Public-Private Partnerships for Climate Finance
Intro -- Contents -- Foreword -- Introduction -- Executive Summary -- Problem and research objectives -- The characteristics and promise of PPPs -- Applicability and examples -- Framework conditions -- Recommendations -- 1. Public-Private Partnerships for Climate Finance -- 1.1 Climate finance -- 1.2 Public-private partnerships -- 1.2.1 Formal definition and broader applicability -- 1.2.2 Fields of application -- 2. Framework conditions -- 2.1 Drivers -- 2.1.1 "Value-for-money" -- 2.1.2 Efficiency in implementation and service delivery -- 2.1.3 Financial leverage -- 2.2 Enabling Environment -- 2.3 Risks and barriers -- 2.4 Success factors -- 2.5 Paris and beyond: Prospects for the future? -- 3. Case studies and stakeholder dialogue -- 3.1 Case studies -- 3.1.1 Green for Growth Fund (GGF) -- 3.1.2 Community Development Carbon Fund (CDCF) -- 3.1.3 GET FiT Program in Uganda -- 3.1.4 The Stormwater Management Road and Tunnel -- 3.1.5 The Maroccan Ouarzazate Project -- 3.2 Insights from stakeholders -- 4. Discussion and key learnings -- 4.1 Lessons Learned -- 4.1.1 Stable regulatory environments are needed to attract substantial private investments -- 4.1.2 Provision of tailored technical assistance, capacity-building and awareness-raising can accelerate and ease private sector engagement -- 4.1.3 Involvement of civil society or community groups enhances the efficacy of PPPs on the ground -- Enabling risk allocation to the most suitable party is critical -- Strong political commitment and analysis of PPP models and market viability is required -- Effectively tackling climate related externalities is needed to ensure the allocation of funds to low carbon projects -- 4.2 Recommendations to negotiators -- 4.2.1 Recommendations -- 5. Works Cited -- Sammenfatning -- Problem- og undersøgelsesmålsætning -- OPP karakteristika og potentiale.