reform period is now a transition from the previous system to a democratic system of government that promote transparency, accountability, and human rights, and than can open public access to government performance.
The purpose of this study was to: 1). To analyze the implementation of goverment authority Semarang to State land tenure. 2). To analyze the weaknesses of the implementation of goverment authority Semarang to State land tenure. 3). To analyze the solutions of the weaknesses of the implementation of goverment authority Semarang to State land tenure. This research uses empirical research with the sociological approach. Collecting data using primary legal materials and secondary data were collected through observation, interviews and studies of legal documents. Data analysis is done qualitatively, what respondents expressed orally or in writing, and their actual behavior are researched and studied as a part of the whole.Based on the results penelitaan, then obtained some results conclusions; (1). Implementation of Semarang city government authority does not comply with the authority is in this regard is the acquisition of state land that the land is basically controlled by or under control of juridical by PT. KAI and an asset of Ministry of Finance. (2). Weaknesses of implementation of goverment authority Semarang toward mastery of state land that is;First an error in exercising authority and policies implemented by the previous Mayor with the Chief Daop IV Semarang. Both lack of legal certainty over the ownership rights to the land, so that their certificates canceled citizens of the State Administrative Court which considered disabled Semarang administration. Thirdly absence of justice and legal protection against their certificates of citizens, so that between PT. KAI and residents to date on the status of each claim ownership of the land. (3). The solution of the weaknesses that arise in the implementation of goverment authority Semarang toward mastery of state land that is; Semarang city government first sought mediation between citizens and PT. KAI. Both governments Semarang to seek their compensation from PT. KAI to citizens affected. Semarang three governments seeking their relocation and providing temporary shelter for residents.Keywords: Implementation; Government Authority; State Land.
Elementary teachers are professional educators with the primary task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, train, assess, and evaluate students. Implementation of Government Regulation No. 53 of 2010 on Discipline of Civil Servants and Pemalang decree No. 26 of 2012 on Days and Hours of Work PNS Pemalang regency government, which regulates the working hours of teachers pose problems for elementary school teachers. This research method using sociological juridical approach. The results mentioned: 1) Implementation discipline elementary school teacher for adhering to regulations concerning thediscipline of civil servants in UPPK Park is the implementation of Government Regulation No. 53 of 2010 on Discipline of civil servants, and the decree Pemalang Number 26 Year 2012 on Days and Hours of Work PNS District Government Pemalang. 2) The problems that arise are not all elementary school teachers to obey the rules of discipline of civil servants on working hours of civil servants, 3) solution the problems that arise include: a) Orientation on elementary school teachers on discipline regulations on working hours PNS PNS. b) Monitoring the implementation of discipline Elementary School Teacher of regulations more intensified civil servants workinghours. c) Provision of strict sanctions for elementary school teachers who violate the rules of discipline of civil servants in working hours of civil servants obey. d) The reset of the timingof the task of the teacher so the teacher can carry out all tasks without violating civil service disciplinary regulations on working hours of civil servants.
This study aims to offer an alternative approach to the implementation of the labor law system in Indonesia. With the approach of Islamic law and socio-legal research as its basic tools for analyzing the implementation of various labor law regulations, the results of the study show; first, various labor problems that arise at this time are caused by, among others, there is no common understanding yet on the concept of equal relationship between workers and employers, the lack of government political will in enforcing the rules, the low skills of labor, uncertainty of market mechanisms, uneven distribution of the worker, and the presence of foreign workers; second, the implementation of the labor system is still far away from the concept of fiqh ijarah; and third, the lack of work spirituality.
