Tandem sequential catalytic enantioselective synthesis of highly-functionalised tetrahydroindolizine derivatives
The research leading to these results (S.Z.) has received funding from the ERC under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013)/ERC grant agreement no 279850. A.D.S. thanks the Royal Society for a Wolfson Research Merit Award. ; An isothiourea-catalysed enantioselective synthesis of novel tetrahydroindolizine derivatives is reported through a one-pot tandem sequential process. The application of 2-(pyrrol-1-yl)acetic acid in combination with either a trifluoromethyl enone or an α-keto-β,γ-unsaturated ester in an enantioselective Michael addition-lactonisation process, followed by in situ ring-opening and cyclisation, led to a range of 24 tetrahydroindolizine derivatives containing three stereocentres in up to > 95:5 dr and > 99:1 er. ; Publisher PDF ; Peer reviewed