In: The Yale review, Band 90, Heft 2, S. 65-65
ISSN: 1467-9736
22 Ergebnisse
In: The Yale review, Band 90, Heft 2, S. 65-65
ISSN: 1467-9736
In: The women's review of books, Band 12, Heft 4, S. 9
In: Archeology studies program report 96
In: Special publication / Geo-Marine, Inc. 16
In March 2020, an intensive cultural resources survey of the proposed Moore Park athletic complex in Plano, Collin County, Texas was completed in order to inventory all cultural resources. The project parcel currently lies within an open field at the southwest corner of the intersection of Chaparral Road and Cottonwood Creek. It is bounded by Chaparral Road on the north, Cottonwood Creek to the east, Bright Star Way on the south, and Cloverhaven Way on the west in a densely residential developed area. A North Texas Municipal Water District building is located in the far northwestern corner near Cottonwood Creek. The archeological area of potential effects (APE) covers an area of approximately 103 acres (42 hectares). Because the project is owned and funded by the City of Plano, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, the project is subject to the Antiquities Code of Texas (9 Texas Natural Resources Code [TNRC] 191), which requires consideration of effects on properties designated as—or eligible to be designated as—State Antiquity Landmarks (SALs), which includes archeological resources. The survey was carried out for the City of Plano, Parks and Recreation under Texas Antiquities Permit 9334 by Brett Lang (Project Archeologist) of Cox|McLain Environmental Consulting, Inc. (CMEC). Melissa M. Green was the Principal Investigator. The parcel is situated on an upper terrace above Cottonwood Creek. From the western boundary, an unnamed tributary of Cottonwood Creek flows from the northwest corner to the southwest corner of the project parcel (as the terrace slopes southeastward) into Cottonwood Creek approximately 860 meters or 2821.5 feet away. Cottonwood Creek parallels the eastern boundary of the APE. Ground surfaces within the project area parcel were mostly covered in short, ankle-high prairie grasses used for active cattle grazing allowing for some limited visibility ranging from 20 to 50 percent. A densely wooded section was observed along the eastern boundary and along part of the tributary, allowing for 30 to 80 percent ground visibility. In all, 19 shovel test units were excavated judgmentally across the project area, of which none contained cultural materials. All materials (notes, photographs, administrative documents, and other project data) generated from this work will be housed at the Center for Archeological Studies at Texas State University at San Marcos, where they will be made permanently available to future researchers per 13 Texas Administrative Code 26.16-17. If any unanticipated cultural materials or deposits are found at any stage of clearing, preparation, or construction, the work should cease and Texas Historical Commission personnel should be notified immediately. The Texas Historical Commission concurred with the findings and recommendations of this report on 8 May 2020.
In: Ecology and society: E&S ; a journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability, Band 18, Heft 4
ISSN: 1708-3087
Parker County proposes to build the eastern segment of a loop north of the City of Weatherford, in Parker County, Texas). This portion of the loop, designated East Loop, is approximately 6.65 miles long. It begins at the intersection of the eastern terminus of the Ric Williamson Memorial Highway (or West Loop) at State Highway 51 north of the city. The proposed route continues eastward for approximately 4 miles, crosses Farm-to-Market 730 before turning south for approximately 2 miles, crosses US Highway 180 at Center Point Road, and follows Center Point Road to terminate at Interstate Highway 20. The East Loop project is owned and funded by Parker County. As a political subdivision of the State of Texas, Parker County is required to comply with the Antiquities Code of Texas (9 Texas Natural Resources Code 191). A permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is also required for the proposed project. Therefore, the USACE, as a federal agency, has the responsibility for complying with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), as amended (Section 106). Section 106 requires consideration of the effects of the proposed project on properties listed in, or determined eligible for, the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), and ultimately designation as a State Antiquities Landmark (SAL). Freese and Nichols, Inc., the design and environmental consultant to Parker County, contracted with Cox|McLain Environmental Consulting, Inc. (CMEC), to conduct the intensive archeological and reconnaissance historic resources surveys necessary for compliance with the Antiquities Code and Section 106. Melissa M. Green (Principal Investigator) and Brett Lang carried out the archeological survey for Parker County under Texas Antiquities Permit 8127, and Emily Reed and Izabella Dennis conducted the historic resources survey; all are staff of CMEC. Fieldwork was conducted in September 2017. Widths of the proposed roadway vary between 120 and 390 feet, but the average width is 200 feet. The archeological area of potential effects (APE) consists of the entire 195.39-acre footprint of new location roadway and a 600-foot long, 30-foot wide drainage ditch easement added to the project for a total 196.62-acre APE. The historic resources APE consists of a 300-foot-wide buffer area around the proposed project corridor. The APE is located primarily on uplands but crosses Willow Creek, Holder Branch, Underwood Branch, and a number of small intermittent channels. The land is mostly undeveloped with some residential/commercial areas, particularly near each