Cinema, slavery, and Brazilian nationalism
In: Cognitive approaches to literature and culture series
63 Ergebnisse
In: Cognitive approaches to literature and culture series
An irreverent study of the history of sex from the Garden of Eden to modern-day sexual psychologists. The book appraises the reproductive urge in what is intended as a humorous and enlightening manner.
In: Cognitive semiotics, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 20-39
ISSN: 2235-2066
Quanto vale ou é por quilo? tells the story of two groups of characters: one that profits from the continued misery of much of the Brazilian population, and another that tries to expose and punish those in the private and political sectors who are responsible for such exploitation. By exploring parallels between a time marked by African slavery in Brazil and the presumably more illuminated present, the film attempts to lay bare a systemic social and economic disparity that continues to be intertwined with race. This article hypothesizes that the narrative locates the solution for some of the nation's woes in the realm of social identity. More specifically, it argues that the film proposes that the country's pernicious inequities are grounded in the perpetuation of nefarious and persistent attributes in understandings of Brazilianness among much of the population. If Brazil is to improve, the film advises, then prevailing definitions of the national group must be modified. Drawing on research in social psychology, and work in the area of cognitive approaches to literature and culture, this article seeks to decipher what sort of intervention on identity the film is making, and which of its elements might lead to influencing viewers' social identities.
In: California journal of politics and policy, Band 2, Heft 2, S. 1-2
ISSN: 1944-4370
In: Cognitive semiotics, Band 4, Heft 2
ISSN: 2235-2066
In: Theory and society: renewal and critique in social theory, Band 12, Heft 4, S. 544-549
ISSN: 0304-2421
In: Modern Asian studies, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 145-203
ISSN: 1469-8099
In1926, when it contested the general elections to the Imperial and Provincial Legislatures for the first time, the Indian National Congress was embroiled in a protracted struggle between rival factions for control of the Congress organisation. Electoral rivalries exacerbated existing factionalism and highlighted the often contradictory aims, methods and interests pursued by competing groups within the loose framework of the nationalist movement. If the non-cooperation campaign of 1920–21 had witnessed a national awakening and initiated a more aggressive phase in the history of Indian nationalism, the unity imposed upon the Congress proved fragile and temporary. The curious alliance of forces which had adhered to the Congress in the more confident days of the movement and which were mixed so promiscuously with the survivors of the old Congress, exposed the organisation and its leadership to greater strain in sustaining the united front once the impulse of the agitation had subsided and provincial, regional and sectarian forces began to re-assert themselves with a vengeance. The price of a tenuous unity in 1920 was increased competition and disruption within the Congress throughout the decade; a whirlpool of differences which, to many contemporaries in the thick of events, threatened to overwhelm it.
In: Modern Asian studies, Band 7, Heft 3, S. 443-473
ISSN: 1469-8099
Gandhi's passive resistance campaigns in South Africa and his satyagraha agitation against the Rowlatt Bills in 1919 were conceived in wholly different circumstances; and the non-cooperation programme of 1920 was designed to meet conditions which were different again. To regard the non-cooperation movement simply as the logical consequence of the 1919 satyagraha and as the political application of Gandhi's ideology is to fail to appreciate just how experimental and uncertain Gandhi's politics were during this period.
In: Cambridge energy and environment series
In: Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy Series 16
In: Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy 16
Regulation and Economic Analysis: A Critique Over Two Centuries argues that long experience with the practice of regulation creates a broad anti-intervention consensus among economists. This consensus is based on comparison of real intervention to real markets rather than an ideological preconception. It is shown that economic theory can support all possible positions on intervention. Much theory is too abstract to support any policy position; many arguments about how intervention might help contain qualifications expressing doubts about whether the potential can be realized; many theories illustrate the drawbacks of intervention. The vast literature on these issues concentrates either on specific cases or polemics that exaggerate both sides of the argument. Regulation and Economic Analysis seeks to show the depth of the discontent, develop interpretations of economic theory that follow from skepticism about statism and provide selected illustrations. The discussion begins with examination of general equilibrium theory and proceeds to discuss market failure with stress on monopoly and particularly what is deemed excessive concern with predatory behavior. International trade issues, transaction costs, property rights, economic theories of government, the role of special institutions such as contracts, the defects of macroeconomic and equity arguments for regulating individual markets, environmental economics and the defects of public land management policies are examined
In: AEI Studies 326