This research aims to: 1)To know and understand, that notaries who runs the office for public use, in addition to protection by the State, as well as the protection of Indonesian Notary Association and Honorary Council of Notaries; 2) Assess and analyze about a Notary that in using the rights and obligations dissenter contained in the Law on Notary, and legislation more specifically and expressly provides that the Notary concerned shall provide information, and in this case when the Notary the unlock the secrets of (the contents of) the deed; 3)To assess, and to know what are the weaknesses, as well as a solution to the problems in the implementation of legal protection in carrying secret notary office as a notary public.Type of this research is by using a normative juridical approach of the Act (statute approach), Conceptual approach. Legal materials used are the primary law materials, secondary law, and the tertiary law.Based of this study concluded that: 1) Under the provisions of Act No. 2 of 2014, amendments to the Act No. 30 of 2004 Article 4 and Article 16 paragraph (1) letter f, that Notaries have the authority and obligation to keep professional secrecy regarding the Deed and any information obtained in the manufacture of deed and conceal the contents of the deed and he knew a good description of the past, present and future; 2) that the Notary is obliged and has a right of refusal on the confidentiality deed that has been made and all information obtained for a deed in accordance with the oath / pledge of office, unless the law determines the other; and 3) Based on the description of the foregoing in the implementation of the legal protection of notary there are still weaknesses in terms of both implementation and legal certainty. Hope writer immediately formed a legislation or regulation, regulate the enforcement of justice, as well as agencies or other legal institutions.Keywords: Notary; Rights and Obligations of Ingratitude Secrets Office.
Registration of land as a form of implementation of the government's obligation to guarantee legal certainty and the protection of land ownership. The purpose of this research are: 1) To analyze the Complete implementation of Systematic Land Registration in Grobogan. 2) To analyze barriers that occur in the Implementation of Complete Systematic Land Registration in Grobogan. 3) Analyze solutions to the obstacles to the full implementation of Systematic Land Registration in Grobogan. This study using sociological juridical approach namely a study conducted in depth against the reality-a reality that exist within the community and surrounding environment for the purpose of finding facts there and then will discuss the problems that exist.Based on the results of data analysis concluded that that There are several stages in the implementation of location determination PTSL among other things, education, the establishment of the adjudication committee, the announcement of physical data and juridical. In the implementation of PTSL there are several barriers among others are plots of land still in dispute, plots the subject is still not clear, less pro-active society and other but officials PTSL seeks to overcome these obstacles with solutions that are effective in order stand on PTSL program is going well and smoothly in the interests of the general public.Keywords: Complete Systematic Land Registration; Without PPAT Deed.
One of the customs levied by the Government of the District / Municipal Customs on Acquisition of Land and Building (BPHTB). Its implementation in Pekalongan based Perwal Pekalongan No. 8 of 2010. The constraints faced in the implementation of Pekalongan Perwal No. 8 of 2010 of which are dishonesty customspayer, so do check the location of the object and the subject BPHTB Customspayers can not afford given the reductions and adjusted Customspayers with conditions.Keywords: BPHTB and Market Value.
AbstrakModal merupakan faktor yang sangat penting, sebagai salah satu sarana untuk meraih keuntungan dalam kegiatan usaha, juga bagi eksitensi kelangsungan kehidupan maupun pengembangan perseroan terbatas sebagai organisasi ekonomi. Adapun Struktur modal seperti yang ditegaskan dalam Penjelasan Pasal 41 ayat (1) UUPT 2007, bahwa yang dimaksud dengan modal perseroan adalah modal dasar, ditempatkan, modal disetor. Dalam Pasal 32 ayat (1) UUPT 2007 terdapat pengaturan mengenai batas mininal dari modal dasar perseroan yaitu paling sedikit Rp 50.000.000,00 (lima puluh juta rupiah) kurang dari jumlah tersebut tidak diperbolehkan. Untuk modal ditempatkan juga ada batas minimal yang dicantumkan dalam Pasal 33 ayat (1) UUPT 2007, yaitu paling sedikit 25% (dua puluh lima persen) dari modal dasar, harus ditempatkan. Kemudian untuk modal disetor berdasarkan Pasal 33 ayat (1) UUPT 2007 dihubungkan dengan ketentuan Pasal 33 ayat (3) UUPT 2007 dan penjelasannya harus disetor penuh, maksudnya adalah jika modal ditempatkan 50% dari modal dasar, maka modal yang harus disetor penuh 50% dan tidak dapat diangsur. Tetapi, pada Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 29 Tahun 2016 tentang Perubahan Modal Dasar Perseroan