terminus, that will be impacted. Ground surfaces within the APE were mostly covered in grasses, allowing for some limited visibility ranging from 0 to 30 percent, though ground visibility in forested areas and eroded pastures allowed for higher ground visibility at 70 to 100 percent. Existing impacts to the project corridor include residential and commercial development, buried utilities and other infrastructures associated with the developments, oil and gas production and storage, stock tank construction, livestock grazing or training, and erosion resulting from all of the above. A total of 48 shovel test units were excavated judgmentally across the area of potential effects; 36 were sterile for cultural materials and 12 were associated with sites. Initially, right-of-entry was not allowed on several individual parcels representing approximately 2.14 miles (48.29 acres) of the proposed corridor during the original survey in September 2017, but were investigated in June and July of 2018 once right-of-entry was granted. Potential for prehistoric archeological deposits in the area of potential effects is considered low, and the potential for historic deposits is considered moderate. The proposed roadway corridor partially impacts previously recorded sites 41PR163/41PR164, 41PR165, and 41PR166, as well as the NRHP-listed Byron Farmstead Historic District. The district comprises 85.5 acres with three recorded archeological sites (41PR163, 41PR164, now combined, and 41PR166), or contributing elements, within its boundary. All of these sites were revisited during the survey. Although located outside of the project corridor, site 41PR163, the original log cabin of the Byron Farmstead, and site 41PR164, the later bungalow on the farmstead were visited due to their close proximity to the project and to help assess the indirect impacts to these sites and contributing elements of the historic district. Based on the field visit, the boundaries of sites 41PR163 and 41PR164 have been adjusted and combined and now include a previously unrecorded dairy location, but contributing element to the district, within the new combined site limit (41PR163/41PR164). Since site 41PR163/41PR164 is already a contributing element of the Byron Farmstead Historic District, it is recommended for designation as a SAL. Site 41PR166 is the dairy operation owned by a separate family member and not originally a contributing element to the district. The site is mostly intact and retains most of its integrity. It has now been recommended as a contributing element to the historic district, and ultimately for SAL designation, demonstrating the long-time use of the larger property for and family commitment to cattle and dairying. Site 41PR166 will be partially impacted by the proposed road corridor. In addition to the archeological sites located on the Byron Farmstead Historic District, there are three contributing buildings, two contributing structures, one contributing site, and one noncontributing site. For unknown reasons, an additional 13 resources located within the historic district's boundary were not documented in the NRHP nomination form or assigned contributing/non-contributing status. As a result of this survey, eight of the previously undocumented resources are recommended as contributing and five are recommended as non-contributing to the Byron Farmstead Historic District. Due to the construction of the proposed roadway through the Byron Farmstead Historic District, there would be an adverse effect on the district by diminishing the integrity of feeling, setting, and association. Although previously recorded site 41PR165, remnants of a small farmstead, would be partially impacted by the proposed roadway corridor, it is recommended not eligible for listing in the NRHP or for designation as a SAL because it does not retain integrity and none of the remaining components would add any additional information concerning cattle ranching in the area. One additional historic site, 41PR185, was recorded during the survey. This site is a farmstead on a hilltop west of Holder Branch measuring 35 meters east/west by 55 meters north/south. The site is composed of a collapsed rock root cellar, rock and mortar pile, six fence posts, and large sections of sheet metal siding. The site will be entirely impacted by the proposed construction, but is recommended as not eligible for listing in the NRHP or for SAL designation. All materials (notes, photographs, administrative documents, and other project data) generated from this work will be housed at the Center for Archaeological Studies at Texas State University in San Marcos, where they will be made permanently available to future researchers per 13 Texas Administrative Code 26.16-17. CMEC submitted the previous version of this report to the Texas Historical Commission (THC) on March 1, 2018, for review. In the response letter dated March 30, 2018, THC concurred with the eligibility recommendations for the historic resources, and requested additional information regarding recorded archeological sites. THC also requested further review of the applicability of Section 106 in relationship to the USACE areas of jurisdiction (Appendix B). Since that time, USACE has indicated Section 106 is applicable to the Byron Farmstead Historic District, and CMEC has been granted access to previously inaccessible parcels to complete the archeological survey. This version of the report has been updated to provide additional information from the archeological survey and to reflect the applicability of Section 106, including an assessment of effects to historic properties and archeological sites. If any unanticipated cultural materials or deposits are found at any stage of clearing, preparation, or construction, the work should cease and THC personnel should be notified immediately.
