Punish Treason, Reward Loyalty: The Forgotten Goals of Constitutional Reform after the Civil War
In: Constitutional Thinking Series
Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- Text of Amendment XIV (1868) -- Series Foreword -- Acknowledgments -- A Preface to the Forgotten Fourteenth Amendment Series -- Introduction: Three Republican Soloists and the Republican Chorus -- 1. The Exclusion Debate -- 2. The Problem of Rebel Rule -- 3. Protecting and Empowering the Loyal -- 4. Guarantees -- 5. To Colorado and Beyond -- Conclusion: Rebels, Loyalists, and Racial Equality -- Appendices -- A.1: House Votes on the Fourteenth Amendment, the Exclusion Resolution, and Statehood for Colorado and Nebraska -- A.2: Senate Votes on the Fourteenth Amendment, the Exclusion Resolution, and Statehood for Colorado and Nebraska -- A.3: References to "Rebel" and "Loyal" in the House of Representatives -- A.4: References to "Rebel" and "Loyal" in the Senate -- A.5: References Paired with "Rebel" in the Thirty-Ninth Congress, First Session: All -- A.6: References Paired with "Rebel" in the Thirty-Ninth Congress, First Session: Opponents of the Fourteenth Amendment -- A.7: Conditions for Readmission of Former Confederate States: Members of Congress -- A.8: Conditions for Readmission of Former Confederate States: Petitions -- Calendar of the Thirty-Ninth Congress, First Session -- Notes -- Index -- Back Cover.