Romania, an important provider of immigrants - especially for member states of the European Union - has remarkable potential for developing returnee entrepreneurship. Observing this context, through this paper I aim to highlight means of encouraging this phenomenon in Romania, one of the main objectives referring to the development of a best practice guide in order to promote and sustain returnee entrepreneurship. Based on an intensive process of literature review, following the experience of other countries with a high degree of experience in this field, I created a model that illustrates a series of specific features displayed by this phenomenon, as well as a best practice guide. This guide mainly outlines a series of directions regarding financial, legislative, institutional, and educational aspects. Through this paper, I aim to bring a contribution to the development of the scientific literature in the field of returnee entrepreneurship and to raise awareness among policy makers on the complexity and importance of this phenomenon. Furthermore, by detailing the components of this model in Romania and by presenting the best practice guide, this paper may represent an important starting point in developing a national strategy for encouraging emigrants' return and the development of entrepreneurial activities among them.
Romania's communist regime used forced industrialization and urbanization policies as a solution for speeding-up the pace of development in the lagging areas, which resulted in reducing regional disparities. However, after 1989 there areas were the first that suffered the hardships of economic restructuring, the economic and social discrepancies at territorial level recording an important increase. The accession to the EU has created good opportunities for the economic regeneration of the lagging regions provided the European funds allocated to them be absorbed and employed in an effective and efficient manner. Based on these overall considerations this paper proposes a case study in the North-East region of Romania. This region, with the lowest GDP/capita in the country has an absorption rate higher than the Regional Operational Programme's national average and a commendable expertise in the implementation of the regional development projects. The research has investigated to what extent these promising results reflect the objectives of the strategy outlined in the programme documents of the 2007-2013 financial exercise, aiming at a balanced territorial development. The significance of the case study is twofold: on the one hand it offers a spotlight on a very sensitive area of Romania in terms of regional development level; on the other hand it discusses the added value, strategic quality and administrative capacity which have made it possible to record results above the average in the implementation process. In line with the regional problem and the identified needs and strengths, the enterprise support has been chosen as the policy heading for this study. There is a clear continuity between the priority axes and key areas of intervention focusing on enterprise support in the ROP 2007-2013 and the enhancement of the SME competitiveness in the Cohesion Policy for 2014-2020, as one of the key areas for economic growth and job creation. The desk research ? with inquiries into the most important programming documents and result reports relating to the ROP in Romania and, in particular in the North-East region, plus the large volume of data analysis ? have been accompanied by interviews with the persons involved in the implementation process ? from local authorities to experts and beneficiaries at national, regional and county level. The research has been undertaken under the auspices of the EU ? FP7 GRINCOH project.
Dans les pays en transition et en développement, les biens immobiliers excédentaires pourraient constituer une réponse appropriée au besoin criant de sources locales de recettes pour autant que les exigences du nouveau management public en termes d'efficience, d'efficacité et de qualité des services publics soient bien satisfaites. Nous avons centré notre recherche sur le cas des biens immobiliers des villes roumaines, afin de faire apparaître les problèmes de l'actuel système de gestion des biens immobiliers municipaux (BIM) par rapport à la fois aux conditions générales de la ville et aux caractéristiques du cadre institutionnel et organisationnel. Nous avons utilisé pour ce faire une enquête basée sur un questionnaire, suivie de tests statistiques non paramétriques, ce qui a confirmé l'hypothèse qui souligne l'importance de l'existence d'un plan BIM, d'une stratégie BIM et d'une unité BIM au niveau de la municipalité afin d'assurer une utilisation efficace de ces ressources. Nous avons par ailleurs formulé une série de solutions viables aux problèmes épinglés. Remarques à l'intention des praticiens Notre article souligne le rôle décisif de l'approche stratégique et des instruments correspondants de gestion efficace des biens immobiliers municipaux, et formule quelques recommandations intéressantes pour que l'immobilier municipal devienne une importante source de recettes pour les gouvernements municipaux. Nos observations découlent de celles obtenues dans le cadre du projet financé par l'UE intitulé « Municipal Property Management in South-East European Cities » (PROMISE) de l'université d'études économiques de Bucarest, l'un des treize partenaires participants. Sa contribution a été désignée par l'International Project Management Association parmi les cinq finalistes du concours international « Achievement Award », dans la catégorie Service communautaire/Projet de développement 2013.