Parker County proposes to build the eastern segment of a loop north of the City of Weatherford, in Parker County, Texas). This portion of the loop, designated East Loop, is approximately 6.65 miles long. It begins at the intersection of the eastern terminus of the Ric Williamson Memorial Highway (or West Loop) at State Highway 51 north of the city. The proposed route continues eastward for approximately 4 miles, crosses Farm-to-Market 730 before turning south for approximately 2 miles, crosses US Highway 180 at Center Point Road, and follows Center Point Road to terminate at Interstate Highway 20. The East Loop project is owned and funded by Parker County. As a political subdivision of the State of Texas, Parker County is required to comply with the Antiquities Code of Texas (9 Texas Natural Resources Code 191). A permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is also required for the proposed project. Therefore, the USACE, as a federal agency, has the responsibility for complying with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), as amended (Section 106). Section 106 requires consideration of the effects of the proposed project on properties listed in, or determined eligible for, the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), and ultimately designation as a State Antiquities Landmark (SAL). Freese and Nichols, Inc., the design and environmental consultant to Parker County, contracted with Cox|McLain Environmental Consulting, Inc. (CMEC), to conduct the intensive archeological and reconnaissance historic resources surveys necessary for compliance with the Antiquities Code and Section 106. Melissa M. Green (Principal Investigator) and Brett Lang carried out the archeological survey for Parker County under Texas Antiquities Permit 8127, and Emily Reed and Izabella Dennis conducted the historic resources survey; all are staff of CMEC. Fieldwork was conducted in September 2017. Widths of the proposed roadway vary between 120 and 390 feet, but the average width is 200 feet. The archeological area of potential effects (APE) consists of the entire 195.39-acre footprint of new location roadway and a 600-foot long, 30-foot wide drainage ditch easement added to the project for a total 196.62-acre APE. The historic resources APE consists of a 300-foot-wide buffer area around the proposed project corridor. The APE is located primarily on uplands but crosses Willow Creek, Holder Branch, Underwood Branch, and a number of small intermittent channels. The land is mostly undeveloped with some residential/commercial areas, particularly near each terminus, that will be impacted. Ground surfaces within the APE were mostly covered in grasses, allowing for some limited visibility ranging from 0 to 30 percent, though ground visibility in forested areas and eroded pastures allowed for higher ground visibility at 70 to 100 percent. Existing impacts to the project corridor include residential and commercial development, buried utilities and other infrastructures associated with the developments, oil and gas production and storage, stock tank construction, livestock grazing or training, and erosion resulting from all of the above. A total of 48 shovel test units were excavated judgmentally across the area of potential effects; 36 were sterile for cultural materials and 12 were associated with sites. Initially, right-of-entry was not allowed on several individual parcels representing approximately 2.14 miles (48.29 acres) of the proposed corridor during the original survey in September 2017, but were investigated in June and July of 2018 once right-of-entry was granted. Potential for prehistoric archeological deposits in the area of potential effects is considered low, and the potential for historic deposits is considered moderate. The proposed roadway corridor partially impacts previously recorded sites 41PR163/41PR164, 41PR165, and 41PR166, as well as the NRHP-listed Byron Farmstead Historic District. The district comprises 85.5 acres with three recorded archeological sites (41PR163, 41PR164, now combined, and 41PR166), or contributing elements, within its boundary. All of these sites were revisited during the survey. Although located outside of the project corridor, site 41PR163, the original log cabin of the Byron Farmstead, and site 41PR164, the later bungalow on the farmstead were visited due to their close proximity to the project and to