Terbatas ditentukan lain terkait modal dasar Perseroan Terbatas, yaitu modal dasar tersebut dikembalikan ke kesepakatan Para pendiri Perseroan Terbatas. Dari sekilas penjelasan diatas kita dapat melihat bahwa apabila kita ingin mendirikan sebuah Perseroan Terbatas ada pengaturan yang terkait mengenai batas minimal dari modal dalam peseroan terbatas, masalahnya adalah apakah alasan pembuatan dan perubahan ketentuan tentang modal Perseroan Terbatas?Kata Kunci : Modal, Perseroan Terbatas, Pengaturan. AbstractCapital is a very important factor, because one means to gain profit in business activities, also for the survival and development of a limited liability company as an economic organization. Capital structure as referred to in Elucidation of Article 41 paragraph (1) law number 49 of 2007 on limited liability company, company capital is the authorized capital, issued capital and paid up capital. In Article 32 Paragraph (1) of the Limited Liability Company Act of 2007 there is a regulation concerning the minimum limit of authorized capital of a company of at least Rp 50,000,000.00 (fifty million rupiah), less than the amount that is not permitted. For the issued capital there is also a minimum limit specified in Article 33 paragraph (1) UUPT 2007 which is at least 25% (twenty five percent) of the authorized capital. Furthermore, the paid up capital under Article 33 paragraph (1) of the Limited Liability Company Act of 2007 relates to the provisions of Article 33 paragraph (3) of the Limited Liability Company Law in 2007 and the explanation shall be paid, that is, if the capital is placed 50% of the authorized capital, must be paid in full 50% and can not be paid in installments. However, the government regulation number 29 of 2016 on changes in the authorized capital of a limited liability company is determined in relation to the authorized capital of a limited liability company, namely the athorized capital is returned to the agreement of the founders of the limited liability company. From the description above we can see that if we want to establish a Limited Liability Company there is a related regulation concerning the minimum limit of capital in a limited liability company, the problem is the reason why arrangements are made and needed in the Limited Liability Company?Keyword : Capital, Limited Liability company, arrangements.
Legal protection should be provided to all persons, including Notaries. Legal protection of a Notary can be done through a process, namely: the use of the rights or obligations of non-compliance of Notaries and the calling of a Notary by the investigator, public prosecutor and judge shall be done by obtaining Notary Honorary Council (MKN) approval.The purpose of the research was to analyze the implementation of legal protection to the notary and to know the obstacles as well as the solution in Law number 2 year 2014 on the amendment of Law No. 30 year 2004.This study used a juridical-normative approach obtained from primary data and secondary data analysis techniques and used qualitative data analysis.The results of the study indicated that the legal forms of legal protection to the Notary under the UUJN Law are: 1 Regulation on the obligation of non-disclosure and right of non-disclosure (Article 4 paragraph 2 and Article 16 paragraph 1), 2) Fingerprint attachment in minuta deed (Article 16 paragraph (1) c), 3) Approval of the Notary Public Honor Council (Article 66 paragraph 1), 4) Protection of Indonesian Notary Association (Article 67 paragraph) 5) The obstacle is the absence of change of the Implementing Law of UUJN, the absence of Notary Honorary Council, and the lack of socialization. Legal protection for a Notary to the deeds he made regarding the accountability of a civil notary is the existence of an independent Notary Publicity Council. The government should provide special training to the notary to minimize adverse effects.Keywords: Notary, Legal Protection, UUJN
Globalization is nothing but capitalism in its most recent form. Strong and rich countries practically control the world economy and smaller countries are increasingly powerless because they are unable to compete through Intellectual Property Protection including trademarks. The purpose of this research is to examine and to analyze the role of the State in providing legal protection Against trademarks, and factors that influence and formulate their legal protection policies. The approach method in this research is empirical juridical. The data used were primary and secondary data. The results of the research were analyzed analytical descriptively. The results of the study found that the role of the State in providing legal protection for trademarks of business people was not optimal, this was due to several factors including the low understanding of the importance of trademark intellectual property rights protection for businesses and society as consumers. Government policies globally through the Asean Economic Community Blueprint, which contains four main pillars, including the economic competitiveness of Intellectual Property Rights integrated with the global economy.
