Responsive feed-in tariff adjustment to dynamic technology development
In: Energy economics, Band 44, S. 36-46
ISSN: 1873-6181
10 Ergebnisse
In: Energy economics, Band 44, S. 36-46
ISSN: 1873-6181
Solarenergie ist die größte Energieressource auf der Erde und zeichnet sich durch Nachhaltigkeit, Sauberkeit und globale Verfügbarkeit aus. Photovoltaik (PV) Technologien wandeln Sonnenlicht direkt in elektrische Energie um. Die Photovoltaik bietet der Menschheit zahlreiche ökonomische und ökologische Vorteile und besitzt die höchste Lernrate in der Energiewelt. Politikinstrumente zur Förderung des Ausbaus und der technologischen Entwicklung haben das schnelle Marktwachstum der PV in den letzten Jahren ermöglicht. Allerdings ist PV Strom in vielen Ländern noch nicht wettbewerbsfähig mit Strom aus konventionellen Kraftwerken und benötigt daher stabile finanzielle Rahmenbedingungen. Die weitere Förderung der Photovoltaik wird ökonomisch durch die Substitution fossiler Brennstofftechnologien mit externen Kosten und die Unterstützung technologischer Entwicklung begründet. Diese Dissertation hat das Ziel einen Beitrag zu Entwicklung und Design effektiver und effizienter Politikinstrumente zur Vergütung solarer Stromerzeugung zu leisten. Die Dissertation besteht aus drei eigenständigen Arbeiten, die unabhängig voneinander gelesen werden können. Artikel I 'Survey of Photovoltaic Industry and Policy in Germany and China' analysiert zwei Länder mit signifikanten PV politischen Errungenschaften. Während Deutschland für viele Jahre der größte Markt für PV Installationen war, entwickelte sich China zum größten Produzenten von Solarzellen und –modulen. Basierend auf einer Berechnung des technischen Potenzials verschiedener PV Technologien und der erforderlichen Kostenreduktionen zur Erreichung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit untersucht der Artikel für beide Länder Industriestruktur und Politikinstrumente zur Förderung von Ausbau, Investitionen in Produktionsanlagen, sowie Forschung und Entwicklung. Artikel II 'Responsive Feed-in Tariff Adjustment to Dynamic Technology Development' entwickelt ein analytisches Modell zur Simulation von PV Installationen und Einspeisevergütungen. Da der globale PV Ausbau hauptsächlich durch Einspeisevergütungen ermöglicht wurde, erlaubt dieses Modell die Analyse der Effektivität unterschiedlicher Vergütungssysteme. Das Modell bildet die beobachteten Marktentwicklungen in Deutschland präzise ab, und dient der Untersuchung verschiedener Anpassungsmechanismen für Einspeisevergütungen im Rahmen zahlreicher Systempreis Szenarien. Artikel III 'Comparison of Feed-in Tariffs and Tenders to Remunerate Solar Power Generation' untersucht Einspeisevergütungen und Ausschreibungen zur Förderung unterschiedlicher PV Projektgrößen. Der Artikel quantifiziert die Effektivität flexibler Einspeisevergütungs-mechanismen für verschiedene Projektgrößen und nutzt semi-strukturierte Interviews mit deutschen und französischen Projektentwicklern um die Auswirkungen von Einspeise-vergütungen und Ausschreibungen auf Kapitalkosten und Transaktionskosten zu erforschen. ; Solar energy is the largest energy resource on earth, with resources being clean, sustainable and distributed around the globe. Photovoltaics (PV) technologies directly convert sunlight to electricity. Solar PV can provide multiple economic and environmental benefits to society, and has the highest learning rate in the energy world. The rapid market growth of PV in recent years has been driven by policies to support deployment and technology development. However, PV electricity in many countries is not yet competitive with conventional power generation sources, and therefore needs a financing framework with stable returns. Economic justifications to further support PV technologies include their substitution for fossil fuel technologies with environmental externalities, and the encouragement of technological learning. This dissertation aims to contribute to the development and design of effective and efficient policies to remunerate solar PV power generation. The doctoral thesis consists of three self-contained papers, which can be read independently. Paper I 'Survey of Photovoltaic Industry and Policy in Germany and China' focuses on two countries with significant PV policy achievements. While Germany has been the largest market for PV installations for many years, China has become the largest manufacturer of solar cells and modules. Based on an assessment of the technical potential of PV technologies and their required cost reductions to become a competitive electricity source, the paper analyzes the industry structure as well as PV policies used by Germany and China to support research and development, investment in manufacturing plants, and deployment. Paper II 'Responsive Feed-in Tariff Adjustment to Dynamic Technology Development' develops an analytic model to simulate PV installations and feed-in tariffs based on project profitability and project duration. As PV deployment around the world has been mainly driven by feed-in tariff policies, this model allows to analyze the effectiveness of different feed-in tariff designs. The analytic framework accurately replicates observed PV market developments in Germany, and is used to analyze different feed-in tariff adjustment mechanisms against multiple PV system price scenarios. Paper III 'Comparison of Feed-in Tariffs and Tenders to Remunerate Solar Power Generation' analyzes the trade-offs for using feed-in tariffs or tenders to remunerate different scales of PV projects. The paper quantifies deployment effectiveness of flexible feed-in tariff schemes across project sizes and uses semi-structured interviews with German and French project developers to explore how feed-in tariffs and tenders impact cost of capital and transaction costs.