help assess the indirect impacts to these sites and contributing elements of the historic district. Based on the field visit, the boundaries of sites 41PR163 and 41PR164 have been adjusted and combined and now include a previously unrecorded dairy location, but contributing element to the district, within the new combined site limit (41PR163/41PR164). Since site 41PR163/41PR164 is already a contributing element of the Byron Farmstead Historic District, it is recommended for designation as a SAL. Site 41PR166 is the dairy operation owned by a separate family member and not originally a contributing element to the district. The site is mostly intact and retains most of its integrity. It has now been recommended as a contributing element to the historic district, and ultimately for SAL designation, demonstrating the long-time use of the larger property for and family commitment to cattle and dairying. Site 41PR166 will be partially impacted by the proposed road corridor. In addition to the archeological sites located on the Byron Farmstead Historic District, there are three contributing buildings, two contributing structures, one contributing site, and one noncontributing site. For unknown reasons, an additional 13 resources located within the historic district's boundary were not documented in the NRHP nomination form or assigned contributing/non-contributing status. As a result of this survey, eight of the previously undocumented resources are recommended as contributing and five are recommended as non-contributing to the Byron Farmstead Historic District. Due to the construction of the proposed roadway through the Byron Farmstead Historic District, there would be an adverse effect on the district by diminishing the integrity of feeling, setting, and association. Although previously recorded site 41PR165, remnants of a small farmstead, would be partially impacted by the proposed roadway corridor, the site as a whole was not investigated during this survey so it is unknown if any of the remaining components would add any additional information concerning cattle ranching in the area. Therefore, its NRHP eligibility or designation as an SAL is recommended as unknown. One additional historic site, 41PR185, was recorded during the survey. This site is a mid- to late twentieth century farmstead on a hilltop west of Holder Branch measuring 35 meters east/west by 55 meters north/south. The site is composed of a collapsed rock root cellar, rock and mortar pile, six fence posts, and large sections of sheet metal siding. The site will be entirely impacted by the proposed construction and is recommended as not eligible for listing in the NRHP or for SAL designation. All materials (notes, photographs, administrative documents, and other project data) generated from this work will be housed at the Center for Archaeological Studies at Texas State University in San Marcos, where they will be made permanently available to future researchers per 13 Texas Administrative Code 26.16-17. CMEC submitted the previous version of this report to the Texas Historical Commission (THC) on March 1, 2018, for review. In the response letter dated March 30, 2018, THC concurred with the eligibility recommendations for the historic resources and requested additional information regarding recorded archeological sites. THC also requested further review of the applicability of Section 106 in relationship to the USACE areas of jurisdiction (Appendix B). Since that time, USACE has indicated Section 106 is applicable to the Byron Farmstead Historic District, and CMEC has been granted access to previously inaccessible parcels to complete the archeological survey. This version of the report has been updated to provide additional information from the archeological survey and to reflect the applicability of Section 106, including an assessment of effects to historic properties and archeological sites. Continued coordination between the USACE, Parker County, the City of Weatherford, and the THC is anticipated in order to satisfy all Section 106 requirements associated with this project but is not detailed in this report. If any unanticipated cultural materials or deposits are found at any stage of clearing, preparation, or construction, the work should cease and THC personnel should be notified immediately. The THC concurred with the results and recommendations of this report on December 12, 2018.