The purpose of this study is to know the implementation of the uncertified land as mortgage right (Letter C) and how the effect occurs in case that the grantor is passed away. This research was done with normative juridical approach. Technique of collecting legal material used literature study, while technique of data analysis was done with descriptive qualitative. The author found that UUHT provides an opportunity for owners of uncertified land rights to pledge their land rights in mortgage rights. It is mentioned in Article 10 Paragraph (2) of UUHT stating that if the object of mortgage rights in the form of land rights arising from the conversion of old rights that have been eligible to be registered but the registration has not been done, the granting of the mortgage shall be conducted simultaneously with the application of the right to (Letter C). On the other hand, the mortgagee has died and left the heirs, then there are several ways of settlement made by the bank, namely: If the credit has matured, then the credit is covered by credit insurance. If the credit has matured and the credit insurance has expired, it will be billed up to his heirs by approaching the family by offering loan interest rate relief. It is expected that the government through the National Land Agency can organize the process of land certification in a relatively short time so that it can support the economic activities of the community.Keywords: Mortgage Right; Uncertified Land; The Grantor Is Passed Away
Technology is in progress increasingly sophisticated, enables everyone to explore and showcase her work in a variety of ways, one of which is now very easy to find is to upload video footage in a private channel on the YouTube site. However, disputes arise when recording on the channel associated with copyright issues. One of them is the activity of singing songs of others. The problems discussed in this study is how the Top Tracks Copyright Protection "Akad" Created by Payung Teduh In Case Cover Version By Hanin Dhiya Seen From the Copyright Act. The research approach is Normative legislation reviewing Act No. 28 of 2014 on Copyright. The results of this study explains that the song "Akad" is the creation of Payung Teduh, and copyright is protected by the Copyright Act, in order to perform a cover of the song, so it needed permission from Payung Teduh, as a tribute to the work of someone else's copyright. If this right is violated, the creator has the right to prosecute the song cover both civil and criminal.Keywords : Protection Law, Copyright, Cover Songs.
This study tried to answer the problem formulation is What position and Function of Notary in using the State symbol? What if Notaries do malpractices in the using of State Symbol and how sanctions against malpractice Notary Public who use the State Symbol? The purpose of this study to determine the position and Function of Notary in using the State Symbol, and determine sanctions against notaries who do mal practice in the using of State Symbol.This research was conducted using the normative method, means testing and reviewing secondary data, using literature data in the form of positive law relating to Legislation relating to the issues discussed.The results of this study concluded that a Notary Public in the office using the Symbol State under Article 16 paragraph (1) letter k of Notary law) and use of the State symbol of Notary's Stamp or Head Letter Position as stipulated in Article 54 paragraph (1) letter j Act No. 24 of 2009 and as Stamp of Department Office as stipulated in Article 54 paragraph (2) letter j Act No. 24 of 2009, while the Notary malpractice in the using of State symbol is not necessarily directly given to criminal sanctions as a form of application of the law ultimum remidium. because there are several steps that must be passed given the Notary has its own rules in the Law on Notary. Notary of the behavior is also governed by a special organization that Indonesian Notary Association (INI), but still asked the criminal responsibility under Act No. 24 of 2009 and Article 154 of the Criminal Code letter if indeed Notary proven legally and convincingly to have malpractice against the using of State Symbol.Keywords: Notary Authority; Notary Position; Sanctions Against Notary.
