69 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
Predicting social tipping points: current research and the way forward
In: Discussion paper 8/2011
Erzwungene Demokratie: politische Neuordnung nach militärischer Intervention unter externer Aufsicht
In: Studien der Hessischen Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, [N.F.,] 6
World Affairs Online
War and democratization: legality, legitimacy and effectiveness
In: Democratization 15.2008,3
In: Special issue
Lernen an Stationen in der Sekundarstufe I, Europa entdecken: 5. - 7. Schuljahr ; Kopiervorlagen und Materialien
In: Lernen an Stationen in der Sekundarstufe I
Verpflichten Menschenrechte zur Demokratie?: Über universelle Menschenrechte, politische Teilhabe und demokratische Herrschaftsordnungen
In: Discussion papers 2004,201
Democracy promotion in EU enlargement negotiations: more interaction, less hierarchy
In: Democratization, Band 26, Heft 5, S. 851-868
ISSN: 1743-890X
Book Review: Connecting Peace, Justice and Reconciliation
In: International Political Science Abstracts, Band 67, Heft 6, S. 805-805
ISSN: 1751-9292
Connecting peace, justice & reconciliation, by Elisabeth Porter
In: Democratization, Band 24, Heft 6, S. 1233-1234
ISSN: 1743-890X
Aid Dependence in Cambodia: How Foreign Assistance Undermines Democracy. By Sophal Ear. New York: Columbia University Press, 2012. 208p. $60.00
In: Perspectives on politics, Band 14, Heft 1, S. 272-273
ISSN: 1541-0986
Connecting peace, justice & reconciliation, by Elisabeth Porter
In: Democratization, S. 1-2
ISSN: 1351-0347
21st century democracy promotion in the Americas: standing up for the polity by Jorgen Heine and Brigitte Weiffen
In: Democratization, Band 23, Heft 1, S. 195-197
ISSN: 1743-890X
European Democracy Promotion in Crisis: Conflicts of Objectives, Neglected External–Domestic Interactions and the Authoritarian Backlash
In: Global policy: gp, Band 6, Heft S1, S. 73-82
ISSN: 1758-5899
AbstractDemocracy promotion is an integral component of European foreign policy. However, the 1990s' rosy proliberalization rhetoric faded with the failed interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq, the bumpy integration of the Western Balkans into the EU and the persistence of authoritarianism in the Arab world despite the popular uprisings of the Arab Spring. This article suggests four explanations for the observed lack of effectiveness of European democracy promotion: (1) the absence of a consensus among democracy promoters about policy objectives, and the interference of hidden agendas; (2) the neglect of rational interests of domestic actors and the dynamics of the external–domestic interplay in democracy promotion; (3) the adaption of authoritarian incumbents to the domestic and international threats to democratize, and (4) the existence of negative external actors interested in promoting autocracy and undermining democratic transition.
Sammelbesprechung: Gawrich, Andrea. 2014. Demokratieförderung von Europarat und OSZE. Ein Beitrag zur europäischen Integration. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 435 S. € 49,99 Heine, Jorge und Brigitte Weiffen. 2015. 21st Century Democracy Promotion in the Americas. Standing up for the Polity. Routledge Glo...
In: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Politikwissenschaft: ZfVP = Comparative governance and politics, Band 9, Heft 1-2, S. 135-138
ISSN: 1865-2654
Militärische Intervention
In: Handbuch Transformationsforschung, S. 625-633