The 1st of January 2007 marked Romania's accession to the European Union (EU) and represented its 'ticket' to a free access to the common market. This soon evolved into an important trigger for the increased migration flows from Romania towards the more developed western countries, members of the EU. Not only the opportunity of a free movement of persons – emerged with the integration - but also the existing socio-economic disparities between Romania and the more developed western countries in the EU, led to unidirectional migration flows. Using both static and dynamic panel gravity models, we aim to identify the main determinants of Romanians' migration towards 10 EU member states – Czech Republic, Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Finland, Germany, Norway, Poland, Spain, and Sweden – for the period 2007-2014. Our empirical findings support the results of other studies performed on different economies. The most important pull factor for Romanians' migration is represented by the economic conditions in the destination countries, proxied by the GDP/capita. Other important pull factors fuelling Romanians' migration refer to the unemployment rate, life expectancy, education spending, and population density. A key role is also played by the existing social networks in the destination countries which are proxied in our model by the lagged migration flows.
In the transition and developing countries the use of surplus real property might be a good response to the acute need for local sources of revenues provided the requirements of the new public management regarding efficiency, effectiveness and quality of public services are carefully observed. The research has focused on the case of Romanian cities' real properties, aiming to reveal the problems of the existing municipal real property (MRP) management system in relation to both overall city conditions and the characteristics of the institutional and organizational framework. A questionnaire-based survey followed by nonparametric statistical tests have been employed in this respect, confirming the working hypothesis which points to the importance of the existence of an MRP plan, an MRP strategy and an MRP unit at municipality level for the effective use of these assets. A series of viable solutions to the problems identified have been also formulated. Points for practitioners The article emphasizes the decisive role of the strategic approach and corresponding instruments for effective MRP management, putting forward valuable recommendations for making MRP an important source of revenue for municipal governments. They are derived from the findings obtained within the EU-funded project entitled 'Municipal Property Management in South-East European Cities' (PROMISE) by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies team, one of the 13 partners involved. Its contribution has been nominated by the International Project Management Association among the five finalists of the Achievement Award global competition, category Community Service/Development Project 2013.
As an emerging field of practice and investigation Social Entrepreneurship (SE) provides many opportunities and challenges. This paper is exploring specific insights of the concept, including its fine borders with two other related terms: social economy and social enterprise. It also outlines steps forward in the process of enhancing SE eco-systems at both E.U. and national levels in order to provide transformational and innovative solutions to complex issues, like that of a fast growing ageing population, having strong social, economic and political implications. As a highly vulnerable social group, Romanian Retirees are the focus of the paper authors' experimental pilot model for social innovation and change - Senior Active Platform (S.A.P.), that can lead to their improved economic and social inclusion. Based on in depth desk research and an exploratory survey, main coordinates (mission, objectives, main stakeholders' benefits, business model etc.) of S.A.P. are identified and set up. Further needed pieces of research are outlined in order to refine the model and transform it into a replicable one in countries with similar background.