The purpose of this study were 1) To determine the role of the notary in the process of setting up a Limited Liability Company (PT), 2) To determine whether the obstacles faced by the notary in the process of setting up a Limited Liability Company (PT) and the solution.The method used in this research is empirical juridical approach, juridical (legal viewed as the norm or das sollen), because in discussing the problem of research using legal materials (both the written law and the unwritten law or good legal materials primary or secondary law). Specifications research used in this research is descriptive, as explained, describe or disclose the legislation in force associated with the theories of law and positive law enforcement practice concerning these issues.Based on the results of this study concluded that 1) According to the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia No. M.01-PR.08.01 1996 on Procedures for Submission of Application and Approval of Deed of Establishment of the Limited Liability Company, that pengesahaan establishment of PT may be made by the founders together or proxies , can also by a notary, so there is no necessity notaries as public officials who approve their establishment of limited liability companies, but these roles can be carried out by the founder of the company. 2) Barriers faced delay problems often arise.For the notary, will make the process inefficient. Probes for the ongoing process difficult because of the lack of an online system that can monitor the manufacturing process. Solutions to overcome the obstacles faced by the notary in the legalization of the establishment Company Limited is a Limited Liability Company in the legalization of the establishment can be overcome with the Legal Entity Administration System electronically, as a matter of time and efficiency in monitoring the rights to this process.Keywords: Role; Notary Public; Limited Liability Company (PT)
ABSTRACTDalam Pasal 1 Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 24 tahun 2016 tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 37 tahun 1998 tentang Peraturan Jabatan Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah ini yang dimaksud dengan Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah, selanjutnya disebut PPAT, adalah pejabat umum yang diberi kewenangan untuk membuat akta-akta otentik mengenai perbuatan hukum tertentu mengenai hak atas tanah atau Hak Milik atas Satuan Rumah Susun. Dan sejak berlakunya Pemerintah Peraturan Nomor 10 Tahun 1961 sebagaimana telah diperbaharui dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah, jual beli atas tanah dilakukan oleh para pihak di hadapan PPAT yang bertugas membuat aktanya. Akta jual beli yang ditandatangani para pihak membuktikan telah terjadi pemindahan hak dari penjual kepada pembelinya dengan disertai pembayaran harganya, telah memenuhi syarat tunai dan menunjukkan secara nyata atau riil perbuatan hukum jual beli yang bersangkutan telah dilaksanakan. Akta tersebut membuktikan bahwa benar telah dilakukan perbuatan hukum pemindahan hak untuk selama-lamanya dan pembayaran harganya.Karena perbuatan hukum yang dilakukan merupakan perbuatan hukum pemindahan hak, maka akta tersebut membuktikan bahwa penerima hak (pembeli) sudah menjadi pemegang haknya yang baru .Kata kunci : Pejabat pembuat akta tanah, Akta Jual Beli Tanah ABSTRACTIn Article 1 of the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2016 on Amendment to Government Regulation No. 37 of 1998 on the Regulation of the Official of the Author of the Land Deed as meant by the Land Deed Authority Officer, hereinafter referred to as PPAT, is a public official authorized to make the deed- authentic deeds concerning certain legal acts concerning the right to land or the Property Right of the Flats Unit. And since the enactment of Government Regulation Number 10 Year 1961 as has been updated with Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 on Land Registration, the sale and purchase of land carried out by the parties in the presence of PPAT in charge of making the act. The sale and purchase deed signed by the parties proves that there has been a transfer of rights from the seller to the purchaser, accompanied by the payment of the price, has met the cash requirements and shows the real or real deed of the sale and purchase law concerned has been executed. The deed proves that the right to have done the legal act of transfer of rights for ever and the payment of the price. Because the legal act is done is a legal act of transfer of rights, then the deed proves that the recipient of the right (buyer) has become the new rights holder.Keyword : Land Deed Official ,The Deed Of Sale And Purchase Of Land