Denying to the grave: why we ignore the science that will save us
"This chapter addresses the complicated topic of conspiracy theories. This topic is complicated because a conspiracy theory is not prima facie wrong. Yet one of the hallmarks of false scientific beliefs is the claim by their adherents that they are the victims of profiteering, deceit, and cover-ups by conglomerates variously composed of large corporations, government regulatory agencies, the media, and professional medical societies. The trick is to figure out if the false ones can be readily separated from those in which there may be some truth. Only by carefully analyzing a number of such conspiracy theories and their adherents does it become possible to offer some guidelines as to which are most obviously incorrect. The chapter then studies the psychology of conspiracy theory adherence. It argues that belittling people who come to believe in false conspiracy theories as ignorant or mean-spirited is perhaps the surest route to reinforcing an anti-science position"--