12 Ergebnisse
Working paper
Are Stock Option Grants to Directors of State-Controlled Chinese Firms Listed in Hong Kong Genuine Compensation?
In: Accounting Review, Forthcoming
XBRL adoption and expected crash risk
In: Journal of accounting and public policy, Band 38, Heft 1, S. 31-52
ISSN: 0278-4254
Working paper
Managerial Liability and Corporate Innovation: Evidence from a Legal Shock
In: Singapore Management University School of Accountancy Research Paper No. 2021-130
Working paper
Securities regulation and implicit penalties
The extant literature offers extensive support for the significant role played by institutions in financial markets, but implicit regulation and monitoring have yet to be examined. This study fills this void in the literature by employing unique Chinese datasets to explore the implicit regulation and penalties imposed by the Chinese government in regulating the initial public offering (IPO) market. Of particular interest are the economic consequences of underwriting IPO deals for client firms that violate regulatory rules in China's capital market. We provide evidence to show that the associated underwriters' reputations are impaired and their market share declines. We further explore whether such negative consequences result from a market disciplinary mechanism or a penalty imposed by the government. To analyze the possibility of a market disciplinary mechanism at work, we investigate (1) the market reaction to other client firms whose IPO deals were underwritten by underwriters associated with a violation at the time the violation was publicly disclosed and (2) the under-pricing of IPO deals undertaken by these underwriters after such disclosure. To analyze whether the government imposes an implicit penalty, we examine the application processing time for future IPO deals underwritten by the associated underwriters and find it to be significantly longer than for IPO deals underwritten by other underwriters. Overall, there is little evidence to suggest that the market penalizes underwriters for the rule-violating behavior of their client firms in China. Instead, the Chinese government implicitly penalizes them by imposing more stringent criteria on and lengthening the processing time of the IPO deals they subsequently underwrite.
Language and Management Forecasts around the World
In: Contemporary Accounting Research, Forthcoming
Bond Market Transparency and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
In: The Accounting Review, forthcoming.
Societal Trust and Management Earnings Forecasts
In: The Accounting Review, Band 95, Heft 5, S. 149-184
The Impact of Credit Market Development on Auditor Choice: Evidence from Banking Deregulation
In: Nanyang Business School Research Paper No. 22-07