Einspeisevergütungen haben sich als wirksames Instrument zur Förderung erneuerbarer Energien erwiesen. Aufgrund der dynamischen Preisentwicklung der Photovoltaik wurden wiederholt mehr Anlagen installiert, als zunächst als politisches Ziel formuliert worden war. Deswegen wurde die Solarstromförderung durch das Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG) mehrfach angepasst. Auf Grundlage der Erfahrungen mit diesen Anpassungen hat das DIW Berlin analysiert, wie mit Einspeisevergütungen auch spezifische Installationsziele erreicht werden können. Für Photovoltaikanlagen bis 30 kW zeigt eine Modellanalyse, dass eine zweimonatliche Anpassung der Vergütungssätze für Neuanlagen in Abhängigkeit vom Installationsvolumen eine effektivere Zielerreichung als der bisherige halbjährliche Mechanismus ermöglicht.
Feed-in tariffs have proven to be an effective instrument in supporting renewable energies. As a result of the dynamic price trend of photovoltaics, the actual number of systems installed has repeatedly exceeded initial government targets. Therefore, the support for new solar power installations by the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) has been adjusted several times. Based on the experiences with these adjustments, DIW Berlin analyzed how feed-in tariffs can also be used to meet specific installation targets. For photovoltaic (PV) systems of up to 30 kW, a model analysis indicates that a bimonthly adjustment of the tariffs for new systems, on the basis of installation volume, is a more effective instrument for achieving targets than the biannual mechanism employed to date.
This paper reviews the adjustments of the feed-in tariff for new solar photovoltaics (PV) installations in Germany. As PV system prices declined rapidly over the last years, the German government implemented automatic mechanisms to adjust the support level for new installations in response to deployment volumes. This paper develops an analytic model to simulate weekly installations of PV systems ?30 kW (35% market share in 2010) based on project profitability and duration. The model accurately replicates observed market developments, showing the need for (i) more frequent tariff reductions (ii) and an appropriate choice of adjustment response parameters. The model can be used to test for appropriate parameter choices, and to compare different policy designs. To illustrate this, the competing proposals that had been discussed in 2011 are simulated. A robust choice must perform well against multiple scenarios for future PV system prices. The analysis shows that adjustment schemes with more frequent tariff reductions would have reached deployment targets in 2011 more effectively.
In: DIW Berlin Discussion Paper No. 1189
Working paper
In: DIW Berlin Discussion Paper No. 1387
Working paper
As building-integrated photovoltaic (PV) solutions can meet around one-third of electricity demand in Germany and China, both countries are interested in exploring this potential. PV technologies have demonstrated significant price reductions, but large-scale global application of PV requires further technology improvements and cost reductions along the value chain. We analyze policies in Germany and China, including deployment support, investment support for manufacturing plants and R&D support measures, and we survey the industrial actors they can encourage to pursue innovation. While deployment support has been successful, investment support for manufacturing in these nations has not been sufficiently tied to innovation incentives, and R&D support has been comparatively weak. The paper concludes with a discussion of the opportunities for global policy coordination.
Integrating large quantities of supply-driven renewable electricity generation remains a political and operational challenge. One of the main obstacles in Europe to installing at least 200 GWs of power from variable renewable sources is how to deal with the insufficient network capacity and the congestion that will result from new flow patterns. We model the current methodology for controlling congestion at international borders and compare its results, under varying penetrations of wind power, with a model that simulates an integrated European network that utilises nodal/localised marginal pricing. The nodal pricing simulations illustrate that congestion - and price - patterns vary considerably between wind scenarios and within countries, and that a nodal price regime could make fuller use of existing EU network capacity, introducing substantial operational cost savings and reducing marginal power prices in the majority of European countries.
In: DIW Berlin Discussion Paper No. 1166
Working paper