The International Conferences on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS)organized by Bucharest University of Economic Studies provides an opportunity for all those interested in Economics and Social Sciences to discuss and exchange research ideas. The papers presented at the Conference are available online in the Conference Proceedings series (ISSN 2704-6524): Volume 2019 Collaborative Research for Excellence in Economics and Social Sciences, ISBN 9788366675322 Volume 2020 Innovative Models to Revive the Global Economy, ISBN 9788395815072 This conference provides an opportunity for all those interested in Economics and Social Sciences to discuss and exchange research ideas. We welcome both empirical and theoretical work that is broadly consistent with the conference' general theme. Especially, researchers, PhD students and practitioners are invited to submit papers on the topics related to new models in entrepreneurship and innovation, sustainability and education, data science and digitalization, marketing and finance, Fintech & Insurtech etc. that will develop innovative instruments for countries, businesses and education. The innovative models for sustainable development aim to ensure simultaneous economic development, social development, and environmental protection, to achieve a higher quality of life for all people and protect all living beings and the planet. The main topics of the conference are focused on but not limited to the following sections: Fintech & Insurtech - towards a sustainable financial environment The role of innovation in public and private organizations Financial perspectives in turbulent times Global Challenges for Agri-Food Systems and Sustainable Development Economic Policies for Non-Cyclical Crises Education for Sustainable Development: impact of universities on society Marketing and Sustainability The role of accounting in Sustainable Development Global world after crisis: towards a new economic model Sustainability for future business Current challenges within demographic data: measurement, collection, retrieval, analysis and reporting We welcome you to join us for two intensive days of plenary speeches and specialized parallel sessions debates that will result in high quality practical insights and networking. Scientific CommitteeACELEANU Mirela, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaALBU Lucian, Academia Romana, RomaniaANGHEL Ion, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaARROYO GALLARDO Javier, Complutense University of Madrid, SpainAUSLOOS Marcel, Leicester University, United KingdomBEGALLI Diego, University of Verona, ItalyBELLINI Francesco, Sapienza University of Rome, ItalyBRATOSIN Ștefan, Universite Montpellier 3, FranceCABANIS Andre, Universite Toulouse 1 Capitole, FranceCASTERAN Herbert, EM Strasbourg University, FranceCENȚIU Silvian, Retina Communications, San Francisco, USACERQUETI Roy, Sapienza University of Rome, ItalyCHAVEZ Gilbert, Globis University Tokyo, JapanCOSTICÃ Ionela, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaCOX Michael, London School of Economics, England, UKD'ASCENZO Fabrizio, Sapienza University of Rome, ItalyDIMA Alina Mihaela, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaDÂRDALÃ Marian, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaDUMITRESCU Dan Gabriel, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaDUMITRU Ovidiu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaFELEAGÃ Liliana, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaFONSECA Luis Miguel, Polytechnic of Porto, PortugalGARCÍA-GOÑI Manuel, Universitad Complutense de Madrid, SpainGIUDICI Paolo, The University of Pavia, ItalyGRUBOR Aleksandar, University of Novi Sad, SerbiaHÄRDLE Wolfgang Karl, Humboldt University of Berlin, GermanyHURDUZEU Gheorghe, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaISTUDOR Nicolae, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaKOKUSHO Kyoko, IBM Tokyo, JapanLOMBARDI Mariarosaria, University of Foggia, ItalyMEHMANPAZIR Babak, EM Strasbourg University, FranceMIRON Dumitru, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaNABIRUKHINA Anna Vadimovna, Saint Petersburg State University, RussiaNICA Elvira, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaNIJKAMP Peter, Jeronimus Academy of Data Science Den Bosch, NetherlandsNOVO CORTI Maria Isabel, Universidade da Coruña, SpainORDÓÑEZ MONFORT Javier, Jaume I University, SpainPANETTA Roberto, Bocconi University, ItalyPARASCHIV Dorel Mihai, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaPICATOSTE Xose, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, SpainPIROȘCÃ Grigore, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaPOINT Sébastien, EM Strasbourg University, FrancePOPA Ion, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaPROFIROIU Marius Constantin, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaRICHMOND Peter, Trinity College Dublin, IrelandSÂRBU Roxana, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaSINGER Slavica, J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, CroatiaSMEUREANU Ion, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaSTAMULE Tãnase, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaSTATE Radu, University of Luxembourg, LuxembourgSTOIAN Mirela, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaSTRAT Vasile Alecsandru, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaSTREET Donna, University of Dayton, USATEIXEIRA DOMINGUES José Pedro, University of Minho, PortugalȚIGU Gabriela, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaVALDEBENITO Carlos Ramirez, University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, ChileVEGHEȘ Cãlin Petricã, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, RomaniaVERHOEF Peter, University of Groningen, NetherlandsVOLKMANN Christine Katharina, Schumpeter School of Business and Economics, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, GermanyWALTER FARKAS Erich, University of Zurich, SwitzerlandWIERENGA Berend, Rotterdam School of Management, NetherlandsWOODS Michael, University of Aberystwyth, Wales, UKZIMMERMANN Klaus F., Bonn University (em.) end Global Labor Organization, Germany Open Access Statement These conference proceedings are Open Access proceedings that allow a free unlimited access to all its contents without any restrictions upon publication to all users. 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