The Human Impact on the Natural Environment: Past, Present, and Future
In: New York Academy of Sciences Series
Intro -- Title page -- Copyright page -- Preface to the Seventh Edition -- About the Companion Website -- Part I: The Past and Present -- 1: Introduction -- The development of ideas -- The development of human population and stages of cultural development -- Hunting and gathering -- Humans as cultivators, keepers and metal workers -- Modern industrial and urban civilizations -- 2: The Human Impact on Vegetation -- Introduction -- The use of fire -- Fires: natural and anthropogenic -- Some consequences of fire suppression -- Some effects of fire on vegetation -- The role of grazing -- Deforestation -- Secondary rain forest -- The human role in the creation and maintenance of savanna -- The spread of desert vegetation on desert margins -- The maquis of the Mediterranean lands -- The prairies and other mid-latitude and high-altitude grasslands -- Post-glacial vegetational change in Britain and Europe -- Lowland heaths -- Introduction, invasion and explosion -- Air pollution and its effects on plants -- Forest decline -- Miscellaneous causes of plant decline -- The change in genetic and species diversity -- Conclusion: threats to plant life -- 3: Human Influence on Animals -- Domestication of animals -- Dispersal and invasions of animals -- Human influence on the expansion of animal populations -- Causes of animal contractions and decline: pollution -- Habitat change and animal decline -- Other causes of animal decline -- Animal extinctions in prehistoric times -- Modern-day extinctions -- 4: The Human Impact on the Soil -- Introduction -- Salinity: natural sources -- Human agency and increased salinity -- Irrigation salinity -- Dryland salinity -- Urban salinity -- Interbasin water transfers -- Coastal zone salinity -- Consequences of salinity -- Reclamation of salt-affected lands -- Lateritization -- Accelerated podzolization and acidification.