In: Australian journal of social issues: AJSI, Band 56, Heft 2, S. 223-243
ISSN: 1839-4655
AbstractChildren with disabilities are known to have high rates of contact with child protection services. However, little is known about child protection contacts for a broader group of children with special healthcare needs (SHCN; i.e., special needs or other impairments of concern that affect learning). This study examined the characteristics of contact with child protection services (prior to the age of 6 years) for children with SHCN identified at school entry using the 2009 Australian Early Development Census, using administrative data from more than 65,000 children in the New South Wales Child Development Study. Child protection contacts prior to age 6 years were more prevalent among children with SHCN compared with those without; in particular, children with SHCN had higher odds of a history of exposure to neglect and physical abuse, and higher odds of being placed in out‐of‐home care, compared with their typically developing peers. Understanding the characteristics of child protection contacts among children with SHCN, with consideration of factors that may influence their patterns of contact with these and other human services agencies, will inform the development of appropriate social policy initiatives to fulfil Australia's obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
In: Child maltreatment: journal of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, Band 26, Heft 1, S. 63-73
ISSN: 1552-6119
Parental history of offending and/or mental illness are risk factors for child maltreatment. However, limited research has directly contrasted the role of maternal versus paternal criminal offending or mental health problems in contributing to earlier contact with the child protection system. In this study we examined the relative contributions of these risk factors in relation to the time to the offspring's first report to child protection services, or first placement in out of home care (OOHC), using administrative records for a population sample of 71,661 children. Prior paternal offending had a greater independent effect on time to the offspring's first contact with child protection services (HR = 2.27 [95% CI = 2.14-2.40]) than maternal offending (HR = 1.75 [95% CI = 1.63 -1.87]) or maternal mental disorder diagnosis (HR = 1.66 [95% CI = 1.57 -1.77]). By contrast, prior maternal offending (HR = 2.58 [95% CI = 2.26-2.95]) and mental disorder diagnosis (HR = 2.33 [95% CI = 2.05-2.63]) had a greater effect on earlier placement in OOHC, relative to prior paternal offending (HR = 1.59 [95% CI = 1.35 -1.88]) and mental disorder diagnosis (HR = 1.06 [95% CI = 0.94 -1.19]). These findings demonstrate the potential benefits of coordinated government responses across multiple agencies to identify vulnerable children and families who might benefit from early interventions or support services.
In: Children and youth services review: an international multidisciplinary review of the welfare of young people, Band 163, S. 107705
ISSN: 0190-7409
In: Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology: SPPE ; the international journal for research in social and genetic epidemiology and mental health services, Band 52, Heft 4, S. 445-455
ISSN: 1433-9285
In: Child abuse & neglect: the international journal ; official journal of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Band 99, S. 104280
ISSN: 1873-7757
In: Child abuse & neglect: the international journal ; official journal of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Band 139, S. 106120
ISSN: 1873-7757
In: Child abuse & neglect: the international journal ; official journal of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Band 93, S. 1-12
ISSN: 1873-7757
In: Ethnicity & disease: an international journal on population differences in health and disease patterns, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 309-316
ISSN: 1945-0826
Purpose: Stakeholder engagement and community-engaged research (CEnR) are recognized as approaches necessary to promote health equity. Few studies have examined variations in stakeholder perspectives on research ethics despite the potential for meaningful differences. Our study examines the association between stakeholders' characteristics and their perception of the importance of 15 stakeholder-developed CEnR ethical statements.Design: Quantitative analysis of close-ended Delphi survey.Participants: We recruited a national, non-random, purposive sample of people who were eligible if they endorsed conducting CEnR in public health or biomedical fields. Participants were recruited from publicly available information, professional email distributions, and snowball sampling.Main Outcome Measures: We designed our close-ended Delphi survey from the results of 15 CEnR ethical statements, which were developed from a consensus development workshop with academic and community stakeholders.Results: 259 participants completed the Delphi survey. The results demonstrated that stakeholders' characteristics (affiliation, ethnicity, number of CEnR relationships, and duration of CEnR partnerships) were not associated with their perception of the importance of 15 ethical statements.Conclusions: The strong agreement among stakeholders on these broad, aspirational ethical statements can help guide partnerships toward ethical decisions and actions. Continued research about variability among stakeholders' ethics perspectives is needed to bolster the capacity of CEnR to contribute to health equity.Ethn Dis. 2019;29(2):309- 316. doi:10.18865/ed.29.2.309