Total absorption gamma-ray spectroscopy study of the β-decay of 186Hg
7 pags., 9 figs., 1 tab. ; The Gamow-Teller strength distribution of the decay of Hg into Au has been determined for the first time using the total absorption gamma spectroscopy technique and has been compared with theoretical QRPA calculations using the SLy4 Skyrme force. The measured Gamow-Teller strength distribution and the half-life are described by mixing oblate and prolate configurations independently in the parent and daughter nuclei. In this theoretical framework the best description of the experimental beta strength is obtained with dominantly prolate components for both parent Hg and daughter Au. The approach also allowed us to determine an upper limit of the oblate component in the parent state. The complexity of the analysis required the development of a new approach in the analysis of the X-ray gated total absorption spectrum. ; This work was supported by Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under grants FPA2011-24553, FPA2014-52823-C2-1-P, FPA2017-83946-C2-1-P, FPA2017-87568-P, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación grants PID2019-104714GB-C21 and RTI2018-098868-B-100, program Severo Ochoa (SEV-2014-0398), ENSAR (grant 262010) and by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 654002. S.E.A.O. thanks the support of CPAN Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme CSD2007-00042 grant. E.G. acknowledges support from TÜBITAK 2219 Abroad Research Fellowship Programme. R.B.C. acknowledges support by the Max-Planck-Partner group. Support from the technical staff and engineers of ISOLDE-CERN is acknowl- edged. W.G. acknowledges the support of STFC (UK) council grant ST/P005314/1. V.G. acknowledges the support of the National Science Center, Poland, under Contract No. 2019/35/D/ST2/02081. This work was also supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary, financed under the K18 funding scheme with Projects No. K 128729 and NN128072. P.S. acknowledges support from MCI/AEI/FEDER, UE (Spain) under grant PGC2018-093636-B-I00